Author Topic: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)  (Read 13202 times)

Offline RobbyPants

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Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:07:21 PM »
Shadow Blade

"What's the matter? Are you afraid of the dark?"

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The shadow blade is a melee combatant who augments his martial prowess with abilities of deception. He is capable of darkening the battlefield, limiting his opponent’s ability to see, while he wades effortlessly through the darkness. He can even travel short distances through the plane of shadow, reappearing right where his opponent least expects him. Worse of all, he can attack his opponents through a great distance over this plane, and even send them there to suffer for a brief while.

Abilities: Strength and Constitution are important for a shadow blade to get in the thick of things and fight. Dexterity is also important, to a lesser degree. Charisma is useful to a shadow blade, because many of his shadowy powers are Charisma-based.

Races: Any race can be a shadow blade, although races that spend a lot of time in darkness might be drawn to this class. Many of the shadow blade’s abilities only function in dark or dimly-lit areas.

Alignment: Any.

The Shadow Blade                    Hit Die: d8
Level   BAB               Fort  Ref   Will    Special

1       +1                +2    +0    +2      Shadow (darkness), Extinguish, Blind-fight
2       +2                +3    +0    +3      Shadowsight, Darkness
3       +3                +3    +1    +3      Shadow (attack: 1d6, flank)
4       +4                +4    +1    +4      Hide in Plain Sight, Shadow Pin
5       +5                +4    +1    +4      Shadow Cache, Visions of Shadow, Extinguish (large)
6       +6/+1             +5    +2    +5      Shadow Strike, Shadow (attack: 2d6)
7       +7/+2             +5    +2    +5      Shadow Jaunt, Darkness (move-action)
8       +8/+3             +6    +2    +6      Shadow Well, Shadow Scry
9       +9/+4             +6    +3    +6      Shadowfade, Shadow (attack: 3d6)
10      +10/+5            +7    +3    +7      Shadow Form
11      +11/+6/+1         +7    +3    +7      Improved Shadow Strike
12      +12/+7/+2         +8    +4    +8      True Seeing, Shadow (attack: 4d6), Darkness (swift)
13      +13/+8/+3         +8    +4    +8      Improved Shadow Jaunt
14      +14/+9/+4         +9    +4    +9      Summon Shadow
15      +15/10/+5         +9    +5    +9      Improved Shadow Well, Shadow (attack: 5d6)
16      +/16+11/+6/+1     +10   +5    +10     Greater Shadow Strike
17      +17/+12/+7/+2     +10   +5    +10     Greater Shadow Jaunt
18      +18/+13/+8/+3     +11   +6    +11     Improved True Seeing, Shadow (attack: 6d6)
19      +19/+14/+9/+4     +11   +6    +11     Draining Well
20      +20/+15/+10/+5    +12   +6    +12     Draining Darkness

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Balance (dex), Bluff (cha), Climb (str), Craft (int), Disguise (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Gather Information (cha), Hide (dex), Intimidate (cha), Jump (str), Knowledge (The Planes) (int), Move Silently (dex), Profession (wis), Sleight of Hand (dex), and Tumble (dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the shadow blade class:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The shadow blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons weapons, as well as light and medium armor, and shields (but not tower shields).

Shadow (Ex): The shadow blade’s own shadow becomes an entity unto itself. As a free action, the shadow blade can make his shadow animate, moving on its own. This grants the shadow blade a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks.
   As a swift action, the shadow blade can command his shadow to move anywhere within ten feet of him, although it is always connected to him and is always cast on a solid surface, like a wall or the floor. The shadow can occupy a square with another creature (or the shadow blade himself) with no penalty as it takes up no volume.
   If the shadow blade moves more than ten feet away from his shadow, it immediately appears in his square and follows him in his square until later redirected.
   As the shadow blade gains levels, his shadow gains new powers:
  • Level 1 - Darkness (Su): As a free action, you can designate your shadow’s square as shadowy illumination (providing it’s not already darker).
  • Level 3 - Attack (Ex): As a swift action, when directing your shadow’s movement, you may have it attack an adjacent target. It uses your Base Attack Bonus + your Charisma modifier + your enhancement bonus to hit. A successful hit deals 1d6 nonlethal damage per three class levels + your Charisma modifier. If the target is immune to nonlethal damage, they take half the amount of lethal damage, instead. The shadow suffers no miss chance against incorporeal creatures and deals full, lethal damage to them.
  • Level 3 - Flank (Ex): Your shadow is able to flank with you and your allies based on its position. It gains the usual +2 bonus to hit, as well.
Extinguish (Su): as a swift action, the shadow blade can extinguish any non-magical flame the size of a torch or smaller within medium range (100 ft + 10 ft per class level).
    At fifth level, the shadow blade can use this ability to affect a large-sized fire (one that fits within a ten-foot square) or smaller.

