ABHOTH, the Source of Uncleanliness"He described a sort of pool with a margin of mud that was marled with obscene offal; and in the pool a grayish, horrid mass that nearly choked it from rim to rim... Here, it seemed, was the ultimate source of all miscreation and abomination. For the gray mass quobbed and quivered, and swelled perpetually; and from it, in manifold fission, were spawned the anatomies that crept away on every side through the grotto. There were things like bodiless legs or arms that flailed in the slime, or heads that rolled, or floundering bellies with fishes' fins; and all manner of things malformed and monstrous, that grew in size as they departed from the neighborhood of Abhoth. And those that swam not swiftly ashore when they fell into the pool from Abhoth, were devoured by mouths that gaped in the parent bulk."Vestige Level: 6
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:Legend: Abhoth ("The Source of Uncleanliness") resides in the cavern of Y'quaa beneath Mount Voormithadreth. It is a horrid, dark gray protean mass and is said to be the ultimate source of all miscreation and abomination.
Obscene monsters constantly form in Abhoth's gray mass and crawl away from their parent. No two of Abhoth's children are alike. In general, they are complex life forms, but the majority of them are simple-minded, acting on impulse. Their forms can be anything from amorphous blobs and singular body parts, to queer humanoids and monstrous mutants. Abhoth's tentacles and limbs grab many of them, pulling them back and devouring them. Most of those that escape simply wander off, only a few of them tend to their sire's needs. Abhoth has a twisted and cynical mind, and can communicate telepathically with others near him.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. Abhoth requires the sacrifice of a living being.
Manifestation: Protoplasmic tissue boils up from the Seal spawning small monstrosities that attempt to escape but only to be pulled back into the circle to be devoured.
Sign: Unless you wear heavy clothing things can be seen moving underneath your skin as though they were attempting to leave your body.
Influence: You become quite cynical while under the influence of Abhoth, and find it difficult to trust the motivations of others. Additionally your sense of humor becomes quite dark and twisted, quite probably offending more sane people who encounter you.
Granted Abilities: Abhoth gives you gray, metamorphic flesh like his own that can spawn monstrosities. You can temporarily bind these monsters (or Abhoth's own Spawn) to your will and communicate telepathically as well.
True Speech: You gain Telepathy with a range of 60'.
Spawn: Once every 6 rounds your body sloughs off a
CR 5 or less Spawn of Abhoth. You cannot turn this off, and do not control the Spawn (though it will not attack you if you do not attack it). You must show Abhoth's sign to use this ability.
Bind Spawn: Once per day (i.e. once per session you Bind Abhoth) you may attempt to control one of his Spawn (including one's created by your own body). This works in all respects as a Dominate Person spell cast as a Supernatural Ability, but it only affects Spawn of Abhoth. You must show Abhoth's sign to use this ability.
Liquid Flesh: You gain Regeneration 1 and immunity to non-lethal damage. Your Regeneration does not work against Fire or Acid damage.
BIND AZATHOTH, the Daemon Sultan (Epic Vestige Feat)"Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes."Prerequisites: Ability to Bind 8th Level Vestiges, Knowledge (Arcana, Cthulhu Mythos, The Planes) 30 ranks
Legend: Azathoth is the most powerful god-like being in the Cthulhu Mythos. He is sometimes called the "Daemon Sultan". He sits and dreams in a court at the center of infinity, attended by monstrous servitors whose fluting lulls him, as well as by lesser gods. He is described as a "nuclear chaos", a "blind idiot god" who created the universe without knowledge or caring. Little is known about him, and most records of him deal with him destroying some world or culture entirely. His name is a euphemism for total destruction.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time.
Manifestation: Flutes may be heard emanating from the seal, which turns dark as though it suddenly led into deep space. Winds pull small unattended objects towards it which disappear.
Sign: The piping of flutes can be heard faintly as if coming from a great distance when you are near, but the sound does not come from you so it cannot be used to locate you.
Influence: You become incoherent and raving while Bound to Azathoth, a psychotic crippled in mind and incapable of interacting with the outside world around you. Your master is the avatar of all the Universes destruction, and you have every intention of making sure the little worms around you know it.
Granted Abilities: When Binding Azathoth you become immune to losses of sanity or mental problems due to already being in the throes of mindless insanity. You can also cause ripples in reality, are virtually unaffectable, and summon Azathoth himself ending your life along with that of everyone nearby
Mindless: For the duration of Azathoth's binding session you gain the Mindless Ability. This does not protect you from Azathoth's Influence or lower your Intelligence Score.
Beyond Mortality: Anytime you receive damage you can make a WIllpower Save (DC is equal to the damage done). If successful you take no damage.
