Author Topic: Edit your RL character sheet!  (Read 12470 times)

Offline Kajhera

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2012, 08:33:35 AM »
Since I could presumably boost my wisdom score to whatever it needed to be via items if nothing else ... Part of me really wants to be a cleric with the ability to cast domain spells spontaneously through whatever ACF, but I think that just modding my character sheet for that would be cheating. (/agnostic)

Still, y'know, spell domain, travel domain, artifice, renewal, illusion+shadowcraft mage, dmm persist, guidance of the avatar and divine insight... yeah, there's a lot of possibilities there.

What kind of god, ideal, or concept would have the Spell, Travel, Artifice, Renewal, and Illusion domains, anyway?  :p

Generally in D&D I pick up 1-4 levels of Prestige Paladin on a cleric, but while I wouldn't object to being Good-aligned, I'm a little wary of Law, Chaos, and the nonextreme Paladin variants in Dragon Magazine. All I seriously want from that is the horse-or-dragon on demand, so perhaps I could take Leadership and start a business with the help of my followers like a true-blooded American-with-a-dragon. Or horse. (Howabout a nightmare, it's only -1 on the Leadership check if I'm not evil.)

Offline Halinn

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2012, 10:00:32 AM »
What kind of god, ideal, or concept would have the Spell, Travel, Artifice, Renewal, and Illusion domains, anyway?  :p

Mysterious Wanderer as a concept. Otherwise the Christian God probably has pretty wide domain access.

Offline absolon

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2012, 11:47:58 AM »
Since I could presumably boost my wisdom score to whatever it needed to be via items if nothing else ... Part of me really wants to be a cleric with the ability to cast domain spells spontaneously through whatever ACF, but I think that just modding my character sheet for that would be cheating. (/agnostic)

Still, y'know, spell domain, travel domain, artifice, renewal, illusion+shadowcraft mage, dmm persist, guidance of the avatar and divine insight... yeah, there's a lot of possibilities there.

What kind of god, ideal, or concept would have the Spell, Travel, Artifice, Renewal, and Illusion domains, anyway?  :p

Generally in D&D I pick up 1-4 levels of Prestige Paladin on a cleric, but while I wouldn't object to being Good-aligned, I'm a little wary of Law, Chaos, and the nonextreme Paladin variants in Dragon Magazine. All I seriously want from that is the horse-or-dragon on demand, so perhaps I could take Leadership and start a business with the help of my followers like a true-blooded American-with-a-dragon. Or horse. (Howabout a nightmare, it's only -1 on the Leadership check if I'm not evil.)

I hear that Nyarlathotep and the Chaos Gods can take care of all your domain needs. Though, if they aren't on your radar, perhaps you could just say the concept of Magic as Science could do all those things. I must mention that every time I begin to say that I'm going to use magic to do things out of science fiction or current science, my DM immediately says, "You're insane. You're diabolical madman. I can't believe I'm going to allow this." And then he allows it.  :smirk

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2012, 07:00:59 PM »
The society I live in is Lawful Neutral to the core.
The populace is governed alternating between Arcadia and Archeron.
However, a massive Aura Alteration has the entire society
convinced the real alignment is Neutral Good during "Arcadia"
or Lawful Good during "Archeron". 
Considerable effort is exercised to maintain all this.

 :bigeyes :shakefist
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 07:02:57 PM by awaken_D_M_golem »
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline Balmas

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2012, 12:44:05 AM »
Actually, scratch what I wrote.  If I have my character sheet, why can't I write "Great Wyrm Silver Dragon" and have done with it?

Failing that, cleric all the way.
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My Monster Manual lies to me:  it states that a pegasus is white or occasionally brown when everyone knows that pegasi ought to be blue with rainbow stripes.

Offline Bearchucks

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2012, 01:30:37 AM »
I'd probably go more Beguiler and less Healer.  Law instead of medicine.  Also have a chat with the James Randi people and make a million bucks with Dancing Lights.  Or go full-on Cloistered Cleric.

Offline JohnnyMayHymn

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2012, 01:55:11 AM »
Thrallherd, then retire!

EDIT: something like this but w/ghost 4 for malevolence
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 12:06:31 PM by JohnnyMayHymn »
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Offline absolon

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2012, 09:06:27 AM »
Actually, scratch what I wrote.  If I have my character sheet, why can't I write "Great Wyrm Silver Dragon" and have done with it?