Blind-fight (Ex): At first level, the shadow blade gains the Blind-fight feat as a bonus feat.

Shadowsight (Ex): At second level, the shadow blade can see normally in shadowy illumination and similar levels of darkness, both magical and mundane. He ignores the concealment granted to others and any other penalties caused to him by this level of light.

Darkness (Sp): At second level, the shadow blade can cast Darkness as a spell-like ability at will. He may only create one such area of darkness at a time. If he uses this ability before the duration expires on a previous use, the first effect immediately ends.
   At seventh level, the shadow blade can create an area of darkness anywhere within medium range as a move action.
   At twelfth level, he can create an area of darkness anywhere within long range (400 ft + 40 ft per class level) as a swift action.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su): At forth level, the shadow blade can hide while being observed, so long as he is within ten feet of a shadow (but not his own shadow) or shadowy illumination.

Shadow Pin (Su):
At 4th level, the Shadow Blade can pin a creature to its own shadow for a brief period of time. Any one creature within long range (400 ft + 40 ft / level) that fails a Will save is pinned to it's own shadow for one round per class level. The pinned creature cannot leave the ground or move more than five feet from its original position where it was pinned.
   If the creature was flying when it was affected, it descends straight down at a rate of 60 feet per round. It takes no falling damage while falling at this speed. The duration starts from when the creature starts descending, and not when it lands on the ground.
   This ability has no effect in total darkness or against incorporeal creatures, invisible creatures, or creatures who otherwise have no shadow. Any creature that makes its Will save cannot ba affected by this abililty for 24 hours.

Shadow Cache (Sp): At fifth level, the shadow blade can cast Shadow Cache (Spell Compendium pg 183) as a spell-like ability at will.

Visions of Shadow (Su): At fifth level, you are able to look deep into the shadows and see visions of another shadowed area. This ability functions exactly like the Clairaudience/Clairvoyance spell, except that you can use your Shadowsight, True Seeing, and Improved True Seeing abilities in the area you're viewing. Magical darkness does not block sight. You must be standing in an area of shadowy illumination or darker to use this ability, and the sensor must appear in an area of shadowy illumination or darker. When you use the ability, you automatically know the location of all available squares within range to place the sensor.
   Using the ability takes 10 minutes to activate, and once it has been used, it cannot be used for another hour.

Shadow Strike (Su): At sixth level, as a full round action, the shadow blade may make a single melee attack on any one target within medium range, provided the target is in at least one square of shadowy illumination or darker lighting and the shadow blade has line of effect to the target. This attack cannot grant or benefit from flanking, but it is resolved in every other way like a single, melee attack.

Shadow Jaunt (Su): At seventh level, the shadow blade can teleport a distance up to his base land speed as a standard action. His movement must start and end in a space of shadowy illumination or darker lighting and he must have line of effect between the two points. As a full round action, he may teleport a distance up to four times his base land speed, with the same restrictions as above.

Shadow Well (Sp): At eighth level, the shadow blade can cast Shadow Well (Spell Compendium pg 186) as a spell-like ability at will. Any creature that succeeds on its saving throw (either during the casting or the duration of the spell) cannot be affected again by this ability for 24 hours.

Shadow Scry (Su): At eighth level, you can look into the darkness and see another person connected through the shadows. This ability functions exactly like the Scrying spell, except that you must be standing in an area of shadowy illumination or darker to use this ability, and the target must either be in an area of shadowy illumination or darker, or have a shadow (so this could exclude vampires or invisible targets, depending on the situation). Your Shadowsight, True Seeing, and Improved True Seeing abilities function through this ability.
   As the spell, using this ability takes one hour to activate, and if the target succeeds on their Will save, they cannot be affected for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. There is no focus required except for the darkness you must be standing in to use the ability.

Shadowfade (Sp): At ninth level, the shadow blade can cast Shadowfade (Spell Compendium pg 186) as a spell-like ability at will.

