Author Topic: Cthulhu Vestiges  (Read 26219 times)

Offline bhu

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2012, 11:55:50 PM »
ATLACHA-NACHA, the Spider God
“A spider spins his web strand by strand.”
Vestige Level: 3
Binding DC: 20
Special Requirement:
Legend: Atlach-Nacha is a spider-like Great Old One bridging a vast chasm with its web, somewhere beneath Mount Voormithadreth in Hyperborea. What will happen when Atlach-Nacha finishes his bridge of web is not known, although it is said it will cause, or contribute, to the end of the world.

In appearance Atlach-Nacha looks like a huge hairy spider, with an oddly human face. Its expression is said to be one of both doubt and inquiry. Atlach-Nacha is worshiped in the Andaman Islands, by the Spiders of Leng and by the Tcho-Tcho of South Asia. What the worshipers gain from this worship is unknown, as Atlach-Nacha hates to leave its web, even for a moment. It may not even care whether it is worshiped or not.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God you may not bind Atlach-Nacha.
Manifestation: A web filled hole opens in the seal leading down to cavers from which movements can be heard and 8 eyes can be seen shining if a light is held up.
Sign: You remain still for long periods of time, but when you do move it is an explosion of quick jerky motion, much like a spider.  Your eyes also take on an odd appearance.
Influence: You become emotionless and endlessly patient, knowing time is on your side in all things and the present doesn't matter.  You also develop an obsession with spider considering them to be fellow people and other beings to be insects.
Granted Abilities: Atlach-Nacha grants you a spider's ability to move and spin webs, the friendship of spiders everywhere, and the ability to travel to the Dreamlands.
A Spider's Limbs: You gain a Climb Speed equal to your base land speed, and may use it to move across a spiders webs similar to a Monstrous Spider (see MM).  You gain a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb Checks.  Unlike spiders you may not always Take 10.
A Spider's Web: You may spin webs as a Medium Monstrous Spider (see MM).  Unlike spiders, once you have used this ability you cannot use it for another 5 rounds.
A Spider's Journey: Once per day you may Plane Shift yourself only, and only to travel to or from the Dreamlands. 
A Spider's Legacy: You are automatically recognized by all worshipers of Atlach-Nacha as a fellow, and their initial attitude is always Friendly.  This includes most spiders (including the Spiders of Leng), the Tcho-Tchos, and some island cults.  Even Mindless spiders will not harm you unless you attack first.  You must be showing Atlach-Nacha's Sign to use this ability.

CTHULHU, the Dreamer at R'lyeh
“Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.”

Vestige Level: 6
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:
Legend: Cthulhu is the most widely known of the Great Old Ones.  An immense and monstrous alien being that came to this world in it's prehistoric past.  Accounts vary after that.  Some say he was imprisoned here by the Elder Gods.  Some say he warred with an alien race and eventually won only to succumb to the changing of the cosmos.  All agree at some future date he will cease being dead/asleep and return with his spawn to wipe out the Earth.  He is worshiped as a God by many while others insist he is merely a priest of far more powerful entities.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God or Hastur you may not bind Cthulhu.
Manifestation: The sound of the ocean can be heard along with a sound like the opening of a massive stone door before a sucking and slobbering sound is heard.  Tentacles erupt from the sign and begin trying to reach out.
Sign: You seem to suffer from some sort of physical degradation.   There's nothing truly obvious that most people could point out, but they regard you as primitive, bestial, and dangerous. 
Influence: You become degraded and insane.  Rejecting societies rules and mores you become like a wild beast as contact with Cthulhu's mind has driven you past the brink.  Life in a normal society is impossible for you.  You now fit the clinical definition of psychopathy for the duration of your Binding.
Granted Abilities: Summoners of Cthulhu are marked so his worshipers can recognize one another on sight. They also become adapted to undersea life, and can summon help when necessary.
Marked: You are automatically recognized by all worshipers of Cthulhu as a fellow, and their initial attitude is always Friendly.  This includes a worldwide cult, the Deep Ones, and the occasional Mi-Go.  You must be showing Cthulhu's Sign to use this ability.
Sea Transformation: You gain a Swim Speed equal to your Base Land Speed.  You gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. You can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. You can use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.  You are also immune to the effects of pressure from deep sea diving and can breathe water as well as air.  You must be showing Cthulhu's sign to use this ability.
A Fishes Senses: You gain Blindsense 30' when underwater.
Call: You may summon help when necessary as a Full Round Action.  This works like Summon Monster V otherwise (Summon Monster VII at 14th Level).  Once you have used this ability you may not use it again for another 5 rounds.  If not set in a Lovecraftian Universe (or you do not have the appropriate stats for said creatures), it can summon any CR 5 Aberration, Humanoid or Outsider (or 1d4+1  creatures of CR 3).  At 14th Level this increases to one creature of CR 7, or 1d4+1 creatures of CR 5.  If you do have the appropriate stats you can use any Crawling One, Deep One, Deep One Hybrid, Thralls of Cthulhu, Dwellers in the Depths or Tcho-Tcho of the appropriate CR.

