"Supernatural fighters are too Anime!"
~DM after reading the Tome of Battle
"Min-maxing is a player problem."
~Guardians of Order's RPG Game Manifesto
"D&D is a roll-playing game!"
~Elitist Vampire fan's explanation for why he's not running a D&D game like he said he would.
"Pathfinder's promoting a far-left agenda!"
~Inexact quote from a gamer at Something Awful's grognards.txt, who objected to an Adventure Path on the basis that it included a homosexual Paladin.
"Homosexuals are usually Chaotic alignment."
~Another quote from the Pathfinder guy, explaining a restriction he utilizes in his home games.
"Female characters get -4 Strength."
~DM who wants "realistic female PCs."
"Min-maxers will be punished ruthlessly!"
~DM in an online game, who thinks that a high Str, low Int Barbarian counts as disruptive min-maxing.
"I model Orcs after [insert real-world ethnic group here]."
~DM who doesn't realize that he's making his players very uncomfortable.