So, I think the only person left to go is Legion, and then we should be okay.
Also, I have to ask, is Legion at all inspired by Legion? I am just now getting around to playing these games.
No. I haven't played a single video game in... years. I just thought it was an interesting name, since he used to be a "soldier" in a Legion, and he is also basically a composite being made up of the memories of a lot of other beings (ancient, dead beings).
It's also...
a pretty common trope (been around for a couple thousand years at least
). I think I specifically remembered hearing it being used first from Steven King's Randall Flagg (either in "The Stand" or the "Dark Tower" series. It is used to refer to him in both).
So... it's been a while and I don't think there is a map, so I'm not sure if I can do this without hitting allies or innocent bystanders, but I think I'd like to breathe fire on the two guys with crossbows.
(I'm going to add the "Smoking Burn" boost to it, to give us a smoke screen). The main thing I want is the "wall of smoke" effect. So even if I have to move and reposition him, and only hit maybe one of the "bad guys", I'll do that if I can get the smoke screen to a better position.