Author Topic: Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BRISTLE)  (Read 95358 times)

Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... Burning Hands!
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2012, 02:05:57 PM »
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And that concludes my assessment of Burning Hands. I hope that this gives you ideas and allows you to breathe new life into this old spell.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 01:53:29 PM by Captnq »
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2012, 05:02:25 PM »
Jet of Steam is a great alternate to Burning Hands.  I prefer the 30' line over the 15' cone.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2012, 06:26:58 PM »
Burning Hands can cook a hotdog.

Burning Hands can auto-crit a (handled) Horse.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2012, 11:21:11 PM »
Jet of Steam is a great alternate to Burning Hands.  I prefer the 30' line over the 15' cone.

I'll put it on the list to do. Right now I'm working on all the healing spells. I figured it'd be best to handle them together as a group. After that is Cloud of Knives, Vampiric Touch, then I'll handle jet of steam.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2012, 03:47:25 AM »
Delay Spell - because setting up traps where 5 spells go off on enemies at the same time is utterly useless.

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2012, 04:48:11 AM »
Jet of Steam is a great alternate to Burning Hands.  I prefer the 30' line over the 15' cone.

I'll put it on the list to do. Right now I'm working on all the healing spells. I figured it'd be best to handle them together as a group. After that is Cloud of Knives, Vampiric Touch, then I'll handle jet of steam.

This is a really interesting thread, good read and will make a really good handbook.

How're you picking your spells?

Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2012, 04:42:47 PM »
Delay Spell - because setting up traps where 5 spells go off on enemies at the same time is utterly useless.

The delay is 1 to 5 ROUNDS. Yes, I suppose if I could get my enemies to stand there, unknowingly, while I stacked spell upon spell on them, it might prove useful. However, How about I just cast a spell 3 levels higher insted and kill them in one spell, instead of 5?

BTW, I'm serious. PLEASE show me how this feat is useful in any practical situation. I will change my write ups immediately.
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Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2012, 05:17:49 PM »
Jet of Steam is a great alternate to Burning Hands.  I prefer the 30' line over the 15' cone.
I'll put it on the list to do. Right now I'm working on all the healing spells. I figured it'd be best to handle them together as a group. After that is Cloud of Knives, Vampiric Touch, then I'll handle jet of steam.

This is a really interesting thread, good read and will make a really good handbook.

How're you picking your spells?

Well, I start with whatever I can print out and carry around in my back pocket. Then, when I find myself with nothing to do, I take out my notes and scribble on them, making it look like I'm very very busy when I'm just running numbers for spells in various metamagic combinations.

I've been sticking with OGL spells to start, but I've had a few requests, so I mix and match, depending on what I can print out and what strikes my mood.

I currently have the following written up in note form on hard copy awaiting expansion into a complete write up:

All the Conjuration (Healing) spells that heal hps
Cloud of Knives
Flaming Sphere
Acid Splash
Bestow Curse (Preview: Retributive Black Lore of Moil Potion of PAIN)
Cone of Cold
Vampiric Touch

On My list to do is:
Ray of Exhaustion (Goes well with ray of enfeeblement)
False Life (Everyone needs hps)
Persistent Blade (Upon Request)
Gaseous Form (Trapsmith casts it at level 1)
Haste (Ditto)
Knock (Ditto)
Arcane Sight (Ditto)
Cat's Grace (Ditto)
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Ditto)
Protection from Energy (Ditto, but maybe I'll make a Defense against energy attacks thread)
Read Magic (Player came up with wierd suggestions)
Rope Trick (Tactics, mostly)
Sepia Snake Sigil (Did you know that range of effect is line of sight?)
Shield (I did Magic Missile)
See Invisibile (Tactics)
Scorching Ray (One of the few ways to break the 1d6 a level)
Sending (Making it work)
Searing light (To give some love to the clerics)

That's how it stands right now.
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Offline Captnq

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What can you do with... Magic Missile
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2012, 11:39:19 PM »
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And that concludes my assessment of Magic Missile. I hope that this gives you ideas and allows you to breathe new life into this old spell. Please tear apart my assessment of all of the above combinations and if you have any tactical ideas in just best to use a magic missile in combat, I'd love to hear it.
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Offline Rejakor

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Burning Hands)
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2012, 07:37:40 AM »
Using the hide skill and a rod of silent spell.

