The threatening man goes over and starts wiping the spilled ale off of the halfling girl, and replies in Draconic in a low voice "And just who are you? For all we know, you could be a member of this thieves guild trying to lead us into an ambush. The inside of a tavern seems a much safer place than an alley behind it."
More loudly in common he says "You clumsy lout! Look what you've done now! Do you know how hard it is to dry out halflings? They soak up water like little sponges."
:: Oh ye gods, somebody here does know draconic, this plan might actually have a chance:: Sheant continues with his internal monologue.
Raising his voice to be heard from here to outer planes Kheldar says, " Ach, 'ahm sorrae 'bout that missy!You shunddn't surprise ah man laike so *HICCUP*". Drunkenly coming to his feet, Kheldar vaguely motions as if to assist the halfing woman with cleaning up.
Speaking low again directly to the rather forcefully persuasive individual coming to the young lady's side,
"Trust, good sir, is something that must be given a chance if it is to grow. I will say that outside this drinking establishment your group will have a greater array of options available for dealing with the situation as it is before you now."