Author Topic: Paragon  (Read 66290 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: March 26, 2012, 04:50:51 PM »

-Must have at least  5 HD.
-Cannot have Flaws.

Special: A character wishing to enter the Paragon prc can spend a week in meditation, careful contemplation and/or harduous training to get rid of any Flaws they had before hand, but they must also sacrifice one non-bonus feat they have for each Flaw lost.

Level Bab Fort Ref Will Feature
1+1 + 2+2+2Potential, Excellence
2+2 +3+3+3 The One, Exceptional
3+3 +3+3+3A Step Ahead, Excellence
4+4 +4+4+4Know The Trick, Exceptional
5+5 +4+4+4 No Time To Rest, Excellence
6+6 +5+5+5 Greater Excellence
7+7 +5+5+5Flawless, Champion
8+8 +6+6+6Here and Now, Greater Excellence
9+9 +6+6+6 Know The Trick, Champion
10+10+7+7+7Simply The Best, Greater Excellence
11+11+7+7+7Perfect Excellence
12+12+8+8+8Lord, That Was Left Handed
13+13+8+8+8Perfect Excellence
14+14+9+9+9Know The Trick, Lord
15+15+9+9+9Perfect Excellence, Best of the Best
Skills:8+int modifier per level, all skills are Class Skills for the Paragon

Proficiencies:A Paragon gains no new Proficiencies


Potential: When a Paragon sets his mind to something, it can be very difficult to oppose him. He has a dominating presence, a pressure that gives them an edge against everyone else. One may even suspect they have some kind of telepathy or clarivoidance, but they're simply just that good.

You gain an amount of Potential points equal to your HD. Every time you make a 1d20 roll or weapon damage roll, you may spend an amount of Potential points up to your Paragon level to boost the result of that roll in a 1 per 1 basis. You need to choose to use this ability before knowing the result of the roll, but it takes no action to activate. Potential Points are refreshed at every hour.

Excellence: Paragons aren't just someone who is good at what they do. There are a lot of people who are good at their chosen field. A Paragon is one with virtually unlimited potential at what he does. At 1st,  3rd and 5th levels pick one of the following Excellences. Unless otherwise noticed, they're all Ex abilities and can only be picked once each.

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The One:You're special, there's no doubt of that. Things that would greatly hinder your normal kin are barely noticed by you.   At 2nd level the Paragon gains resistance to two elements of his choice (stacking with any other resistances he already had) and DR/magic equal to half his HD. If the Paragon already had a DR with magic as a bypassing component, then increase it by 5.

Exceptional: Either trough harsh training, natural raw talent or some other factor, Paragons are clearly faster, stronger, simply better than others of their kind. At 2nd and 4th level they gain a +2 bonus to two stats of their choice (you can pick the same pair of stats twice).

A Step Ahead: A Paragon isn't someone who stands idly waiting for things to happen. He's someone who goes forward to the future! At 3rd level all of the Paragon's movement speeds increase by 50%!

Know the Trick: A Paragon is so good that many people would think he's using magic. At 4th level the Paragon picks up one of the following spells and can use it as a SLA 1/day per 3 HD. Haste,  Greater Dispel Magic or See Invisibility, except they count as Ex abilities, thus being undispellable and useable inside an AMF. It's no magic, it's just the Paragon being that good!

At 9th and 14th level the Paragon picks one of the remaining options.

No Time to Rest: You recover from wounds at an alarming rate,  and others wonder just how is possible for you take so much punishment. At 5th level the Paragon gains Fast Healing equal to half its HD, which stacks with any other Fast Healing it might have.

Greater Excellence: Some Paragons are better than others. At 6th, 8th and 10th level pick one of the following Greater Excellences. Unless otherwise noticed, they're all Ex abilities and can only be picked once each.

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Flawless: Even magic seems to have an hard time catching up to you. At 7th level the Paragon gains SR equal to 11+HD. If he already had SR, increase it by 5. He can rise or drop his SR at any time as a free action even if it isn't his turn.

Champion: Truly you are a paragon of your kind, standing clearly above all others. At 7th and 9th level you gain +2 to three diferent stats of your choice. You may pick the same trio of stats at each time.

Here and Now: At 8th level all of the Paragon's Movement speeds are doubled (this doesn't stack with A Step Ahead).

Simply the Best: At 10th level the Paragon's Fast Healing from No Time to Rest doubles.

Perfect Excellence: The greatest Paragons of all have honed their abilities to once unimagineable extremes. At 11th, 13 and 15th levels pick one of the following:

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Three Times As Fast- At 12th level all of the Paragon's Movement speeds are tripled (this doesn't stack with Here and Now).

