I would personally have all sane beings be Ethical Chaos inclined, including CG, CN and CE outsiders.
CG - To do good for all people, one by one, by your own efforts and by your own hand. The Knight-Errant type.
CN - To offer choice in doing what you want, for others and for yourself, unfettered by the bounds of others, whether person or societies. This is mildly contradictory of course, since you would then also personally choose to prevent people from exercising their freedom to take away the freedom of others.
CE - To cause as much personal suffering for your own benefit as you can. You might consider it to be a sort of qualitative torment, they don't care if they are damning a thousand souls or one, but that ONE now, is going to enjoy the fruits of every creative effort you can extract.
The ability to plan, improvise or be creative is entirely unrelated to the ethical aspect of Law/Chaos, other than restricting the types of plans you may impose.
Now insane beings on the other hand, especially for things outside the universe or high end exemplars, may indeed exercise conceptual and physical chaos as parts of their codes of behavior. This isn't really an alignment, so much as a personality quirk, though it might react with aligned spells(as the Subtype perhaps).
Heck, Law and Chaos fit in easily as fundamental elemental forces when taken that way, and generate ethically neutral elementals of these concepts, who are chaotic/lawful purely in the sense of change and stasis. Its a bit on the broad side, but these terms also fit with Chance and Fate, or Time(as a third axis both shares in).