So I need some advice about a Malconvoker build.
My DM is starting us in a campaign at level 15. I've decided to go with one of these builds mentioned in the handbook:
Conjurer (UA variants: Rapid summon, Enhanced Summon) 10/Malconvoker 5/Master Specialist 4/Paragnostic Apostle 1
(Augment Summoning increases to +6/+6 plus Fast Healing 5)
Conjurer (UA variants: Rapid summon, Enhanced Summon) 5/Malconvoker 5/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7/Archmage 3
Takes advantage of the nice IotSV abilities while maintaining summoning ability.
The party composition is likely going to be a Cleric, a Warblade, a melee class not from TOB, and a Druid. The DM hinted that most (nearly all) of the enemies will be evil outsiders (demons). We are also unlikely to make it past level 15, since this campaign will be a short lived one.
With that in mind should I go for Conjurer 10/Malconvoker 5, or are the wards gained from 5 levels of IOTSV worth the (minor?) loss in summoning power?