Lord: Others of your kind can't stop themselves from either admiring you or hating your guts, but either way you inspire respect, and why shouldn't you since you're clearly so superior to them? At 12th and 14th level the Paragon gains +2 to four diferent stats of his choice. He may choose the same quartet of stats at each time.

That Was Left Handed:
You're so good you can perform incredible tasks even with your off-hand while holding something else with it! At 12th once per round as a free action even if it isn't your turn, you may perform either a  basic physical attack, basic move action or one of your Know The Trick SLAs.

Best of the Best:
At 15th level, you gain an extra +2 to all your ability scores, and all your HD, past, current and future, are maximized. You may take an automatic 11 on any 1d20 rolls you make, and once per day you may take 20 on any one 1d20 roll.

New Feats

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« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 08:53:49 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 04:51:08 PM »
New Excellences

Paragon Precision:  Whenever you roll lower than the average result on a damage roll, use the average result instead (eg. for a rogue with +10d6 sneak attack damage, if he rolled 34 or lower he would instead deal +35 damage). Maximising your damage is easier for you - reduce the level modifier of the Maximise Spell metamagic feat by 1 (minimum +0); in the case of similar abilities then they become easier by an equivalent amount (Maximise Breath has its recharge time reduced by 1 round, Maximise Power has its pp cost reduced by 2, etc.). Contributed by Prime32

Paragon Finesse: While you use a weapon in a single hand and nothing in the other, you add half your HD as a deflection bonus to AC. You may choose to add your Dexterity modifier to damage instead of Strength. Also, if the weapon is magical, you can apply its enhancement bonus to your AC as if it were a shield and double the enhancement bonus for the purpose of attack and damage rolls. You lose this bonus if you wield anything in your empty hand (but not if you carry something other than a weapon or shield) or if you wear medium or heavy armor. You need Weapon Finesse and must be wielding a finesse-able weapon to make use of these benefits. Contributed by Retrokinesis

Paragon Warrior: You need to be able to initiate maneuvers (at least two) to pick this Excellence. Paragon levels now grant  full initiator level advance for all your martial classes instead of just half, and you can have the base DC of your maneuvers be 10+1/2 HD+your highest mental stat mod instead of 10+maneuver level+school initiating stat mod. Contributed by Anomander.

Paragon Fighting Style: You need Paragon Warrior to take this Excellence. You gain new maneuvers known, maneuvers readied, maneuvers swapped and stances known as if you had gained two new levels in a martial class you belonged to before taking this Excellence. You also now gain access to a martial discipline unavailable to you and automatically learn a bonus maneuver (not a stance) from it to which you qualify. You can take this Excellence two times, its effects stack. Contributed by Anomander.

Paragon Psionics: You need to be able to manifest psionic powers or PLAs to pick this Excellence. Paragon levels keep increasing your ML for all your powers and PLAs (unless they were already tied to HD, in which case their ML simply improves by 1), and you can have the base DC of your powers be 10+1/2 HD+your highest mental stat mod instead of 10+power level+Main manifesting stat mod. Contributed by Polkabear.

Paragon Manifester: You need Paragon Psionics and to be able to manifest psionic powers to take this Excellence. You gain new powers per day and power points as if you had gained two new levels in a psionic class you belonged to before taking this Excellence, and learn two powers of any level you can cast from the power list of that same psionic class.  You may take this Excellence two times: its effects stack. Contributed by Polkabear.

Paragon Conduit: You must have Paragon Magic and the ability to use Invocations to select this Excellence.
You may learn 2 Invocations of any grade up to and including Lesser. You may take this excellence twice, its effects stack. Contributed by Amechra
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 03:56:54 PM by oslecamo »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 04:51:22 PM »
New Greater Excellences.

Paragon Blade: You need Paragon Warrior to pick this Greater Excellence. Choose one your maneuvers. It gains +1 to Il and DC, and if it demands an attack roll, you can re-roll failed misses with it, including Miss chances like Concealment and Mirror Image. Plus every time you initiate that maneuver, you have a 75% chance of instantly recovering it.

Paragon Training: You need Paragon Blade to pick this Greater Excellence. You gain new maneuvers known, maneuvers readied, maneuvers swapped and stances known as if you had gained two new levels in a martial class you belonged to before taking this Greater Excellence. You also automatically learn a bonus stance or maneuver from any of your schools for which you qualify for. You can take this Greater Excellence two times, its effects stack.

Paragon Fury: You need Paragon Rage to pick this Greater Excellence. You can now initiate your Rage at any time, even if it isn't your turn and you would normally be unable to take actions by some other effect. You remove all ill effects from yourself (except death) and all squares adjacent to you, such as magic area effects, putting out fires and breaking ice. Any other creatures adjacent to you are also pushed back 5 feet (this doesn't provoke attacks of oportunity).

