Author Topic: Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BRISTLE)  (Read 95363 times)

Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... PRESTIDIGITATION
« Reply #140 on: June 22, 2012, 12:23:32 AM »
I like your list, but a lot of the uses are beyond the power of prestidigitation. For example, making a tiny person in a jar yelling "help me" is impossible, since that replicates an existing spell (minor image). Most of the "change" uses probably wouldn't work - change isn't not listed in the spell description, and many of the uses replicate other spells anyway (the 'fix a hole in a bucket' one replicates mending, for example).

To address a few things:

1) I used Tome of Blood for many of these ideas. I gathered a list from a number of different websites then compared them to the original spell and tome of blood. I discarded many player suggested uses.

2) If you go by RAW, the spell can't do anything. It states that you can't replicate an existing spell. Wish does anything. Therefore, this spell can do nothing. We just have to accept the spell is poorly worded and move on.

3) That one example of the smoke into the bottle is a number of different powers put together. A tiny voice that sounds unnatural and speaks a few words is not beyond this spell. Shaping smoke is not beyond this spell. Minor image is an illusion. This would be considered a transformation.

4) Mending fixes something for good. This changes the shape of something for an hour. I can put a hole in a coin, I can make a hole go away for an hour. (Assuming the bucket was only 8 ounces. Remember your size and weight limits here. I didn't say it would be a big bucket.) It might be better to say, I fix the hole in my scoop, since I'd need to have an object that was light enough to be effected.

Complicated chemical processes (evaporate the alcohol from a drink) are probably too advanced.
Actually, thought about this one at length. If I can control Smoke in the air, then I can control fluid floating inside another fluid, as long as the two can be seperated and are not undergoing a chemical reaction. Alcohol evaporates from liquid anyways. Alcohol is dissolved in water, not chemically interacting with water. This spell is only speeding up the process of evaporation. I could not seperate acid, since acid is in constant chemical reaction with water.

I was hesitent to include condensation, until a player of mine pointed out the process of collecting morning dew on plastic sheets as drinking water. All the spell is doing is speeding up a natural process.

I also believe one cannot lift liquid into the air. I believe that you could increase surface tension and gather it up into a small sphere in your hand, effectively using a combination of teleport (self only) and clean, then you could throw the liquid. You could force wine to flow back into a spilled glass. But liquid does not have enough cohesion to hold together once you lift it off a surface. Someone suggested you could lift 1 pound of lava then drop it on someone. I have no examples from any WotC sources, and I just have to draw the line at that. Dampen and Dry would not be worded the way they are if I could float a glob of water in the air.

The "Sketch" effects might not work. They replicate Silent Image.
Sketch is right from WotC Tome of Blood. I didn't write it. I assume they think it's different from silent image in that it is 1) Obviously fake, 2) only 1 square foot.

The "Trigger" effects replicate Mage Hand.
Lifting 1 pound replicates mage hand, yet THAT is right out of the player's handbook. Personally, I believe they should have combined the two and been done with it. That said, it's in the spell that you can generate movement for 1 pound of material. 1 pound of thrust in a small area is enough to trigger many different things. Not everything, but a crossbow would not be out of the question. A DM might rule some Crossbows have a tough trigger and some have a hair trigger, but it is still possible, given the parameter's of the spell.

One thing I wonder about Prestidigitation -- what kind of action is required to make the effects? Standard? Switft? Immediate? Free? The spell is unclear. A lot of your uses (some of the best ones, in my opinion) assume it's an immediate or free action. I guess it depends on the DM. I had one DM who really didn't like this spell, especially the "clean" effect. I was covered in acid, and he wouldn't let me clean it off, though splashing myself with ordinary water did the trick. His reason was that prestidigitation could have "no mechanical benefit."

Yes, the spell is very unclear. Take for example the saving throw: See Text. See Text? There is NOTHING in the text about saving throws! As it is written, there are no saving throws, no spell resistance. Yet, If I were to create a cloud of pink paint and try and splater you with it, I rather think you'd get a reflex save or something. Of course, if it allowed a reflex save, I could make it explosive. Once it was explosive, I could add fell drain, and other fun feats onto it.

In the end, everything I have offered is a Suggestion. I tried to limit it to what I felt was the most that could possibly be allowed. In the end, I think that one should not be using this to poison people, or anything more then what a stage magician could pull off. But Tome of Blood and the actual spell write up has some fairly broad sweeping statements that have rather odd results when taken to the logical conclusion.

The only rule of thumb I can suggest is run these by your DM. have him check off what he would and would not allow. I feel the point of this spell is to mess with the rubes. Green smoke dragons floating out of your pipe. Gathering shadows when you get angry. Salt falling from your finger tips when you get potatoes.

As it is written, it can do amazing things and nothing at all. So of any spell ever written, due to being so poorly written, it is almost entirely up to the whim of the individual DM.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: PRESTIDIGITATION)
« Reply #141 on: June 22, 2012, 09:59:43 AM »
Another way they could have set up this spell would have been "this spell does the minimal effects from each of the spell schools." Actually, that would make a nice new spell:

Least Magic
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 10 ft
Save: See text
SR: Yes

During the spell's duration, you can create any of the following effects:

Evocation: Create a small bit of energy, sound, force or light, which lasts no longer than one round. This can do up to one point of damage (reflex save for none). It can also push or pull an object weighing up to one pound at a speed of 1 foot per round. This effect can last up to an hour.

