Author Topic: Incarnum questions  (Read 1440 times)

Offline darknighthg

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Incarnum questions
« on: March 13, 2012, 02:32:36 PM »
1) The essence capacity is based on the ECL or the HD of the criatures? I couldn't find it anywhere.
2) Can you shape/unshape a soulmeld that you gain from the feat?
3) Anywhere that specifies the maximum soulmelds you can shape at a time by feat? (without having any class level)
4) Which is the ability score used for the soulmeds obtained by the feat?
5.a) If I have a class that grants meldshaping CF, and then pick the shape soulmeld feat, this new soulmeld can be from any class's soulmeld list?
5.b) Can I use my class features (like expanded soulmeld capacity) with it?
5.c) Does it count for the numbre of soulmelds that I can have shaped at any time?

Offline snakeman830

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Re: Incarnum questions
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 05:16:17 PM »
1. It's based on HD.
2. Yes, you can.
3. So far as I can tell, the only limit from the feats is Constitution score -10.
4. Constitution, almost assuredly.
5a. Yes, it can
5b. RAW, yes, unless they specifically refer to the class soulmelds (Incarnate will boost the capacity of any soulmeld, but only Totemist soulmelds can be bound to the Totem chakra, for example)
5c. Yes and no.  It does not count for the class limit, but it does count for the "Con-10" limit.
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Offline rot42

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Re: Incarnum questions
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 05:27:42 PM »
1) Specifically, the table on page 19 of MoI.