EIHORT, the God of the Labyrinth
“You will accept the Pale God's bargain.  No one ever says no.”
Vestige Level: 4
Binding DC: 22
Special Requirement:
Legend: Eihort lives in a network of tunnels deep beneath the Severn Valley in England. It appears as a "bloated blanched oval supported on myriad fleshless legs" with eyes continuously forming in its gelatinous body". When it captures a mortal, it offers the captive a bargain. If the captive refuses, Eihort smashes the victim to death. If the captive accepts the bargain, the horror implants its immature brood inside the victim's body. The brood will eventually mature and kill the host. According to the Revelations of Glaaki, after the fall of humanity Eihort's brood will be born into light.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God you may not bind Eihort.
Manifestation: The Seal fills with Eihorts Brood, and Eihort's mental voice can be heard echoing from it.
Sign: People who observe you closely can see things moving under your skin.
Influence: You become prone to blackouts, not remembering the vile deeds you commit under Eihort's influence as his personality suppresses yours when you Bind him.
Granted Abilities: Eihort adapts your body to see and move well within the cramped tunnels it's brood occupies, as well as making your suddenly gelatinous flesh resistant to harm and allowing you to spread his brood's corruption.
Tunnel Runner: You gain the Tunnelrunner and Tunnel Fighting Feats as Bonus Feats
Many Eyes: You can see perfectly in darkness as though it were regular daylight (including magical darkness).
Pale Flesh: You gain a Natural Armor Bonus equal to your Constitution modifier.
Pass Brood: 1/day you can release a Brood of Eihort from your body by taking one point of temporary Constitution damage.  It will obey you while you are bound to Eihort but will scurry away afterwards. 

HASTUR, He Whose Name Must Not Be Spoken
“It is well known how the book spread like an infectious disease, from city to city, from continent to continent, barred out here, confiscated there, denounced by press and pulpit, censured even by the most advanced of literary anarchists. No definite principles had been violated in those wicked pages, no doctrine promulgated, no convictions outraged. It could not be judged by any known standard, yet, although it was acknowledged that the supreme note of art had been struck in "The King in Yellow," all felt that human nature could not bear the strain nor thrive on words in which the essence of purest poison lurked. The very banality and innocence of the first act only allowed the blow to fall afterwards with more awful effect.”
Vestige Level: 6
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:
Legend: Hastur has more misinformation and confusion spread about than any other Great Old One.  He has been called a benign god of shepherds, an alien monstrosity imprisoned in a lake, a character in a play, and even a location.  Often referred to as Cthulhu's half brother the two seemingly have some enmity although it is doubtful any of the Old Ones truly get along well with one another.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God or Cthulhu you may not bind Hastur.
Manifestation: A strange figure in a tattered yellow robe appears and regards you silently.
Sign: Your skin flakes and gets a sort of scaly appearance as if you were diseased and your limbs appear to have a sort of boneless quality. 
Influence: You become obsessed with bringing down society by spreading madness and degradation.  You oppose reason and rationality of any sort, and if you are not already Chaotic Evil you become so for the duration of your Binding.
Granted Abilities: You shed an aura of despair and madness, and learn how to inscribe the Yellow Sign and summon Byakhee as a mount.  You can also curse others leaving them vulnerable to possession by your Master.
Call Byakhee: You may summon 1d4+1 Byakhee when necessary as a Full Round Action.  This works like Summon Monster V otherwise.  Once you have used this ability you may not use it again for another 5 rounds.
Yellow Sign: You may cast Symbol of Insanity as a Supernatural Ability once per day (i.e. once per session you Bind Hastur).
Aura of Despair: Every creature within 10' of you takes a -2 Penalty on all Attack rolls, checks, saves, and damage rolls.  You can activate or suppress this ability as a Standard action, and it is a Mind-Affecting Fear Effect.
Possession: Once per day (i.e. once per session you Bind Hastur) you may curse one opponent within 60' as a Standard Action.  If that opponent fails a Willpower Save (Save DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Cha Modifier) he is Feebleminded as per the spell.  In addition each day there is a 10% chance Hastur may possess him (the victim receives no Save against this effect, even if his Feeblemindedness is cured).

ITHAQUA, the Wind Walker
"Lloigor, Zhar and Ithaqua shall ride the spaces among the stars and shall ennoble those who are their followers, who are the Tcho-Tcho; Cthugha shall encompass his dominion from Fomalhaut; Tzathoggua shall come from N'kai..."
Vestige Level: 5
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:
Legend: Ithaqua is one of the Great Old Ones and appears as a horrifying giant with a roughly human shape and glowing red eyes. He has been reported from as far north as the Arctic to the Sub-Arctic, where Native Americans first encountered him. He is believed to prowl the Arctic waste, hunting down unwary travelers and slaying them gruesomely, and is said to have inspired the Native American legend of the Wendigo and possibly the Yeti.