Shadow Form (Su): At tenth level, the shadow blade can turn himself into an insubstantial shadow as a standard action. He gains the incorporeal subtype and a fly speed equal to his base land speed, with perfect maneuverability. He loses all bonuses to his Armor Class except for his Dexterity bonus, size modifier, dodge bonus, insight bonus, and deflection bonus. He gains a deflection bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier (or his existing deflection bonus increases by this amount). He also gains Damage Reduction 10/magic.
   Any physical attacks that would normally use his Strength modifier use his Charisma modifier instead. While in this form, the shadow blade's physical attacks only deal nonlethal damage. These attacks deal half this amount of lethal damage, instead, against any targets that are immune to nonlethal damage. The shadow blade’s physical attacks deal full damage against incorporeal targets, and the shadow blade suffers no miss chance against them.
   The shadow blade may dismiss this and assume his normal form as a standard action. While in this form, the shadow blade loses the use of his Shadow class feature.

Improved Shadow Strike (Su): At eleventh level, the shadow blade can use his Shadow Strike ability to make a full attack against any one target within medium range. This behaves in every other way like Shadow Strike (see above).

True Seeing (Ex): At twelfth level, the shadow blade gains the benefits of the True Seeing spell against anything within shadowy illumination or darker lighting at close range. This effect is continuous and can be resumed or suppressed as a free action.

Improved Shadow Jaunt (Su): At thirteenth level, the shadow blade may use his Shadow Jaunt ability as a move action to teleport a distance of up to double his base land speed. He must still start and end his movement in an area of shadowy illumination or darker lighting, but he no longer requires line of effect. As a full-round action, he may use this ability to teleport anywhere within long range. If his desired location is in an area occupied by a solid object or that is too brightly lit, the jaunt automatically fails.

Summon Shadow (Sp): At fourteenth level, the shadow blade may cast Summon Undead V (Spell Compendium pg 215) as a spell-like ability at will, except that he may only summon a shadow with this ability. This ability takes an entire round to use, and the shadow appears and acts at the beginning of the shadow blade’s next turn. The shadow blade may only summon one shadow at a time, and must dismiss the first shadow (as a standard action) or wait for the duration to expire before summoning another.

Improved Shadow Well (Su): At fifteenth level, the shadow blade may affect anyone damaged by his melee attack to be affected as if targeted by a Shadow Well spell. He may choose to use or not use this ability with each attack, and this attack may be used through his Shadow Strike ability. Any one creature may only be targeted by this ability once per round.

Greater Shadow Strike (Su): At sixteenth level, the shadow blade may use his Shadow Strike ability to make a full attack against any one target within long range. This behaves in every other way like Shadow Strike (see above).

Greater Shadow Jaunt (Su): At seventeenth level, the shadow blade may use his Shadow Jaunt ability as a swift action to teleport a distance of up to his base land speed. He must still start and end his movement in an area of shadowy illumination or darker lighting, but he does not require line of effect. If his desired location is in an area occupied by a solid object or that is too brightly lit, the jaunt automatically fails.

Improved True Seeing (Ex): At eighteenth level, the shadow blade gains the benefits of the True Seeing spell against anything within shadowy illumination or darker lighting at any range. This effect is continuous and can be resumed or suppressed as a free action.

Draining Well (Su): At nineteenth level, the shadow blade may drain the strength from anyone who fails their saving throw against any of his Shadow Well abilities. Each round, the target takes 1d6 points of Strength damage while in the shadow well.

Draining Darkness (Su): At twentieth level, the shadow blade may drain the strength from anyone inside his Darkness ability. He must make this decision at the time of creating the Darkness effect. Anyone inside the area takes 1d6 points of Strength damage (no saving throw) at the beginning of the shadow blade's turn. The shadow blade is immune to the draining ability of his own Darkness ability.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 08:45:44 AM by RobbyPants »
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 10:09:20 PM »
Okay! I finally posted the entire class. I'm aiming for around tier 3 in terms of what it can do, but I'm looking for some other people's opinions. Here is what I'm hoping the class can do:

  • Warrior-chassis with martial weapons, medium armor and shields, and d8 HD to be fairly competent in melee, although it won't want to go toe-to-toe with strong combatants without evening the field.
  • Liberal debuffing (swift-action movable square of shadowy illumination to provide 20% miss chances). Easy use of Darkness that he can see through. Strong Strength-draining at high levels.
  • Augmented melee. His shadow will deal extra damage to people in melee with him and can provide a flanking bonus (this might be an attractive three-level dip for a rogue).
  • Strong mobility. At-will jaunting, eventually as a move or swift action. At will flight at 10th level. Ability to enter the plane of shadow. Also, being able to make melee attacks at medium, and then long range is pseudo-mobility for a melee character.
  • Mild crowd control. Mostly through Shadow Well.
  • Mild utility. Shadow Cache is mostly for fun, but I could see it being really handy in the right situation. Hide in Plain Sight and Darkness could be useful for scouting-based utility.

