AC for the Arcane Spellcaster
As an arcane spellcaster, you have lots of options (as in every other situation), though not quite as many as divine casters. Strongly consider getting Magic Vestment on your class list -- the Halfling domain has it (as well as Freedom of Movement at 4th level), as well as a few other domains.
Low-level (1-6) strategy
Mage Armor, the most basic way to protect yourself at low level. This is a long-lasting, 1st-level spell that will be a staple of your repertoire for some time. It's better than a chain shirt, with no ASF or ACP, and it applies to incorporeal touch attacks.
Shield, another staple. Sadly, its duration is only 1 min/level, so it isn't as good as mage armor, but it does block magic missiles, and it never goes out of style since there's no higher-level version of it. At higher levels you can persist this spell for a free +4 shield bonus to AC (including vs incorporeal touch attacks) and immunity to magic missiles.
Alter Self is amazing in so many ways... this spell can increase your natural armor bonus drastically.
Scintillating Scales (Sor/Wiz 2, SpC), when combined with Alter Self, converts your natural armor bonus to a deflection bonus, which applies to touch attacks.
Mid-level (7-14) strategy
Once Polymorph comes online, the game changes (even more so with Draconic Polymorph). You can get high Dex and high natural armor with the same spell -- sometimes you can get deflection instead (will o' the wisp), or you can rock Scintillating Scales. One of the most broken spells in the game comes through again. If you can manage CL 15, get a Sand Giant for a 21 Dex and +11 nat armor.
A Lesser Rod of Chaining should become available in this range, as well. Get it, you want it.
Darkwood Shield. That's right, I said a shield. You can start thinking about something like a darkwood spiked heavy shield, with the shield enchanted +1 twilight ghost ward (no ACP, no ASF) and the spikes enchanted +1 defending (and when you get the money, eager and warning as well; you can even drop a wand chamber with a wand of Nerveskitter in there for a nice fat +12 to init). Then a magic vestment on the shield and a GMW on the spikes (you're now high enough level to start enjoying that) can give you a +4 or +6 to both AC and touch AC, more with CL boosters.
Robe of Arcane Might. Get +1 CL for your specialty school, as well as a +4 armor bonus to AC. It's a robe so you can hit it with Magic Vestment, and arguably can get it enchanted (run that one carefully by your DM, referencing the Bracers of Armor deal in the A&EG). If you don't like that, then a +1 ghost ward twilight mithral shirt is your friend, with a chained MV on your shield. Hell, throw in armor spikes and get those enchanted +1 defending as well -- if your DM is okay with multiple defending weapons stacking.
High-level (15-20) strategy
Make sure you have your armor and shield at this level, because now MV & GMW really get going. A 20-CL MV and GMW on your shield alone nets you +10 to AC and touch AC.
Draconic Polymorph and Shapechange rock my world.