Faiths and Pantheons fun finds (some good, some not).
Auspician has an interesting TO element. At the 8th level you obtain Permanent Effusion, a Ex ability that permanently grants a +1 luck bonus. Now go back and read that. Yes, the ability isn't giving the +1 bonus which means it would be lost if removed It gives a permanent bonus each time it's obtained. Hello retraining abuse.
Techsmith's Explosive Obsession (pg 208) lets you create renaissance level bombs.
Move action to light, 15ft range, 2d8 damage (dc 15 relf halves), 150gp per.
Obtainable in a truly open market, little expensive but wrapping a bunch together sounds awesome.
Waveservant gains tentacles. ...Yeah.
The Wearer of Purple is as terrible as it sounds. It's another dragon rider PrC except it's possibly one of the worst things ever written till Complete Psionic came out. It appears meant for Cleric only as it gives you the capstone ability to use your Rebuke Undead on Dragons, but a Sorcerer can enter it and this ten level long PrC never advances your Rebuking. In other words, your HD limit is so limited you can't Command most
Tiny True Dragons, good luck finding an appropriate mount.
And lastly.
Chosen of Bane.I don't get any forum hits for ENWorld, GitP, BG, or here on page 1 in google search. Like zip, nadda, NONE. Can you believe it?What is it? A 3.0 acquired template, fluffed to be only one in the world at a time. +4 CR, no LA (it's 3.0, no such thing as LA).
What does it give? Couple of SLAs (notably Dominate Monster & Geas), +
10 to Charisma, ChaMod/day Summon Monster IX like effect that summons a CR 13 Undead mother-fracking Beholder.
Give it to a 1HD commoner, CR 5 my ass.