Paragon Power: You need Paragon Manifester to pick this Greater Excellence. Choose one of your powers. It gains +1 to ML and DC, and now ignores any previous limits on ML it had (except the base rule that you can't spend more PP on a power than your ML). Plus every time you manifest that power, you have a 50% chance of recovering the power points spent on it.

Paragon Psionicist: You need Paragon Power to pick this Greater Excellence. You gain new powers per day and power points as if you had gained two new levels in a psionic class you belonged to before taking this Excellence, and learn three powers of any level you can cast from the power list of that same manifesting class.  You may take this Greater Excellence two times: its effects stack.

Paragon Vessel (Greater Excellence):You must have Paragon Conduit and the ability to use Invocations to select this Excellence. You may learn 2 Invocations of any grade up to and including Greater. You may take this excellence twice, its effects stack. Contributed by Amechra.

Paragon of War: You need Paragon Dual Wield or Paragon Proficiency to qualify for this Greater Excellence. The Paragon has gotten so Masterful at combat, that his attacks flow into one another, and it is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. In addition, the true master knows how someone will block a strike, and attack in such a manner that the next attack will be awkward to block.
The Paragon rolls once vs AC, for every two attacks made. For the purposes of BAB and Crit, this is treated as only 1 attack, meaning that on a 20/15/10/5 BAB array, the attacks use 20/15. However for all other purposes, (DR, Magical effects of a weapon, and the like) this is treated as two separate attacks, as the weapon impacts twice. Contributed by  Drachos.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 07:31:23 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 04:51:35 PM »
New Perfect Excellences.

Paragon Wrath-You need Paragon Fury to pick this Greater Excellence. When you enter a rage, you gain a number of temporary Potential Points equal to your Paragon level. Any not used go away at the end of the Rage. In addition such is the pure fury that you fight with that it contagies your oponents. Enemies hit by your physical attacks while raging must make a Will save with DC equal to the damage taken or suffer all rage penalties for 1 round (-2 AC, can't use mental skills except intimidate, can't cast spells/powers or activate magic items, etc).

Can You Weaklings Not Fight Any Better?-You need Paragon Blade to pick this Perfect Excellence. You gain new maneuvers known, maneuvers readied, maneuvers swapped and stances known as if you had gained two new levels in a martial class you belonged to before taking this Perfect Excellence. You also automatically learn a bonus stance and a bonus maneuver from any of your schools for which you qualify for. You can take this Perfect Excellence three times, its effects stack.

Paragon Mind - You need Paragon Psionicist to pick this Perfect Excellence. You gain new powers per day and power points as if you had gained two new levels in a psionic class you belonged to before taking this Excellence, and learn four powers of any level you can cast from the power list of that same manifesting class.  You may take this Perfect Excellence three times: its effects stack.

Paragon Vessel (Perfect Excellence):
You must have Paragon Servant and the ability to use Invocations to select this Excellence.You may learn 2 Invocations of any grade up to and including Dark (or equivalent). You may take this Perfect excellence thrice. Its effects stack. Contributed by Amechra.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 02:59:27 PM by oslecamo »

Offline Prime32

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 08:25:32 AM »
Kudos to prime32's own work for several excellences I stole took inspiration from.
Wow, that barbarian stuff is old...
The Strength check DC for Warped Body isn't listed, and Divine Possession makes someone with DR/- weaker.

Suggested Excellence:
Whenever you roll lower than the average result on a damage roll, use the average result instead (eg. for a rogue with +10d6 sneak attack damage, if he rolled 34 or lower he would instead deal +35 damage). Maximising your damage is easier for you - reduce the level modifier of the Maximise Spell metamagic feat by 1 (minimum +0); in the case of similar abilities then they become easier by an equivalent amount (Maximise Breath has its recharge time reduced by 1 round, Maximise Power has its pp cost reduced by 2, etc.).

I notice that you can't finish this class pre-epic; why not reduce the prereq from lv6 to lv5?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 08:31:35 AM by Prime32 »

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2012, 04:06:35 PM »
Kudos to prime32's own work for several excellences I stole took inspiration from.
Wow, that barbarian stuff is old...
The Strength check DC for Warped Body isn't listed, and Divine Possession makes someone with DR/- weaker.
Fixed, as well as in the Battle Dragon that also uses them. Also, you have a more updated version of those rage enanchers?

Suggested Excellence:
Nice, added!

I notice that you can't finish this class pre-epic; why not reduce the prereq from lv6 to lv5?
Well, tecnically it is template from the Epic Level Handbook, but I guess you're right. Changed it to 5 HD.

Offline Prime32

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2012, 06:43:05 PM »
Also, you have a more updated version of those rage enanchers?

Suggested Excellence:
Nice, added!
That prereq seems pretty restrictive - plenty of characters who could make use of it (like martial adepts) have no way to qualify, and you can qualify with non-variable precision damage (like Hit-and-Run fighter) which gains no benefit from it.

