Sort of yes. Planar Bubble calls forth the Planar effects of target creature's home. The effect is centered on the creature making it mobile but it's effect has a duration (10mins/cl). It also comes into play two levels sooner.
Animate a Spork build on Mechanis. Anywhere the Spork goes (material, fire, the bathroom) has a Fast Time trait.
Single handled replaces the entire Planar Shepherd Class and honestly I'd prefer it over Anchor Plane. Because the zone moves with your pocketed silverware rather than staying in one spot. So DDoor'ing out of a Grapple won't grant someone else ten turns to your one, but ensure that you have it and they don't.
that is quite useful for personal actions, but i find that the anchor plane can also be made mobile fairly easily, plus it is useful for crafting purposes, unlike planar bubble. though i imagine with the lower level of spell one might manage persisting which would also solve that issue.
if one places the anchor in a stronghold, and makes the stronghold mobile, you can take your planar trait along with you anywhere. plant a tree in that space, acorn of far travel it, the usual sanctum tricks, and you can benefit personally and still craft at a accelerated rate. so long as the stronghold remains somewhere on the prime.... then... profit.
my preferred stronghold is a folding boat. it counts as a pinnace (stormwrack) and is the equivalent of 1 "stronghold space". the stronghold builders guidebook is 3.0, but if the anchor is incorporated into the structure of the boat in a permanent, non-removable fashion, it will only cost PL*ML*500 gp, per the architecture crafting rules given therein. (which might qualify for an interesting find, all in itself.) plus it can fold down to a rowboat, or a box and you can walk off with it, or toss it in a bag of holding or portable hole when you want to shut down the fast time trait. ^^
hmmmm, come to think of it, if the area of affect of the anchor plane is greater than the volume of the boat... what would the end result travel rate be? if the entire boat is enclosed in a mobile fast time trait, then would it travel that much the faster?