Wanted some insight/help on a build I am thinking of and thought maybe some people here would have that help
I am wanting to play a necromancer type character in my upcoming game. The whole party is going evil but I think I might be the only undead, if not, I don't think many others will be. I was thinking of going potentially a more melee route with this necromancer but still having the casting option. I don't want to have hordes of minions, but would prefer to stay with several stronger ones as the levels go by to avoid bogging down combat.
Now that that is out of the way here are the other circumstances:
-The DM is okay with a decently high power level as long as its not utterly game breaking/and RP'ed well.
-Starting at level 5, 32 pt buy, 6k gold
-all 3.5 books, no Tome of Battle/Magic and no BoED
Thats all of the pertinent information I can think of. Here is my potential build I am thinking of going and I am just looking at how to optimize the first 9 levels since that is when I will most likely be losing caster levels if I go with the PrC's I'm looking (open to suggestions) since after that choices are more straightforward.
Cloistered Cleric 4(could be normal, would lose out on Knowledge Devotion Feat)
Ordained Champion 2
Bone Knight 3 (not required to get ranks in ride for pre reqs)
Feats (2 Flaws/Human)
- Extend Spell (F)
- Persist Spell (F)
- DMM persist (H)
- Corpsecrafter (1)
- Destructive Retribution (explained below) (3)
- (OPEN) (6)
- Holy Warrior (9)
-Time/travel/undeath with Ordained Champion bonus Domain
- Would pick up one of the above with most likely a contemplative level (optional if it bogs stuff down)
I think with this build I am going to have some strong melee presence once I hit 9th but behind 2 caster levels. The idea behind the corpsecrafter feats is that this guy would have undead rats on/around him frequently and not mentioned yet is that I will most likely go necropolitan at 3rd. Bite a head off a rat and get healed. It was my way of getting free out of combat healing.
I am looking for suggestions and critiques/flaws. I have looked at doing some stuff with southern magician and maybe picking up arcane disciple for other domains spells (spell domain>anyspell>wraithstrike). I have also read some stuff on maybe doing some feats to lower my metamagic costs. Also open to being told how awesome dread necromancer could be, and or other PrC's which would do some cool stuff.
Thanks for any help and sorry if I put this in the wrong forum.