13 is actually the average at level 1.
This much is true.
Weird, I thought I only left out a lacedon from the SRD monsters, which distorts the final average by a grand amount of .02.
Ah well, this is why less fallible algorithms.
*defines function in Ruby, inputs numbers*
... Er, sorry guys, still coming out to be 12.0465. We're either using different numbers, talking about something other than the mean, or you did something about outliers. That, and I seem to have 3 listed monsters you don't, but notsure that makes as much a difference as you'd expect.
13 is the most
common HP value, with 11 instances; followed by 11 with 9 instances and 9 with 8 instances. (Out of 43 HP values for CR 1 creatures in the SRD.)
Minimum: 2
Average: 12
Maximum: 29
Mode: 13
Median: 11 (skew: upward)
Population Standard Deviation: 5.25
CR 1 Initiative
Minimum: -5
Average: 1.6279
Maximum: 7
Mode: 2
Median: 2 (skew: downward)
Population Standard Deviation: 2.10
CR 1 Melee Attack Bonus
Minimum: -2
Average: 2.78
Maximum: 6
Mode: 2
Median: 3 (skew: downward)
Population standard deviation: 1.77
Incalculable (2): Shrieker and Spider Swarm (no attack, and no attack needed respectively)
CR 1 Ranged Attack Bonus
(out of 9/43 CR 1 monsters having a ranged attack)
Minimum: 0
Average: 2.11
Maximum: 6
Mode: 1
Median: 1 (Skew: Upward)
Population standard deviation: 1.79
(Forgive me forgetting how significant figures work by the way...)