Using a time stop.

Using a field of magical silence to block the sound of your voice.

Using the skill trick that disguises casting as praying, or singing in a foreign language.

Using bluff to make them think you're a mage on their side and you're casting divinations.

By knowing how far they can run in 30 seconds, and having a rogue lure them to the 'kill box' at the exact right moment.

Ad etceteratum.

Great use of it is timing them for the exact instant a forcecage expires.

Offline zioth

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Chill Touch)
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2012, 02:36:16 PM »
Sorry to go back to Chill Touch here, but I had a fun idea a while back for this spell...

Give it to a monk with Greater Flurry. Yes, there's a save, but adding 1d6 and a potential point of strength to every attack can add up. Combine that with the Wounding property (on gauntlets if your DM allows it, or on a flurrying weapon if not) and you're doing a ton of CON and STR damage.

Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Chill Touch)
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2012, 03:23:01 PM »
Sorry to go back to Chill Touch here, but I had a fun idea a while back for this spell...

Give it to a monk with Greater Flurry. Yes, there's a save, but adding 1d6 and a potential point of strength to every attack can add up. Combine that with the Wounding property (on gauntlets if your DM allows it, or on a flurrying weapon if not) and you're doing a ton of CON and STR damage.

Yeah, thought of that. Discussed it with the monk in the party, actually. By stacking feats the monk has a reach of 20 feet. (I still can't figure how this young 5'- nothing girl hits something 20 feet away, but it's frickin' d20. it works.) It would add to the flurry of blows, but only once per target. Once she ran out of flurry of blows, she would get as many 'free' touch attacks as their were targets left. She has magic encrusted monk gloves that give her huge bonuses when she crits and all these crit doubling effects and crit triggered powers and a ring that is layered with so much crap it ain't funny. If she missed with a flurry of blows, a use of the spell is wasted. We figured it would cause about 25% of those she hits (after using up the flurry of blows) to get zapped with a prismatic spray. But that's because of the wording of her equipment. Your mileage may vary.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Chill Touch)
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2012, 04:32:46 PM »
Yeah, thought of that. Discussed it with the monk in the party, actually. By stacking feats the monk has a reach of 20 feet. (I still can't figure how this young 5'- nothing girl hits something 20 feet away, but it's frickin' d20. it works.) It would add to the flurry of blows, but only once per target. Once she ran out of flurry of blows, she would get as many 'free' touch attacks as their were targets left. She has magic encrusted monk gloves that give her huge bonuses when she crits and all these crit doubling effects and crit triggered powers and a ring that is layered with so much crap it ain't funny. If she missed with a flurry of blows, a use of the spell is wasted. We figured it would cause about 25% of those she hits (after using up the flurry of blows) to get zapped with a prismatic spray. But that's because of the wording of her equipment. Your mileage may vary.

I was confused for a while, but now I see where you're getting that "one touch per target, all touches in one round" idea. I don't think that's how touch spells work though. I think you cast Chill Touch, and then you can make 1 touch attack per level, however long that takes you. A monk with 6 attacks and a CL of 18 would need three rounds to use up the spell, and could use all the attacks on the same target.

Add in TWF, and you can hit 9 times in one round. With a wounding weapon, that's 9 con and 9 str in a lucky round.

Offline Captnq

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Current topic: Cloud of Knives
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2012, 06:27:14 PM »
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And that concludes my assessment of cloud of knives. I hope that this gives you ideas and allows you to breathe new life into this old spell.

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Offline sirpercival

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Cloud of Knives)
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2012, 06:31:40 PM »
A cloud of knives around your head pointing at whatever you look at. Now, if you like to look at boobs, that could get you in trouble.

