Help is needed...
I have only played D&D 3.5 one other time and once again I jumped into a game in the middle. Then we switched to 4 Ed and as quick as we switched we stopped. Even when I played in 3.5 I chose a character that sounded good and the DM pretty much created my character sheet and nothing was really explained.
Now I am joining into a game that everyone is at lvl 11. The books that I was told that I am allowed to use are: DMG, PHB, MM, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Players Guide to Faerum, and Spell Compendium. Starting stats of 14, 16, 18, 13, 10, 13. Also I cant use a race that gives a LA.
I have talked to may of friends in my area and they say start of with a fighter, barbarian, ... "they are the easiest." I don't like being the main person that is in their face. I don't like being the face of the party either. I have always like the druid that I first played. I enjoyed shapeshifting and having the pet, but also being able to heal my self and others. Casting wasn't that big for me until I played a Wizard in 4 ed. I enjoyed sitting back and blowing things up from a far.
I guess what I am asking from the Pros.. you guys, is with those books how great of a character can I make? I think I want to roll a druid. If you guys have another input please let me know. Don't forget I am somewhat a Noob! I don't what everything given to me, I want to be explained why it is better so I understand. You know... "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and feed him for life." I have searched all over the net and have seen some really good builds but they include books that I am unable to use.