If I were to adjust my character sheet... well.. if I were to disregard my compulsion to add on as many cleric levels as I could just so that I could cure cancer, heal the dying and provide food for the starving... and just made some tweaks for my own benefit:
Well... up my ability scores by a few points
Get a ring of sustenance without a doubt.
More skill points.
More HP.
A Greater Teleport (sp).
... actually.
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of
Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.
As for wealth. Well... wonder how much a gold coin would go for in our currency. I think I'd like most of my wealth in actual money, but a few things comes to mind.
Ring of Sustenance - super-good.
Ring of Invisibility - do I even have to explain?
Heward's Handy Haversack - my backpack is close to magical when it comes to cram things into it, I can only see good things with an actual one.
Probably some other neat gear.
That would be it.
If I can't have epic spells that is.
One that removes about 2000 various diseases, illnesses and similar from the world never to be seen again (bye bye Aids and Cancer).
One that cleanse the atmosphere of almost all pollution.
As well as a few dozen others to improve things.
...I have a hard time wishing for things just for my own benefit