Ok, so, I'm brainstorming for character ideas for a Pathfinder Gestalt game. Yeah. Anyway, my initial attempt relies heavily on 3rd party material, and while my GM is fine with that and doesn't really care, it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth to do so. So, I had a couple other ideas for viable combinations.
First, I had the idea of Sorcerer//Oracle. I think I can basically piece this one together myself. Pick decent spells from arcane and divine magics, get some metamagic feats, it's all good, especially since both are charisma casters.
The other idea I had is where I need help: Wizard//Alchemist. See, I know how wizards roll, but I don't really know what to do with the alchemist side to make the two synergize and complement each other especially well. Of particular note of sticking in my craw are what to do with feats, and how to go about picking my extracts and discoveries on the alchemist side.
Since I want it to complement my Wizard side, I was thinking of using the Mindchemist archetype for the cognatogen, but beyond that, I'm stumped. I would like to focus on the mutagen and extract parts of alchemist over the bomb throwing aspect, if at all possible. Any help from the playground, I would greatly appreciate.