@ Jack.
Negative Critisim: Considering your way to be better with no real variance, by implication someone must have "Incompetent Dm's" and "indecent players" because they don't follow the "gentlemens" agreement (which is honestly a varied thing despite the ability to link to it, its defined by the gentlemen involved).
Is a bad thing (tm), its bad because there are indeed more ways to go about it than saying "These things are not a problem, becaues I don't see a problem with it". Though that appears to be of the few actual clearly defined stances in this thread.
[Arrogance: The Pricking] Thats a slippery slope argument. It doesn't "End" in anything resembling what you suggest. Determining if someone is arrogant prick should be pretty straight foward.
Do you express that your way the only way and that all of ther ways are bad wrong fun, do to others playing with inferior stock, of people? Arrogant.
Do you shit on others to do it... Trying to snide remarks while not fully enganging the conversation. Shouting down your opponent because you happen to be on the side of the majority? Yea... you're a prick.
On the topic of insult:
"is not conductive to a reasonable discussion for anyone to insult another." This thread stopped being "reasonable" quite a while ago frankly.
Along with my assertions above, the emphasis of "Fuck you" and "you are an arrogant prick" are used to fully illustrate that your position offends people, and isn't an acceptable one. The punishment for that is that people are ALLOWED to stop being civil with you, and aren't really required to take you with any degree of seriousness or engage you in discourse really, untill you have broadend your perspective or come back to the negotiation table.
These things aren't a problem if you have a competent DM and players" usually means they have addressed or will address the issue through their own means. Will those means work at every table? No, but they don't have to. Every game is different.
No. Thats not what it means, Jack. It means to-wit= "You and your table are doing something WRONG". It could THEORTICALLY mean what you suggest but we have to look at the context of it to determine.
If I say:
"Everyone at my table is playing a full caster, and I'm looking for challenges that would make my game better, I'm having a problem here, help?"
and the respone is "Competent Dm/Decent players..." the implication OBVIOUS. Frankly thats whats implied in this thread above.
@ jack: meh, I think he's entitled to his opinion.
My point is that really everyone is entittled to their opinion to a point. Some of whats in this thread isn't even about Ip'ing. Its about shitting on Basket Burner, and trying to make it okay to do that.
So lets talk ip'ing for a second.
If someones playing the game at as you say hard difficulty (fighting outsiders and dragons, and leveled npcs) and someone is playing Easy Difficulty, (non leveled humanoide npcs, and casters taken right out of the book) mostly it can be attributed to "Dm intervention"/"Dm variance".
The thing to keep in mind is that those people are playing very different games, Ip'ing might not be needed in a "Core 4" setting if the dm doesn't call on you to fight the iconic D*D monsters.
Beholder, Aboleth, Illithid, Dragon, Demon, leveled humanoid (Wizard in his tower, Githyanki/Drow with class levels)
You can go your whole D&D life and not encounter any of those things and you'll likely never need to ip.
However, for those people who are acually called to fight against such threats as they appear in the monster manuals, and in published adventures, at the appropriate challenge levels some degree of ip'ing is probbaly needed.
You're only an arrogant prick about it if you pretend that there is a "right" way to play, and that people who do it the other way are "Doing it wrong". I've played in both of the above scenarios and both can be equally fun (if I know what I'm in for) but holding either as an absolute is a mistake and I think that this thread attempts to ask for an "absolute defense" of ip'ing as a whole.
It is needed where its needed. *shrug* you have to determine the power level of your campaign.
The devs certainly didn't know what the fuck they were doing, and didn't playtest beyond a mid level so... yeah Ip'ing: Go.