Author Topic: Let the lurking commence  (Read 1462 times)

Offline LordPaillasson

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Let the lurking commence
« on: November 07, 2011, 06:20:46 PM »
Well to make it quick, I've been a lurker here for the past 3 years, although the nex start may convince me to start posting at last.

I live in the South of France, trying to move to the South of England (university of Southampton yaaay).

I play mostly D&D 3.5 and homebrew variants when it comes to tabletop games, and I used to be involved in a few Morrowind and Urban Terror communities before getting bored with the trolling.
I do frequent

I'm most interested in the Min/Max and homebrew boards.

Non-rpg hobbies include guitar amp making (as well as other electronic devices related to music), manga, playing music and struggling between my personal life and the living hell that the french higher education system is.

So please let me keep gathering information on these very enriching boards  8)