Advice for a sorcerer....
1) Spell Selection. Spell Selection. Spell Selection!
The only "direct" damage spells my Sorcerers ever have anymore are Wings of Flurry, Scorching Ray, and in games I don't expect to go past level 5-6 Power Word: Pain/Magic Missile.
I realize that playing a sorcerer for damage is fun and all, but you're better off with utility spells.
2) Always prestige....
Sorcerers get no Class abilities, Prestige out into a full casting PrC after level 6 at the latest.
If you insist on being a damage dealer:
The MailmanIf you're interested in being "Lesser-God" as opposed to Wizards being God. Being able to do less, but do it more often... Then the place to start is spell selection, and finding a PrC that synergizes its class abilities well with what you want.
Have you read the handbooks forum, Checking the index there Solo's handbook is helpful. If you've got an idea of what you want to do besides "be a sorcerer blaster" I might have some PrC flavor ideas. If you just want "power" good spell selection and most any full casting PrC-Goodness-Cheese will do the trick (Incantrix comes to mind quickly even if not for blasting persist spell is nummy.)