I was toying with putting in some shadow-based divination (Claireaudiance/Clairevoyance-type, and/or Scrying), but I never squeezed it in.

* Spell Compendium reference for those who don't have the book:

Shadow Cache
You open a pocket to the shadow plane for 1 min/level. You can move small-sized or smaller non-living objects through the portal for the duration. Subsequent castings open to the same cache, although, there is a 10% chance per day that the stuff you put there will get moved or go missing, so it's not good for long term storage. It's mostly to temporarily hide things or to permanently get rid of them.  :smirk

Shadow Well
You put someone in the plane of shadow for 1 round/level. Each round, they may make a Will save to end the spell early. When they come back, they must save of be frightened for several rounds.

You open a two-way portal to the plane of shadow for 1 min/level. The portal is invisible from the material plane, so it's primarily for temporary hiding or to get to the plane of shadow. Once it closes, you need to find another way back if you haven't left by then.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 10:58:17 PM »
Three things: one, first glance says "good job"

Two: Change the name to Hexblade.  That thing needs a remake anyways.  I mean, you even say "basically the Hexblade", so....why not?  This thing looks like a much better version, only problem is that the actual Hexblade has curses as part of the class.

Three: second look reveals flaws: you don't restrict Summon Undead V to be just shadows, so they can summon anything allowed by the spell.  You say Shadow a couple times, but not in a way that resticts it to just that creature.  Implies, yes, but not explicit.

Your Shadow ability needs rewording.  Particularly the attack one.  What enhancement bonus?

Shadow Strike needs a definition of medium range I believe.  The ranges are always paired with the actual range it is, so it would read "Medium range (100' +10'/level)."  In addition, I don't think it scales well.  I'd make it a single attack at close range, then a little later make it a full attack or a single attack at long range, then later make it full attack at long range and allow the attacks to be split up, as long as anyone hit is in shadow.

Shadow Jaunt, the improved version, should be ble to teleport you to any shadow, even those you don't have LoE to.  It's not too much of a power jump, especially since you didn't really change the distance/action.

Finally, the later abilities just sort of...appear.  All of a sudden you have True Seeing in darkness, when previously you just don't take penalties from shadowy illumination.  All of a sudden Shadow Well does strength damage.  All of a sudden your Darkness does strength damage (no save).  This fits into my other major problem: this class is rear loaded.  A lot of great power in the last three levels, and not too much power early on.  Add some weaker abilities of those last three levels earlier on, something like limited sense range, blindsense/sight, close range True Seeing, etc. gradually working up to that TS unlimited range.  Then damage for the Shadow Well/Darkness.  And I'd actually still allow a save on the Darkness strength damage.  That's just a little too powerful.  It's a "Hey there!  you're paralyzed!" ability, catch someone off-guard, and they are taking at least 2d6 str damage right away.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2012, 08:10:17 AM »
Three things: one, first glance says "good job"
Thanks! :D

Two: Change the name to Hexblade.  That thing needs a remake anyways.  I mean, you even say "basically the Hexblade", so....why not?  This thing looks like a much better version, only problem is that the actual Hexblade has curses as part of the class.
I thought about it. I'm also thinking about modifying the Hexblade a bit, too. As you said: the original version has hexes, and I do like that flavor. This was originally going to be a Hexblade ACF, but then I got more ideas and decided to nix the casting. By that point, it seemed like I needed a full-out new class.

Three: second look reveals flaws: you don't restrict Summon Undead V to be just shadows, so they can summon anything allowed by the spell.  You say Shadow a couple times, but not in a way that resticts it to just that creature.  Implies, yes, but not explicit.
Whoops! I was going to put that in there and then forgot when I doubled back to copy-paste the SpC page reference.

