Watch me hammer this grenade!
To break the thread flow for a minute, one of my players once whipped out a grenade in the middle of a game.
It was actually just the case (which I could tell by the way he was handling it), but one of the other players didn't know or realize that. That was our last session, iirc.
Resume thread!
The diarrhea explodes into tarrasques
A tarrasque enters the room.
"The dog has explosive diarrhea."
"The tarrasque has explosive diarrhea."
The tarrasque explodes into diarrhea.
No more diarrhea please! The room's full!
The room's full of diarrhea.
The diarrhea's full of tarrasque-lings.
This is why the tarrasque eats so much: Its digestive and reproductive systems are the same thing.
" ...Tarrasque explodes, raining Diarrhea Elementals..."
"...don't let them touch you"
Edit: added to the pyramid
"Fort save, Flesh to Diarrhea."
"Son of a f***ing b****!"
"Everyone has to worship K'Tul'Tar'Te."
"K'Tul'Tar'Te, God of Diarrhea.
"My parole officer's coming over."
"I've cut the phone lines."
"Want some fried kitten testicles?"