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 10:20:21 AM »
That prereq seems pretty restrictive - plenty of characters who could make use of it (like martial adepts) have no way to qualify, and you can qualify with non-variable precision damage (like Hit-and-Run fighter) which gains no benefit from it.

Don't martial adepts have Assassin's stance for an easy 2d6 sneak attack? Also a hit-and-run fighter still is wielding weapons with one or more  damage dies. Won't your excellence also allow them to average weapon damage rolls?

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2012, 04:06:37 PM »
Don't martial adepts have Assassin's stance for an easy 2d6 sneak attack? Also a hit-and-run fighter still is wielding weapons with one or more  damage dies. Won't your excellence also allow them to average weapon damage rolls?
Some do, and yes but that doesn't mean a lot.
Really, my issue is that both precision damage + people who qualify for Maximise X relying mainly on dice for damage is a fluke of the system; the prereq has no fluff justification or consistency. Why would you need to be good at sneaking up on people to shoot fire from your sword more efficiently?

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2012, 06:43:55 PM »
Ok, just removed it and left the unwritten prerequisite of "you need something that rolls lots of dice or big dice for damage for this to be really worth it"

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2012, 03:22:47 PM »
I really like the look of this, especially for a single-wielding finesse fighter. Two suggestions:

1. Are your potential points refreshed every IN-GAME hour or every hour of PLAY time? It's not particularly clear on that.

2. Any chance of a companion excellence to Paragon Fencing that prevents you from using a shield for a real finesse fighter?

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 06:14:53 PM »
1. I don't recall any single D&D ability that works based on play time. The Paragon refreshes potential points every hour in-game.

2-Sure. Not any time soon unless you do it yourself tough. My next couple of weeks will be quite busy in RL, so chances are that I won't get to update anything on this project at all for that time.

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2012, 12:21:05 AM »
Heh, guess I've been reading the GURPS books too much lately. What about something like:

Paragon Finesse
While you use a weapon in a single hand and nothing in the other, you add half your HD as a deflection bonus to AC. Also, if the weapon is magical, you can apply its enhancement bonus to your AC as if it were a shield. You lose this bonus if you wield anything in your empty hand (but not if you carry something other than a weapon or shield) or if you wear medium or heavy armor.

Too powerful/weak? Not really sure about the balance level.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 12:24:03 AM by Retrokinesis »

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2012, 04:48:03 PM »
Seems kinda weak now. I would add the option for using Dex instead of Str for damage rolls. Also weapon finesse as a prerequisite. Also perhaps double the weapon's enanchment to attack and damge rolls, since you can use it more skillfully?

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2012, 05:04:32 PM »
How about...this.

Paragon Finesse
While you use a weapon in a single hand and nothing in the other, you add half your HD as a deflection bonus to AC. You may choose to add your Dexterity modifier to damage instead of Strength. Also, if the weapon is magical, you can apply its enhancement bonus to your AC as if it were a shield and double the enhancement bonus for the purpose of attack and damage rolls. You lose this bonus if you wield anything in your empty hand (but not if you carry something other than a weapon or shield) or if you wear medium or heavy armor. You need Weapon Finesse and must be wielding a finesse-able weapon to make use of these benefits.

Leaving Power Attack interaction alone because Paragon Fencing already covers that.

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2012, 06:18:42 PM »
Good job, added!

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2012, 12:49:57 AM »
No love for Invocation users? I'll post some that are soon enough, since I plan to use this with a Warlock at some point...
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"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2012, 03:14:52 AM »
Didn't Complete Arcane specify that invoker users benefit from any prc that advances spellcasting progression as long as they qualify? Pick the magic excellences, you'll end up knowing a lot of invocations.

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2012, 05:56:28 AM »
Might as well see if we can make this ToB friendly:

Paragon Warrior: You need to be able to initiate maneuvers (at least two) to pick this Excellence. Paragon levels keep increasing your initiator level for all your martial classes (unless they were already tied to HD, in which case their effective initiator level for the purpose of maneuver variables improves by 1), and you can have the base DC of your maneuvers be 10+1/2 HD+your highest mental stat mod instead of 10+maneuver level+main initiating stat mod.

Paragon Fighting Style: You need Paragon Warrior to take this Excellence. You gain new maneuvers known, maneuvers readied and stances known as if you had gained two new levels in a martial class you belonged to before taking this Excellence. You also now gain access to a martial discipline unavailable to you and automatically learn a bonus maneuver (not a stance) from it to which you qualify.

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Re: Paragon
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2012, 09:05:34 PM »
Those are pretty nice, added. I was expecting people to ask ToB suport, just hadn't the time to figure out a simple way. I guess converting the spellcasting ones works.