Your Shadow ability needs rewording.  Particularly the attack one.  What enhancement bonus?
Yeah. That references this enhancement bonus. This is the problem of trying to work out a crap ton of house rules a bit at a time. I guess I can't really expect other people to keep track of these things.

I'll add in a reference in the OP and just leave it out for my home version.

Shadow Strike needs a definition of medium range I believe.  The ranges are always paired with the actual range it is, so it would read "Medium range (100' +10'/level)."  In addition, I don't think it scales well.  I'd make it a single attack at close range, then a little later make it a full attack or a single attack at long range, then later make it full attack at long range and allow the attacks to be split up, as long as anyone hit is in shadow.
I added the range definition of close, medium, and long the first time I used each of them, and just didn't bother retyping them. I suppose I could just go back and re-add them.

Shadow Jaunt, the improved version, should be ble to teleport you to any shadow, even those you don't have LoE to.  It's not too much of a power jump, especially since you didn't really change the distance/action.
Given that it's thirteenth level, you're probably right. It did drop form standard to move, but it is the level that you'd have 7th level spells if you were a caster. I think I'll increase it to double your speed, as well.

Finally, the later abilities just sort of...appear.  All of a sudden you have True Seeing in darkness, when previously you just don't take penalties from shadowy illumination.  All of a sudden Shadow Well does strength damage.  All of a sudden your Darkness does strength damage (no save).  This fits into my other major problem: this class is rear loaded.  A lot of great power in the last three levels, and not too much power early on.  Add some weaker abilities of those last three levels earlier on, something like limited sense range, blindsense/sight, close range True Seeing, etc. gradually working up to that TS unlimited range.  Then damage for the Shadow Well/Darkness.  And I'd actually still allow a save on the Darkness strength damage.  That's just a little too powerful.  It's a "Hey there!  you're paralyzed!" ability, catch someone off-guard, and they are taking at least 2d6 str damage right away.
Yeah. A lot of that was me filling in empty levels once I'd typed out the ideas I had from earlier. This is particularly the case with 18th - 20th level. That being said:
  • You do get blindsight at 1st level, but again, that's assuming prior knowledge of other house-rules I'm working on. I'll link to it.
  • Close-range True Seeing is a good idea.
  • I'm not sure I'm worried about a save on the Str damage on darkness. It's only 3.5 points per round on average, and at 20th level, most things won't get caught in it for long.
  • I couldn't think of a way to gradually scale into the Str damage that you get at 19th and 20th level. Maybe 2 points per round earlier?

Do you think it'd be a good idea to add in some form of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance around 5th to 9th level?
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 08:23:18 AM »
I added in a True Seeing effect at 12th level and renamed the 18th level ability. In both cases, I clarified that the effect is continuous.

I also added in the text for the 7th and 12th level Darkness abilities (I forgot to copy-paste those over last night).

I modified the 13th and 17th level Shadow Jaunt abilities.

I added clarification to the enhancement bonus under the Shadow ability and to the Blind-fight bonus feat.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2012, 07:45:49 AM »
Any other ideas on how it is now?
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 09:20:11 AM »
I thought about it. I'm also thinking about modifying the Hexblade a bit, too. As you said: the original version has hexes, and I do like that flavor. This was originally going to be a Hexblade ACF, but then I got more ideas and decided to nix the casting. By that point, it seemed like I needed a full-out new class.

I was going to say, this kind of felt like an ACF or a PrC for that thing.  I'd be careful though, since this is so close in flavor and mechanics to the Hexblade, to make sure that both this and the Hexblade actually deserve to be a base class and not an ACF or PrC.  I mean, it's on the cusp, and I know I've had a hard time with that in the past (see: Avatar project, and splitting the four elements into different classes).

A lot of that was me filling in empty levels once I'd typed out the ideas I had from earlier.

Yeah, this is how the Monk came to's never a good idea to just fill in levels.