Ithaqua's cult is small, but he is greatly feared in the far north. Fearful denizens of Siberia and Alaska often leave sacrifices for Ithaqua—not as worship but as appeasement. Those who join his cult will gain the ability to be completely unaffected by cold. He often uses Shantaks, a dragon-like "lesser race", as servitors. A race of subhuman cannibals, the Gnophkehs, also worshiped him, along with Rhan-Tegoth and Aphoom-Zhah.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God you may not bind Ithaqua.
Manifestation: Cold winds emanate from the Seal and frost begins to cover the local area.  A vaguely humanoid figure shrouded in mist can be seen within.
Sign: You look skeletally thin as if you have been starving for a very long time.
Influence: You begin to see human beings as food, an never seem to be satisfied no matter how much you eat or how much money you make.  You also detest heat, and prefer the cold, often going out into the snow nude.
Granted Abilities: Ithaqua adapts you to arctic environments making you immune to cold and snowblindness, and able to move in ice and snow, and if winds are sufficient even giving you overland flight.  He also teaches Binders to increase their power by devouring their enemies.
Waste Walker: You may not be Checked, Knocked Down, or Blown Away by high winds,  and you have Energy Resistance 15 (Cold).  You cannot use this ability unless you are showing Ithaqua's Sign.
Cannibalism: Once per day, if you devour an enemy which you have killed in the name of your God, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus on all d20 rolls for 24 hours or until your pact with Ithaqua ends.
Wind Walker: As long as there is strong wind blowing, you gain a flight speed with a maneuverability of poor.  Your speed is dependent on the wind strength: strong winds give you a fly speed of 30, severe winds increase your speed to 40, and windstorm or higher give you a speed of 50.  If the wind stops while you are airborne, you fall, taking the appropriate falling damage.
Child of the Snow: Snow and Ice do not impede your movement, and you are immune to snow blindness (see frostburn).  You also get a +2 bonus on saves against any effect that would Daze, Dazzle, or Blind you via light.

TSATHOGGUA, the Sleeper of N'Kai
"In that secret cave in the bowels of Voormithadreth . . . abides from eldermost eons the god Tsathoggua. You shall know Tsathoggua by his great girth and his batlike furriness and the look of a sleepy black toad which he has eternally. He will rise not from his place, even in the ravening of hunger, but will wait in divine slothfulness for the sacrifice."
Vestige Level: 5
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:
Legend: Tsathoggua is an amorphous toadlike being who dwells in a cavern far beneath the earth.  Unlike many Old Ones he does not appear to be imprisoned so much as sleeping, and has been worshiped by various races through the centuries.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God you may not bind Tsathoggua.
Manifestation: The seal fills with black slime form which a voice bubbles forth.
Sign: You gain a distinctly toadlike appearance and your skin becomes loose and rubbery.
Influence: You want to be obeyed, and will viciously destroy anyone who disobeys any rule you set forth.  You also become fairly cynical and incredibly lazy, and avoid bright light.
Granted Abilities: Tsathoggua gives you the ability to heal from virtually any wound or turn your body elastic, as well as being adapted to living in lightless areas.  You may also call down a powerful curse on those who have wronged you.
Curse of Tsathoggua: You may cast Bestow Curse at will.  Once you use this ability you may not use it again for another 5 rounds.
Sight Without Sight: You gain Blindsight 10'.
Unkillable: You gain Fast Healing 1.  This increases to Fast Healing 2 at 10th Level, 3 at 13th Level, 4 at 16th Level, and 5 at 19th Level.  You cannot use this ability unless you are showing Tsathoggua's Sign.
Boneless: You gain a +4 Bonus on Escape Artist and Grapple Checks.