Doom: Once per day (i.e. once per binding session) you may call Azathoth to temporarily manifest at your position. You automatically die, and all things within a 120' Radius must make a Fortitude Save or die. Those succeeding with the Saving Throw instead take 1d6 untyped damage per Binder Level.
Bend Reality: You may cast Limited Wish 3/day as a Supernatural Ability, however you may not use it to cast any spell that requires Concentration.
DAOLOTH, The Render of Veils"Daoloth was not shapeless, but so complex that the eye could recognize no describable shape. There were hemispheres and shining metal, coupled by long plastic rods. The rods were of a flat gray color, so that he could not make out which were nearer; they merged into a flat mass from which protruded individual cylinders. As he looked at it, he had a curious feeling that eyes gleamed from between these rods; but wherever he glanced at the construction, he saw only the spaces between them."Vestige Level: 7
Binding DC: 30
Special Requirement:Legend: Daoloth (The Render of Veils or The Parter of Veils) dwells in dimensions beyond the three we know. His astrologer-priests are said to be able to see the past and the future and even how objects extend into and travel between different dimensions.
Daoloth's indescribable shape causes viewers to go mad at the sight of him; thus, he must be summoned in pitch-black darkness. If not held within some kind of magical containment, he continues to expand and expand—perhaps even at an infinite rate. Those enveloped by the god are transported to utterly bizarre and remote worlds, usually perishing as a result. Daoloth's worship is rare on earth.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. Daoloth can only be summoned in total darkness.
Manifestation: Daoloth manifests and threatens to burst forth from the Seal (not that you can see him due to being in pitch black darkness).
Sign: Your eyes appear as empty black spaces.
Influence: You become obsessed with the positions of the stars, daily consulting astrological charts and equations. Anything dealing with time or space in the metaphysical realm requires your attention.
Granted Abilities: You gain the ability to see into the past, the future, and into (or between) dimensional spaces. You can also travel dimensions.
See the Past: Once per day (i.e once per session you Bind Daoloth) you may cast Hindsight as a Supernatural Ability. You must be showing Daoloth's Sign to use this Ability.
See the Future: Once per day (i.e once per session you Bind Daoloth) you may cast Foresight as a Supernatural Ability. You must be showing Daoloth's Sign to use this Ability.
Dimensional Sight: You may cast Scry Location at will as a Supernatural Ability. Once you have used this Ability you must wait 5 rounds to use it again. Unlike normal uses of this spell, this can only be used to see Dimensions you have been to, or across Gates to see what's on the other side. You may not view your current Plane.
Dimensional Travel: You may cast Plane Shift at Will as a Supernatural Ability. Once you have used this Ability you must wait 5 rounds to use it again.
GHROTH, the Harbinger"A nineteenth century British cult believed in [a] comet-god who sang to the stars and planets as it passed by them in its orbit. They said it destroyed those worlds it passed, by waking up demons or ancient gods ... who slept on each world."Vestige Level: 8
Binding DC: 30
Special Requirement:Legend: Ghroth (the Harbinger) resembles a small, rust-colored planet or moon with a single, gigantic red eye which it can close to avoid detection. Ghroth drifts throughout the universe singing its siren song, the Music of the Spheres. As it swings by a planet, any Great Old One or Outer God sleeping there is awakened by the song. This usually results in the extinction of all life on the planet or perhaps even the utter destruction of the planet itself.[2]
Ghroth is believed to be responsible for the periodic mass extinctions that wiped out 90% of all life on earth, including the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous era. It may also have caused the destruction of the planet Shaggai, the homeworld of the intelligent, insect-like Shan. For this reason, Ghroth is also known as Nemesis, or the Death Star, named after the Nemesis Hypothesis, first proposed by American astronomers David Raup and Jack Sepkoski.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time.
Manifestation: A great field of darkness forms over the Seal which you eventually recognize as the night sky. And turning in that sky is a rust colored planet with a single great red spot.
Sign: Your skin turns a dark rusty color and begins flaking away giving you an aged look. One of your eyes turns a dark red as if horribly bloodshot while the other closes over.
Influence: You become obsessed with death, certain in the knowledge that the world is ending and doom has come to everyone. You may either completely retreat into yourself, or take to the streets shouting. Behavior varies from person to person but whatever the case you generally spend anytime responding to a person when prompted that they aren't long for the world.
Granted Abilities: Binding Ghroth allows you to awaken Old Ones or free magically sealed beings, and travel through space. You also exude a pervading aura of doom.
