No worries.
Discharge Good Hope -> Protection. Subjects get DR 2/- and resist acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic 2 for the next 3 rounds. Circle of Good Hope means all allies within 10 feet are affected, which should be everyone, I think. I'll take a 5' step if needed to get as many as possible.
Rapid shot 2 attacks at thuggy. Blunt arrows, as specified before (even though between Precise Shot and D&D archery rules, missed shots can't even think about hitting bystanders, it's the principle of the matter; plus, interrogatable prisoners, maybe). Does Point Blank Shot apply? That is, is the thug within 30 feet? If the first shot takes him down, I'll direct the second shot at the second crossbow thug, although with 1d8(+1) damage and only a +2(+3) attack bonus, it's unlikely to happen.