I'll respond more later, but it's better now.  I did just have an idea on how to scale into the str damage for Darkness.  Start off somewhere around level 10 with just 1d6 damage.  Then increase that at around level 15 to be more damage, and maybe 1 str damage.  And to fix my issues with it, why don't you add a clause that says that the creatures in the area know that it's the darkness doing the damage?  And then delay the str damage for a round?  That will still usually force the damage, especially if you make sure they can't move (which this class can do).  So basically, at the start of their turn they take damage, but only after they've spent a full round in it?  Or rather, if you begin and end your turn in the dakness, at the start of the Shadowblade's turn, you'll take the str damage, but as soon as you move into the darkness you take the HP damage?  This also works for the Shadow Well ability.  Start off with HP damage, scale that, and eventually add some str damage.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2012, 09:46:41 AM »
13 levels of this would lead into a great telflammar shadowlord entry, also you might consider giving a skirmish progression to shore up dead levels, would be especially fun with medium range melee :P

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2012, 10:59:54 AM »
I was going to say, this kind of felt like an ACF or a PrC for that thing.  I'd be careful though, since this is so close in flavor and mechanics to the Hexblade, to make sure that both this and the Hexblade actually deserve to be a base class and not an ACF or PrC.  I mean, it's on the cusp, and I know I've had a hard time with that in the past (see: Avatar project, and splitting the four elements into different classes).
At first, I was just going to add in about three or four shadow abilities and have then replace the hex, unluck, and similar abilities, but this sort of grew from there. Also, I was going to modify the spell list to be more thematic. I can take a look at the hexblade chassis later and see what I think. It may be doable.

I'll respond more later, but it's better now.  I did just have an idea on how to scale into the str damage for Darkness.  Start off somewhere around level 10 with just 1d6 damage.  Then increase that at around level 15 to be more damage, and maybe 1 str damage.  And to fix my issues with it, why don't you add a clause that says that the creatures in the area know that it's the darkness doing the damage?  And then delay the str damage for a round?  That will still usually force the damage, especially if you make sure they can't move (which this class can do).  So basically, at the start of their turn they take damage, but only after they've spent a full round in it?  Or rather, if you begin and end your turn in the dakness, at the start of the Shadowblade's turn, you'll take the str damage, but as soon as you move into the darkness you take the HP damage?  This also works for the Shadow Well ability.  Start off with HP damage, scale that, and eventually add some str damage.
I thought about HP damage but went with Str damage since it's what shadows do. Of course, that's a negative energy thing and not a shadow thing, so you can argue this doesn't even really fit in with the class.

Perhaps it involves some sort of crowd control instead, as he gains levels. Maybe the darkness starts to entangle, and eventually paralyze targets (the shadow blade is immune to his own effect). Does this sound better?

13 levels of this would lead into a great telflammar shadowlord entry, also you might consider giving a skirmish progression to shore up dead levels, would be especially fun with medium range melee :P
The damage from the shadow attacking is probably good enough in terms of stacking extra damage, although it is only once per round, not per attack. How does the progression feel (1d6/3 levels)? I didn't want it to go too crazy because this is a full BAB class capable of Power Attacking.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2012, 12:30:02 PM »
That also works.  As far as damage goes, though, it's, well, damage.  It's just an option for a weaker than ability damage thing  It could be cold, negative enrgy, or just damage.  Another option as well is a penalty to str.  You can have it do a penalty at around level 15-18, and then at 20 it changes to damage.

I wouldn't do the skirmish.  I don't think it fits the theme, and this should be powerful enough without it.  As you said, it's a full-BAB class capable of PAing.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2012, 10:39:37 PM »
me likee  :thumb

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2012, 12:51:41 AM »
This looks very promising, and while I don't have enough time to do a full analysis of it, it looks pretty good. I'd definitely love a chance to play this some time (though any of the games I'd be playing in any time soon have a good amount of true seeing enemies or devils that can see through magical darkness and such). I like that the class specifically avoids some of the pitfalls of dealing with darkness by adding stipulations for shadowy illumination, and not having to negate the usefulness of most abilities just because an enemy happens to have darkvision (as so many do).

Overall, seems pretty solid.

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 08:18:14 AM »
While I think the bonus damage is too low for my tastes, I like this.

Considering you used some spells from SpC, I think you shoould have added the Shadow Binding spell to it... a little more crowd control to it (or maybe, it's just me wanting more tentacles in the class  :P )...

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2012, 08:27:45 AM »
Considering you used some spells from SpC, I think you shoould have added the Shadow Binding spell to it... a little more crowd control to it (or maybe, it's just me wanting more tentacles in the class  :P )...
I'll have to re-read Shadow Binding. I was trying to avoid making it so the class was good at everything, but I would like it to be fairly competent at most things so the player isn't stuck there twiddling his thumbs on some encounters.