Song of Awakening: Once per day (i.e. once per Binding session) you may temporarily wake up a Great Old One whose cult you are in peaceful contact with. Effectively this works like a Commune spell but the questions don't have to have yes or no answers.
Aura of Doom: Every creature within 60 feet of you takes a–2 penalty on attack rolls, checks, saves, and weapon damage rolls. You can suppress or activate this ability as a standard action. Aura of Doom is a mind-affecting fear ability.
Far Traveler: You become immune to the effects of exposure to the vacuum of space as well as leaving or entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Break Seal: Once per day (i.e. once per Binding session) you may Dispel any effect similar to Imprisonment. In other words any spell binding a creature to one location or physically imprisoning it.
NYARLATHOTEP, the Crawling Chaos"And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilization came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences - of electricity and psychology - and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of a nightmare."Vestige Level: 7
Binding DC: 30
Special Requirement:Legend: Nyarlathotep differs from the other beings in a number of ways. Most of them are exiled to stars, like Yog-Sothoth and Hastur, or sleeping and dreaming like Cthulhu; Nyarlathotep, however, is active and frequently walks the Earth in the guise of a human being, usually a tall, slim, joyous man. He has "a thousand" other forms, most of these reputed to be maddeningly horrific. Most of the Outer Gods have their own cults serving them; Nyarlathotep seems to serve these cults and take care of their affairs in their absence. Most of them use strange alien languages, while Nyarlathotep uses human languages and can be mistaken for a human being. Most importantly, while the other Outer Gods and Great Old Ones are often described as mindless or unfathomable, rather than truly malevolent, Nyarlathotep delights in cruelty, is deceptive and manipulative, and even cultivates followers and uses propaganda to achieve his goals. In this regard, he is probably the most human-like among them.
Nyarlathotep enacts the will of the Outer Gods, and is their messenger, heart and soul; he is also a servant of Azathoth, whose wishes he immediately fulfills. Unlike the other Outer Gods, causing madness is more important and enjoyable than death and destruction to Nyarlathotep. It is suggested by some that he will destroy the human race and possibly the earth as well. There are those who say he is not Azathoth's servant, but his manipulator who leads the cults in an effort to keep Azathoth sleeping.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. At his discretion Nyarlathotep usually requires Binders to make some sort of long term commitment in contract form before he will allow himself to be bound. Usually promising to allow himself to be bound at will in return for your eternal servitude.
Manifestation: Darkness slowly coalesces into the form of a towering black man who smiles.
Sign: Your skin turns flat black in color, and all your hair falls out.
Influence: You become cruel, manipulative, and deceptive, sowing social chaos wherever you go. You are compelled to aid the cults of the various Gods, and do what you can to weaken and bring down humankind (or any other race for that matter). If none are present you will endeavor to develop a cult of your own.
Granted Abilities: You are marked as one of Nyarlathotep's chosen, and are easily identifiable by anyone else who worships him. You also gain the use of a spell granted by him, and can summon one of his Avatars in limited circumstances. You may also risk allowing him to possess you.
Call Avatar: Once per day (i.e. once per Binding session) you may call on Nyarlathotep to smite your opponents, manifesting physically for a brief moment. All opponents within 30' take 3d6 Vile damage.
Marked: You are automatically recognized by all worshipers of Nyarlathotep as a fellow, and their initial attitude is always Friendly. This includes a worldwide cult, spanning humans and monsters both. You must be showing Nyarlathotep's Sign to use this ability.
The Promise of Power: Choose any 1 spell from any list 6th Level or Lower. You may cast it 3/day as a Supernatural Ability.
Host: Whenever you have Nyarlathotep bound you may willing give your body to him so he manifest as the
Dark Demon. You die in this process.
SHUB-NIGGURATH, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young"Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!"Vestige Level: 7
Binding DC: 30
Special Requirement:Legend: Shub-Niggurath, often associated with the phrase “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”, is sometimes thought of as a sort of fertility Goddess. The creature is sometimes referred to as “The Black Ram of The Forest with a Thousand Ewes,” lending a male gender to the entity that is often thought of as female. It is possible the Black Goat is a male intercessory deity or consort of some kind, as worshipers refer to it more often than Shub-Niggurath itself which is rarely described.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time.
Manifestation: Shub-Niggurath's intermediary the Black Goat appears in the circle. He appears usually as a dark Satyr or an actual oversized goat.
Sign: Your feet become cloven hooves and the lower half of your body is swathed in black fur.
Influence: When Shub-Niggurath is bound to you your sexual appetites increase enormously, and vary into realms you probably wouldn't normally consider (including risky behaviors such as avoiding prophylactics or birth control). You also tend to become quite domineering and demanding of those around you.