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Offline zioth

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Re: Current topic: Cloud of Knives
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2012, 07:41:27 PM »
Editor (Blaster): A fun spell. Anything that gives you a free attack is worth taking a look at. And remember, it’s a FREE action, so nothing says you can cat this spell, oh, a thousand times and have a thousand attacks. As a rule, I keep to my dex bonus, but that’s straight out of my ass. Anyways, take a look at the metamagic feats, especially Persistent Spell.[/spoiler]

I think it's clear from the description that it's a free action once per round ("as a free action at the beginning of your turn" -> once you've done it once, it's no longer the beginning of your turn).

Offline Amechra

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Cloud of Knives)
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2012, 07:46:47 PM »
Part of me wants to go ahead and drop some Arcane Thesis on Cloud of Knives; a Persistant/Extended/Fell Draining/Wounding Cloud of Knives would then be a 9th level spell...

I like me some free 48 hours of attacks, yes I do...
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Offline Kethrian

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Re: Current topic: Cloud of Knives
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2012, 07:59:11 PM »
Editor (Blaster): A fun spell. Anything that gives you a free attack is worth taking a look at. And remember, it’s a FREE action, so nothing says you can cat this spell, oh, a thousand times and have a thousand attacks. As a rule, I keep to my dex bonus, but that’s straight out of my ass. Anyways, take a look at the metamagic feats, especially Persistent Spell.[/spoiler]

I think it's clear from the description that it's a free action once per round ("as a free action at the beginning of your turn" -> once you've done it once, it's no longer the beginning of your turn).

He's referring to using it once per casting per round.  So, if you have the spell going 5 times simultaneously, you could fire 5 knives per round.
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Re: Current topic: Cloud of Knives
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2012, 08:39:08 PM »
Editor (Blaster): A fun spell. Anything that gives you a free attack is worth taking a look at. And remember, it’s a FREE action, so nothing says you can cat this spell, oh, a thousand times and have a thousand attacks. As a rule, I keep to my dex bonus, but that’s straight out of my ass. Anyways, take a look at the metamagic feats, especially Persistent Spell.[/spoiler]

I think it's clear from the description that it's a free action once per round ("as a free action at the beginning of your turn" -> once you've done it once, it's no longer the beginning of your turn).

Ah. Allow me to explain.

I'm a sorcerer, For some insane reason, and my second level spell is Cloud of Knives. I'm say.... 20th. Lets be ugly about this.

I've got 6 Spells I can cast for every spell slot.

In 9th I cast persistent/extended cloud of knives 6 times, then wait until tomorrow. They last 48 hours, so O cast them again tomorrow. Now I got 12 I can do a round ALL DAY. Now I use up all my 8th level persistent cloud of knives. Now I throw 18 a round. as a free action.

Now I know I'm going into battle in 1 minute. I have repeat spell so I cast in my 6th level slot Repeat/extended 6 times. And for good measure, I use fell drain and extend for 4 fifth level slots and now I cast 30 Free Action Knives a round for the next 30 rounds or so, and 4 knives a round as a free action that do level drain. Oh, what's my to hit? A minimum of 24. I walk around, a hail of daggers shooting forth from my head with a glance. All of them at one target, or one to thirty four.

The air is so thick with daggers floating around me, I don't look like a person, I look like a cloud of knives with a pair of eyes peering out of them. I chant the Bhagavad Gita as I sow death with a glance:

"I am  death, the mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy. Even without your participation all the warriors standing arrayed in the opposing armies shall cease to exist."
Four Daggers fly forth and suck the levels from my enemies.
"Therefore, get up and attain glory. Conquer your enemies and enjoy a prosperous kingdom."
I turn and stalk upon the last remaining foe.
"All these warriors have already been destroyed by ME."
Launch a 7th level screw you or die spell then paste the last guy with enough daggers that you arn't sure is there is anything left that a dagger could be stuck in, or if you are just hitting more daggers.

There. THAT'S what I'm talking about, more then one dagger a round.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: Cloud of Knives)
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2012, 02:09:26 AM »
I don't know about the interpretation that you can have several castings of this spell going at the same, can imagine some arguments against it. But beside that, I'd like to mention one specific build for which I find this spell really usefull: the arcane sneak attack raycaster. It's easy to do loads of damage with each and every attack with such a build, and a free action attack is great then (let alone a lot of free attacks, when the interpretation you can have several castings flies with your DM)