wow, what an old argument. MMI's example list, from a book series with thousands of incorrect examples, says something that can lead to a contradiction of all other text, it must be right! Haven't seen something like this for a week :rollseyes:
Q: What kind of ability is using Bardic Music?
Why haven't you asked that yet? Oooh, maybe you should ask what 'type' feats are, or skills like using Balance, or the act of using Cleave and Attacking is too. Quick, argue those are all Extraordinary abilities because why the hell not?
2. MMV's "ex casting" isn't a point.
Arcane Talent and Divine Talent are Ex, as they say they are. This isn't a retroactive rules replacement, this is a monster ability entry. It's like saying all forms of Evasion are blocked by Antimagic just because a Ring of Evasion was printed.
"By Raw" Natural abilities are part of Special Abilities and "By Raw" Natural Abilities state they include all untyped abilities which makes it a 1049% more accurate to say Spellcasting is a natural trait, a knowledge based one at that, rather than omg you're body has nothing to do with somentic components so clearly it gets hung up there and it must be Ex.
Skill Ranks, BAB, Base Saves, HD, etc are flat out untyped abilities and bonuses. You know what else is untyped? Bardic Knowledge is also untyped, Spells is untyped, Feats are untyped, Spontaneous Casting/Alignment Restrictions on Cleric spells is untyped, Druid's Language is untyped, Paladin's CoC is untyped, hey are we seeing a pattern here yet? I've got an idea, rather than ignoring Spells is really a type into it's self so you can cast into into a mold no authors agree with you on. Why not come up with the concept it's a knowledge based trait, a skill you may learn in life, and leave it at that.
I agree with 99% of your post. But listing a few things from classes that are untyped serves no purpose. Let me give it a try. "Fast Movement, Rage, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Improved Uncanny dodge, Damage Reduction, Greater Rage, Indomitable Will, Tireless Rage, Mighty Rage, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Inspire Greatness, Song of Freedom, Inspire Herorics, Mass Suggestion, Clerics Aura, Turn/Rebuke Undead, Animal Companion, Natures Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natures Lure, Wild Shape, Venom Immunity, A Thousand Faces, Timeless Body, AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Evasion, Fast Movement, Still Mind, Ki Strike, Slow Fall, Purity of Body, Wholeness of Body, Improved Evasion, Diamond Body, Abundant Step, Diamond Soul, Quivering Palm, Timeless Body, Tounge of the Sun and Moon Empty Body, Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Turn Undead, Special Mount, Remove Disease, Favored Enemy, Combat Style, Improved Combat Style, Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Combat Style Mastery, Camouflage, Hide in Plain Sight is all class features that is not untyped. DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE? ....
At best the designers did a piss poor job when making this. And with most sources not saying anything about the type of spellcasting, and some sources listing it as an "Ex" ability, i see RaW argument against a group of players using it as an "Ex" ability.
On a side note. Listing a bunch of class features is pointless.. So is listing languages, BaB and etc.. The polymorph spells and abilities all list what you get and what you dont get. And among those are feats/BaB and so on described. The one thing in the spell that is confusing is if you get racial spellcasting or not, and for that you need to figure out if its "Ex".