Granted Abilities: You are taught magic by Shub-Niggurath in return for occasionally allowing her to possess you in the form of the Black Goat and any pregnancies you cause during said possession give birth to monsters.
Horrific Fertility: Any female being you have intimate congress with as the Black Goat immediately becomes pregnant, giving birth 1 year later to a
horrifying monster.
Witchcraft: Choose any 3 spells from the Sorcerer spell list to cast as Supernatural Abilities. 1st-3rd Level spells may be used 5/day (i.e. per Binding session), 4th-6th Level spells 3/day, and 7th Level spells 1/day.
Summon the Black Goat: While you Bind Shub-Niggurath you become an avatar known as The Black Goat. You gain the following: Type temporarily changes to Outsider (no not change stats, hit dice, etc), Regeneration 3, Spell Resistance 20, Darkvision 60', and immunity to poison, disease, fatigue, exhaustion, paralysis, and polymorph. You also gain Horn Gore as a primary Natural Attack doing 1d6 plus your Strength Modifier.
UBBO-SATHLA, the Unbegotten Source"There, in the grey beginning of Earth, the formless mass that was Ubbo-Sathla reposed amid the slime and the vapors. Headless, without organs or members, it sloughed from its oozy sides, in a slow, ceaseless wave, the amoebic forms that were the archetypes of earthly life. Horrible it was, if there had been aught to apprehend the horror; and loathsome, if there had been any to feel loathing. About it, prone or tilted in the mire, there lay the mighty tablets of star-quarried stone that were writ with the inconceivable wisdom of the pre-mundane gods."Vestige Level: 6
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:Legend: Ubbo-Sathla ("The Unbegotten Source", "The Demiurge") is described as a huge protoplasmic mass resting in a grotto deep beneath the frozen earth. The being is of a monstrous fecundity, spontaneously generating primordial single-celled organisms that pour unceasingly from its shapeless form. It guards a set of stone tablets believed to contain the knowledge of the Elder Gods.
Ubbo-Sathla is said to have spawned the prototypes of all forms of life on Earth; though whatever its pseudopods touch is forever devoid of life. Ubbo-Sathla is destined to someday reabsorb all living things on Earth.
Ubbo-Sathla possibly dwells in gray-litten Y'qaa. The being may also dwell in Mount Voormithadreth and may have spawned another of its residents, the being Abhoth, whose form and nature is very similar. This similarity has led some writers to speculate that Ubbo-Sathla and Abhoth are the same entity viewed at different epochs under different names. The tablets that Ubbo-Sathla guards have been oft sought by sorcerers, though no sorcerer has yet succeeded in acquiring them.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. Ubbo-Sathla requires the sacrifice of a living being.
Manifestation: Gelatinous ooze begins to flow from the ground, filling the space of the Seal and threatening to burst free at any moment.
Sign: Your flesh becomes gray, featureless and protoplasmic.
Influence: You become zealously possessive of knowledge, particularly magical or forbidden knowledge. You will actively try to hoard and acquire it, and ensure that no one else has any access to it. You also develop the delusion that all living things will one day once again become a part of you and devour your meals while they are living. If you bind Ubbo-Sathla often enough you may become a serial killer.
Granted Abilities: Ubbo-Sathla created all earthly life, and he gives you the permission to take that life, or begin it anew, or control his progeny. He also grants some partial admission to the knowledge he guards.
Instill Life: Once per day (i.e once per session you Bind Ubbo-Sathla) you may cast Resurrect Dead as a Supernatural Ability. You must be showing Ubbo-Sathla's Sign to use this Ability.
Remove Life: Once per day (i.e once per session you Bind Ubbo-Sathla) you may cast Finger of Death as a Supernatural Ability. You must be showing Ubbo-Sathla's Sign to use this Ability.
Control Life: Once per day (i.e once per session you Bind Ubbo-Sathla) you may cast Geas/Quest as a Supernatural Ability. You must be showing Ubbo-Sathla's Sign to use this Ability.
Forbidden Knowledge: Choose any 2 Knowledge skills when Binding Ubbo-Sathla, and you gain a +8 Competence Bonus to them.
YIDHRA, the Dream Witch"Yidhra devoured the octopus and learned to put forth a tentacle; she devoured the bear and learned to cloth herself in fur against the creeping ice of the north; indeed can Yidhra take any shape known to living things. Yet no shape can she take which is truly fair, for she partakes of all foul creatures as well as fair. To her followers she appears in many fair and comely forms, but this is because they see not her true form, but only such visions as she wills them to see."Vestige Level: 6
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:Legend: Yidhra usually appears as a youthful, attractive, earthly female, though her shape may vary.
