Well, an other one of those "what system do I use" question. Sorry about that.
Anyway, my group has been playing DnD 3.5 for ages and I wanted to play soemthing different. The rest is asking for a continuance for a one-off I DM-ed some time ago. I'd like to throw them a curveball.
They think they'll be going to Ravonloft but instead I want to teleport them to a WoD kinda world, staged in 21st century Schotland (open to debate). They'll have to figure out what the fuck hapened and how to get away.
I want to try my hand at a more cooperative storytelling kinda style. I'd like to not have much rules. Just a basic framwork from which to extrapolate. DnD 3.5 is out as you can imagine.
The players will be playing non-mortals but I don't want it to degrage in a superhero game. It must be gritty and possibly lethal. I don't want to kill the PC's but I want them to be aware of their mortality at all times.
I've some experience in other games.
I've played Mage, the Ascention and Vampire, the Masquerade and had a lot of fun. It felt rules light, maybe because the rules where not very well thought out forcing the GM to improvize a lot.
I own Mage, the Awakening and the WoD setting that goes with it. But I'm not impressed. I stopped reading when I came across an extensive spelllist. Never played it though.
I've borrowed Call of Cthulu version 5.something. I'm reading it and I like the feel of the game.
I'v borrowed Call of Ctulu d20 as well and hated it form page 1. When I found a drawing of a man fighting zombies with an axe I dumped it.
So anyone got some suggestions? I prefer if you'd answer from personal experience