Failing that, cleric all the way.

You totally could write down Great Wyrm Silver Dragon and have a dragon sized monocle and top hat even.

Offline Kajhera

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2012, 03:48:01 PM »
... Ignoring all the god-worshipping requirements, I have to admit there's an appeal to dragonborn warforged harmonious cloistered prestige paladin of science.

Offline Shadowhunter

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2012, 05:21:05 PM »
If I were to adjust my character sheet... well.. if I were to disregard my compulsion to add on as many cleric levels as I could just so that I could cure cancer, heal the dying and provide food for the starving... and just made some tweaks for my own benefit:

Well... up my ability scores by a few points ;)
Get a ring of sustenance without a doubt.
More skill points.
More HP.
A Greater Teleport (sp).

... actually.
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.

As for wealth. Well... wonder how much a gold coin would go for in our currency. I think I'd like most of my wealth in actual money, but a few things comes to mind.
Ring of Sustenance - super-good.
Ring of Invisibility - do I even have to explain?
Heward's Handy Haversack - my backpack is close to magical when it comes to cram things into it, I can only see good things with an actual one.
Probably some other neat gear.

That would be it.

If I can't have epic spells that is. :P
One that removes about 2000 various diseases, illnesses and similar from the world never to be seen again (bye bye Aids and Cancer).
One that cleanse the atmosphere of almost all pollution.
As well as a few dozen others to improve things.

...I have a hard time wishing for things just for my own benefit :p

Offline Agita

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2012, 05:48:56 PM »
I'd make myself a Kobold Paladin 1 with pimped-out Knowledge (The Planes).
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Offline Quillwraith

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2012, 05:49:25 PM »
As for wealth. Well... wonder how much a gold coin would go for in our currency. I think I'd like most of my wealth in actual money, but a few things comes to mind.

If I can't have epic spells that is. :P
One that removes about 2000 various diseases, illnesses and similar from the world never to be seen again (bye bye Aids and Cancer).
One that cleanse the atmosphere of almost all pollution.
As well as a few dozen others to improve things.

...I have a hard time wishing for things just for my own benefit :p
Why have your wealth in money? You can't buy magic items with dollars; but with magic that the rest of the world hasn't got, you should have no trouble making millions.

I also feel like I'd have to become all powerful, just because limiting my ability to help would be wrong. Even aside from wanting power for myself, how could I give myself the ability to heal the dying(for example), once per day, when I could become able to at will?

Aside from being altruistic, and limiting myself to no more than moderately broken stuff, I would edit myself from:

Chaotic Lawful human expert 1
str 8, con 7, dex 10, int 14, wis 10, cha 11

 Chaotic Lawful fire Elf  STP Erudite 20
str 15, con 17, dex 20, int 27, wis 19, cha 17

Would be an archivist, but PP recharge is so much easier than refilling spell slots.

Offline Harald

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2012, 05:51:26 PM »
Hum... Well. Something like a gestalt with Chameleon and some way to get their spell up to 9's, a full factotum side. Inspire Courage and other bardic songs somehow.  Perhaps artificer somewhere.
A lyre of building. Improved characteristics, a full OP symbiot  :smirk, and now, let's get a nice hat, a fancy uniform, and let's build a starship.
No mere starship...
(click to show/hide)
"-Lady-Captain, we detect 20 hostile vessels against us,  and Erasmus Haarlock's Spear of Destiny ! What are your orders ?

final result : 6 slaughts vessels, 4 imperial frigates, 2 imperial cruisers destroyed. Haarlock sent into the warp. 0 losses. Flawless Victory.

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2012, 06:26:19 PM »
Why have your wealth in money? You can't buy magic items with dollars; but with magic that the rest of the world hasn't got, you should have no trouble making millions.

I also feel like I'd have to become all powerful, just because limiting my ability to help would be wrong. Even aside from wanting power for myself, how could I give myself the ability to heal the dying(for example), once per day, when I could become able to at will?

Yeah, yeah. Limiting myself would be wrong. But unless I was literally omnipotent I'd start blaming myself for the ones I didn't rescue.
I'm fairly certain having an omnipotent human is a bad thing and I'm certain I wouldn't be the best guy for the job.
Then again... I suppose if I had Wisdom ∞ then I could do a good job at it.