Yidhra has been on Earth since the first microorganisms appeared and is immortal. To survive in a changing environment, she gained the ability to take on the characteristics of any creature that she devoured. Over time, Yidhra split herself into different aspects, though each part shares her consciousness.
Yidhra is served by devoted cults found in such widely separated places as Burma, Chad, Laos, Sumer, New Mexico, and Texas. Members of Yidhra's cult can gain immortality by merging with her, though they become somewhat like Yidhra as a consequence. Those who serve her are also promised plentiful harvests and healthy livestock. She usually conceals her true form behind a powerful illusion, appearing as a comely young woman; only favored members of her cult can see her as she actually is.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. To be bound Yog-Sothoth requires a human sacrifice or a vow of eternal servitude.
Manifestation: An incredibly beautiful woman fades into view and smiles seductively at the Summoner.
Sign: You become swathed in an illusion that makes you look incredibly attractive, a perfect specimen of your species.
Influence: You become obsessed with the Goddess Yidhra, going so far to mate with her if the opportunity arises, and outwardly becoming a religious fanatic who ignores all save the cult.
Granted Abilities: Yidhra grants you the ability to become any creature whose flesh you have tasted, and immunity or resistance to a wide variety of afflictions that bother mortal men. You can also resist attempts to change your form.
Bodily Control: You are immune to disease, poison, paralysis and polymorph effects. You must show Yidhra's sign to use this ability.
Carnivorous Metamorphosism: You may cast polymporph as a Standard Action as a Supernatural Ability at will. Once this ability has been used you may not use it again for 5 rounds, and you may only take the form of creatures whose flesh you have eaten raw.
Inhuman Health: You no longer age and are immune to Fatigue, Exhaustion, and Sleep Effects. You must show Yidhra's sign to use this ability.
Environmental Adaptation: When you are required to make a Saving Throw against any environmental danger (fire, drowning, extreme heat or cold, etc), you gain a +2 on all Saves of the same type until this ability is triggered again. Similarly if you take any energy damage, you then gain Energy Resistance 5 of the appropriate type until this ability is triggered again.
YOG-SOTHOTH, the Lurker at the Threshold"It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self — not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep — the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. It was perhaps that which certain secret cults of earth have whispered of as YOG-SOTHOTH, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the crustaceans of Yuggoth worship as the Beyond-One, and which the vaporous brains of the spiral nebulae know by an untranslatable Sign..."Vestige Level: 8
Binding DC: 35
Special Requirement:Legend: Yog-Sothoth is an Outer God and is coterminous with all time and space yet is supposedly locked outside of the universe we inhabit. Yog-Sothoth knows all and sees all. To "please" this deity could bring knowledge of many things. However, like most beings in the mythos, to see it or learn too much about it is to court disaster. Some authors state that the favor of the god requires a human sacrifice or eternal servitude. Yog-Sothoth has some connection to the mysterious Old Ones mentioned in "The Dunwich Horror", but their nature, their number, and their connection to Yog-Sothoth are unknown. Nonetheless, they are probably allied to him in some way, since Wilbur Whateley, the half-human son of Yog-Sothoth, tried to summon them so that they could control Wilbur's more tainted twin and make it reproduce.
Special Requirement: The Outer Gods are jealous, and you may only Bind to one of them at a time. To be bound Yog-Sothoth requires a human sacrifice or a vow of eternal servitude.
Manifestation: Visibly there is no change, but a presence can be felt emanating from the Seals area.
Sign: You become hideously monstrous from your chest down, only passing as a human being while you where abundant clothing.
Influence: You become obsessed with knowledge, particularly the truths behind reality, and will pursue at any cost. You will sacrifice allies, sanity, and even your life (if there is a way back from death) to gain the truth.
Granted Abilities: Yog-Sothoth grants access to almost limitless knowledge, as well as magical training. You may also call him forth for sacrifices.
Limitless Knowledge: This is identical to Bardic Knowledge, but is based off your Binder Levels instead of Bard Levels.
Apprenticeship: Choose any 3 spells from the Wizard spell list to cast as Supernatural Abilities. 1st-3rd Level spells may be used 5/day (i.e. per Binding session), 4th-6th Level spells 3/day, and 7th-9th Level spells 1/day.
Call Forth: Once per Binding session you may Call up Yog-Sothoth to claim a sacrifice. This ritual lasts an hour, and the victim must be tied up or otherwise rendered helpless this entire time. Should they escape, Yog-Sothoth instead kills something else in the vicinity (maybe everything in the vicinity). If the ritual is successful you may choose an additional ability from Pact Augmentation for 1 week.