That being said, I was also toying with letting his Shadow feature have more abilities. Among others, I was thinking of letting it do special attack options (trip, disarm, grapple, etc), using the Shadow Blade's Cha mod in place of Str or Dex when applicable. My biggest concern about this is when to give the ability. If I give it too early, the class gets more and more front-loaded. If I wait too long, you won't even care about it, and it's effectively wasted space.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2012, 12:39:19 PM »
I just thought of a new ability that might be kind of neat , but I'm not sure exactly how to balance it, or what level I'd like it to be available. I'm thinking somewhere between 5th and 10th, which would help on setting balance.

Shadow Pin (Su):
At Xth level, the Shadow Blade can pin a creature to its own shadow for a brief period of time. Any one creature within long range (400 ft + 40 ft / level) that fails a Will save is pinned to it's own shadow for one round per class level. The pinned creature cannot leave the ground or move more than five feet from its original position where it was pinned.
   If the creature was flying when it was affected, it descends straight down at a rate of 60 feet per round. It takes no falling damage while falling at this speed. The duration starts from when the creature starts descending, and not when it lands on the ground.
   This ability has no effect in total darkness or against incorporeal creatures, invisible creatures, or creatures who otherwise have no shadow.

Now, the first thing is, I need to figure out how to limit it. Once per encounter? X per day? At will, but a successful save means you can't be affected for 24 hours? If I extend the Will save to each round to end the effect, it's a lot easier to allow it to be at will.

Other than that, any thoughts? I think the idea is thematic and I like the crowd control aspect.
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2012, 02:39:34 PM »
Sounds a lot like the Immobilized condition (from Tome of Magic, I think, and I'm pretty sure flying creatures still fall slowly, too). Any reason you didn't just use that?

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2012, 02:54:45 PM »
Sounds a lot like the Immobilized condition (from Tome of Magic, I think, and I'm pretty sure flying creatures still fall slowly, too). Any reason you didn't just use that?
I don't have Tome of Magic. :D
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2012, 03:06:19 PM »
Given that all of the other class abilities (other than Shadow Well) are at will, I'd go with the at will, 1/24 hours if saved version.

Shadowsight: The last sentence probably isn't what you intended. (Ignoring all penalties as long as you're in shadowy illumination? Awesome.) The current wording also allows others to retain their concealment with respect to the Shadow Blade, thus allowing them to hide from him even though he ignores the concealment's miss chance. It should probably be written instead as: "He ignores the concealment granted to others and any other penalties caused to him by this level of light."

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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2012, 09:29:09 AM »
Given that all of the other class abilities (other than Shadow Well) are at will, I'd go with the at will, 1/24 hours if saved version.
I think you're right. Now, to figure out where to put it in...

Shadowsight: The last sentence probably isn't what you intended. (Ignoring all penalties as long as you're in shadowy illumination? Awesome.) The current wording also allows others to retain their concealment with respect to the Shadow Blade, thus allowing them to hide from him even though he ignores the concealment's miss chance. It should probably be written instead as: "He ignores the concealment granted to others and any other penalties caused to him by this level of light."
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Re: Shadow Blade (kinda like a Hexblade)
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2012, 08:23:59 AM »
I wanted to add two abilities to this class, but I'm not sure where. I was thinking between levels 5 and 10 (not before 5 for the first and not before 7 for the second). Any comments on the abilities or suggestion on levels where they should go? The class already has quite a few abilities.

Visions of Shadow (Su): You look deep into the shadows and see visions of another shadowed area. This ability functions exactly like the Clairaudience/Clairvoyance spell, except that you can use your Shadowsight, True Seeing, and Improved True Seeing abilities in the area you're viewing. Magical darkness does not block sight. You must be standing in an area of shadowy illumination or darker to use this ability, and the sensor must appear in an area of shadowy illumination or darker. When you use the ability, you automatically know the location of all available squares within range to place the sensor.

Using the ability takes 10 minutes to activate, and once it has been used, it cannot be used for another hour.

Shadow Scry (Su): You look into the shadow and see another person connected through the shadows. This ability functions exactly like the Scrying spell, except that you must be standing in an area of shadowy illumination or darker to use this ability, and the target must either be in an area of shadowy illumination or darker, or have a shadow (so this could exclude vampires or invisible targets, depending on the situation). Your Shadowsight, True Seeing, and Improved True Seeing abilities function through this ability.

As the spell, using this ability takes one hour to activate, and if the target succeeds on their Will save, they cannot be affected for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. There is no focus required except for the darkness you must be standing in to use the ability.
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