YIG, the Father of Serpents
"In the old days of the Indian Territory, the doctor went on, there was not quite so much secrecy about Yig. The plains tribes, less cautious than the desert nomads and Pueblos, talked quite freely of their legends and autumn ceremonies with the first Indian agents, and let considerable of the lore spread out through the neighbouring regions of white settlement. The great fear came in the land-rush days of ’89, when some extraordinary incidents had been rumoured, and the rumours sustained, by what seemed to be hideously tangible proofs. Indians said that the new white men did not know how to get on with Yig, and afterward the settlers came to take that theory at face value."
Vestige Level: 5
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement:
Legend: While rarely described, Yig is strongly affiliated with snakes, mostly among Native American cultures.  He is regarded as bad business by the tribes who do their best to propitiate him to keep him at bay.
Special Requirement: If you have bound an Elder God you may not bind Yig.
Manifestation: The seal fills with hissing snakes, usually of whatever variety is poisonous to the local area.
Sign: You gain a distinctly snakelike appearance and your incisors become very sharp.
Influence: You become obsessed with revenge and will do whatever is necessary to gain it.  To the point you develop a reputation as bad news, especially as you suddenly develop mood swings and could be described as bipolar.
Granted Abilities: Yig lets you befriend or summon snakes, and call down a powerful curse upon anyone who harms one of his children.  He also let's you instill a pervasive fear of serpents.
Curse of Yig: If anyone harms a snake within your sight you may cast Poison upon them at will as a Swift Action. 
Minions of Yig: You may cast Summon Nature's Ally V at will, but only to Summon Snakes.  Once you use this ability you may not use it again for 5 rounds.
A Friend to All Snakes: You are automatically recognized by all worshipers of Yig as a fellow, and their initial attitude is always Friendly.  This includes most snakes, the Serpent People, and some human cults.  You must be showing Yigs Sign to use this ability.
Ophidophobia: Any opponent you have successfully used the Curse of Yig on who survives gains a severs phobia of snakes.  A DC 15 Will check is required for a character to be able to force herself into (or remain within) the presence snakes, and even then the character takes a -2 morale penalty as long as the object of fear remains.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 10:56:41 PM by bhu »

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2012, 10:11:24 PM »
requests for any of the other old ones on the list?

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2012, 01:53:54 AM »
Added more vestiges

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2012, 08:15:16 PM »
anybody want any others before I fill in the blanks?  Any disagreements with vestige level?

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2012, 08:22:07 AM »
Are the abilities going to be filled out at any point?

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2012, 02:26:14 PM »
Yes.  THings are going horrible for me offline and it's sucking up my time, and when I get the time I'm so mentally burned out I have no inspiration.   :(

I'll get all my projects done eventually I swear.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2012, 03:25:03 AM »
OK all level 3-5 vestiges have my initial thoughts on possible abilities listed.  If no one objects I'll flesh them out.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2012, 11:58:57 PM »
Fluff is added for my initial ideas under Granted Abilities for all of the vestiges now.  I await your thoughts on them  :D

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2012, 07:11:17 AM »
Fluff is added for my initial ideas under Granted Abilities for all of the vestiges now.  I await your thoughts on them  :D

These are looking fabulous!
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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2013, 02:32:22 AM »
thanks  :D

Atlach-Nacha is ready for review

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2013, 02:50:44 AM »
EIhort, Ithaqua, Tsathoggus, and Yig are ready for review.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2013, 07:28:21 AM »
EIhort, Ithaqua, Tsathoggus, and Yig are ready for review.

Need an action for "curse of yig".  Ithaqua's abilities needed some editing, here's a rewrite:

Code: [Select]
[i]Waste Walker:[/i] You may not be Checked, Knocked Down, or Blown Away by high winds,  and you have Energy Resistance 15 (Cold).  You cannot use this ability unless you are showing Ithaqua's Sign.
[i]Cannibalism:[/i] Once per day, if you devour an enemy which you have killed in the name of your God, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus on all d20 rolls for 24 hours or until your pact with Ithaqua ends.
[i]Wind Walker:[/i] As long as there is strong wind blowing, you gain a flight speed with a maneuverability of poor.  Your speed is dependent on the [url=]wind strength[/url]: strong winds give you a fly speed of 30, severe winds increase your speed to 40, and windstorm or higher give you a speed of 50.  If the wind stops while you are airborne, you fall, taking the appropriate falling damage.
[i]Child of the Snow:[/i] Snow and Ice do not impede your movement, and you are immune to snow blindness (see frostburn).  You also get a +2 bonus on saves against any effect that would Daze, Dazzle, or Blind you via light.

Other than that, I love the way these are shaping up :)
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2013, 03:05:53 AM »
Revisals made, Bast is now up.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2013, 07:09:02 AM »
Revisals made, Bast is now up.
I think Bast is probably too high of a level, except in a Cat Burglar game.
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2013, 07:04:50 PM »
She is an Elder God though.  I wanted the Old Ones to range from 3-6, Elder Gods 5-6, and the Outer Gods 6-8.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2013, 11:48:53 PM »
Cthulhu, Hastur, Hypnos, and Nodens ready.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2013, 01:56:13 AM »
Abhoth and Yidhra are done

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 12:53:07 AM »
Daoloth and Ubbo-Sathla are up.

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2013, 12:54:26 AM »
nyarlathotep and shub-niggurath are up

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Re: Cthulhu Vestiges
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2013, 01:12:47 AM »
Anyone think I should change the basic ideas I have fro Ghroth?  Space travel won't come up much nor will awakening an Old One.  And the other two abilities probably won't be enough to get him Bound much.