As for why I'd like gold and not magic, there's a few reasons but I can't explain them. Also, I would have them in Kronor, not Dollars, just so you know ;)

Blessed be the Emperor =][=

Offline Tshern

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2012, 08:14:43 PM »
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.
No, they are not. Way, way too many hitpoints and skill rank maximums.
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Offline Halinn

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2012, 01:43:00 PM »
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.

As for wealth. Well... wonder how much a gold coin would go for in our currency. I think I'd like most of my wealth in actual money, but a few things comes to mind.
50 gold coins to the pound. DC 30 perform gets you 3d6 gold/day (average ~95 grams of gold per day = ~5000 USD per day, at current prices)

Offline Shadowhunter

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2012, 10:07:17 PM »
I don't need that much. Just increase my ability scores to very good levels (because, come on, who wouldn't?), keep adding levels of Commoner something with 6+Int skills to me until I've got 15 ranks in Preform (string instruments) and 15 ranks in... I dunno. Diplomacy? and give me a level in Heir of Siberys for Siberys Mark of Passage. I could earn my living as a violinist, I'm pretty sure a +20ish modifier to Preform is good enough to score a decent gig. Esp. given that 9th level archers are Olympic athletes.
No, they are not. Way, way too many hitpoints and skill rank maximums.

Sorry, make that level 7.

Then again, that is on the same page as someone who claims tanglefoot bags are too good and use Enervation as an example.
So take that for what it is.

Offline Kajhera

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2012, 10:17:10 PM »
Why have your wealth in money? You can't buy magic items with dollars; but with magic that the rest of the world hasn't got, you should have no trouble making millions.

I also feel like I'd have to become all powerful, just because limiting my ability to help would be wrong. Even aside from wanting power for myself, how could I give myself the ability to heal the dying(for example), once per day, when I could become able to at will?

Yeah, yeah. Limiting myself would be wrong. But unless I was literally omnipotent I'd start blaming myself for the ones I didn't rescue.
I'm fairly certain having an omnipotent human is a bad thing and I'm certain I wouldn't be the best guy for the job.
Then again... I suppose if I had Wisdom ∞ then I could do a good job at it.

As for why I'd like gold and not magic, there's a few reasons but I can't explain them. Also, I would have them in Kronor, not Dollars, just so you know ;)

Blessed be the Emperor =][=

Dude, you don't do that to yourself, you take someone you trust more than yourself as a cohort and then edit their powers because they're on your sheet. All the good deeds none of the responsibility.

Reserve yourself for what you want to be.  :p Not what you'd feel obligated to be.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 10:19:18 PM by Kajhera »

Offline Ziegander

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
The society I live in is Lawful Neutral to the core.
The populace is governed alternating between Arcadia and Archeron.
However, a massive Aura Alteration has the entire society
convinced the real alignment is Neutral Good during "Arcadia"
or Lawful Good during "Archeron". 
Considerable effort is exercised to maintain all this.

 :bigeyes :shakefist

Sigh. I know exactly what you mean.

My real life character sheet? Hmm... interesting...

Human Paragon 3/Factotum 3/Paladin 3/Horizon Walker 1

Str 24 Dex 20 Con 24 Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 22

Toughness, Combat Reflexes, Nymph's KissF, TrollbloodedF, Goad, Counterattack, Breathing Room, Improved Goad

Somewhat of a Magnificent Bastard with a side of super-soldier serum. One part Steve Rogers, one part Nick Fury, shaken, not stirred, served on the rocks. Find something more mundane to swap for Detect Evil and Lay on Hands though. How about the Endurance and Track feats respectively.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 12:23:38 AM by Ziegander »

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2012, 06:48:47 PM »
Yep a little  :):-\ = ??

I have max ranks in: Knowledge (Useless).
And I can Take 10 (but not Take 20) in it at any time
... including combat ; which I have multiple attestations to be true, and accepted as such, in a Court Of Law.
And the Judge's daughter likes me.
{ ... insert chaotic  :love but just one eye smiley face ... }

I have a Masterwork Tool of Googling , for Knowledge (Useless).
It has been implanted ala a warforged Docent.
I have been instructed to say Cthulhu has "nothing" to do with this.

Your codpiece is a mimic.