Abjuration: Increase or decrease an object's hardness by 1, or add a bonus to AC, any one skill or any ability score for one round. This bonus doesn't stack with any other bonus type, with the exception of racial bonuses.

Transmutation: Make minor changes to up to one cubic foot of any object. Living creatures get a will save. Changes include color, texture or, to a limited extent, shape. This cannot completely transform one object into another.

Illusion: Change the appearance of up to one cubic foot of material, including living creatures. This can change someone's face, though the changes are obviously fake. The duration of illusion effects is concentration. You can concentrate on up to five illusions of this kind at a time. This can change color, flavor or smell. It can also create minor, quiet noises.

Necromancy: This can animate a dead creature of no greater than Fine size and no more than 1 HD. The creature has a movement speed equal to its speed in life or 5, whichever is lower, has a dexterity score of 1, and if it could fly in life, it has a maneuverability of poor. The creature cannot attack, and is not dextrous enough to manipulate objects other than by pushing them. It can still make whatever vocalizations it could make in life, but it cannot speak. You can issue one very simple command to the creature per round, as long as it is within ten feet of you. If you issue no commands, it will wander aimlessly.

Conjuration: You can create material up to one cubic foot in diameter. This material is brittle, and obviously fake (DC5 spot check). It can not hold any significant amount of weight without breaking.

Enchantment: You can place a single word into someone's mind, for just a moment. This is a full round action, and the target gets a will save. If the target's intelligence is 6 or higher, the word doesn't seem like part of its normal train of thought.

Divination: You can predict one event that will occur within ten feet of you before the spell's duration ends. You have no control over which event you predict. You can also predict one action that a person will take before the spell's duration, with a 20% chance of success. Failure means you predict an action that the person will not take. The chance of success increases by 5% per caster level, to a maximum of 95%.

Offline Captnq

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: PRESTIDIGITATION)
« Reply #142 on: June 22, 2012, 12:15:41 PM »
Least Magic
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 10 ft
Save: See text
SR: Yes

Certainly a better spell then the original, both in definition and use.
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What can you do with... Backbiter
« Reply #143 on: June 25, 2012, 11:20:44 PM »
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Re: What can you do with... Backbiter
« Reply #144 on: June 25, 2012, 11:47:05 PM »
Cast this on a raging barbarian and watch him power attack himself into self decapitation.
I think it would be most optimal to cast it on a barbarian while he isn't in rage and isn't in melee with somebody. Then you insult him and/or his mother. This ensures several things:
1. out of rage his will save is lower, but he can't get into rage out of his turn, so you should ensure he is gonna rage in his next turn.
2. from the roleplaying aspect, if you insult him, he should more likely use a higher power attack.
3. if he's not in melee, he will most likely charge in, so expect 10% better chance for him to hit himself (or even more if he has an improved charge effect).
4. many barbarians use extra damage on charges.

I think some of these parts are not only true for barbarians, casting on people before they charge sounds to me like a good point to look for at all when using this spell.

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #145 on: June 25, 2012, 11:50:10 PM »
Wow, that's nasty at low levels. Double threat: damage enemy, and prevent enemy from attacking.
It affects only a single attack, but low-level weapon-users generally only get 1 attack per round.
The save is only allowed for magic weapons, and at lower levels, very few weapons are magic (probably the big boss's, but it's generally an exception until level 5-7). I may be misreading this, though, and I should check the rules for item saving throws anyways because I think attended items always get them regardless.

Note that magic weapons can have unusually high Will saves. It's 2 + 1/2 CL, and the CL of magic items aren't necessarily proportional to cost or character level. A simple +1 weapon is allowed (and at no additional cost) to have an arbitrarily high CL. Also note that raging Barbarians have a decent bonus to their otherwise crappy Will saves, so they're not quite as ideal as you imply. Still pretty good, though.

I don't see why you suggest using this against low AC targets. The spell specifically states that the weapon hits automatically (thus rendering AC moot entirely, and possibly also concealment).

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #146 on: June 25, 2012, 11:53:44 PM »
Note that magic weapons can have unusually high Will saves.
Magic items receive the save of the wielder.

I don't see why you suggest using this against low AC targets. The spell specifically states that the weapon hits automatically (thus rendering AC moot entirely, and possibly also concealment).
uhh, true. So forget half the part about charging.

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #147 on: June 26, 2012, 09:57:59 AM »
Note that magic weapons can have unusually high Will saves.
Magic items receive the save of the wielder.
Only if it's higher than the weapon's own save bonus.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #148 on: June 26, 2012, 10:38:30 AM »
"A magic item’s saving throw bonus equals 2 + one-half its caster level (round down)."

A +3 Greatsword or a +1 Venomous Dagger has a saving throw of +6
A +5 Greatsword or a +1 Lucky Rapier has a saving throw of +9

So not "unusually high", but higher than your average non-raging Barbarian

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #149 on: June 26, 2012, 06:12:06 PM »
Backbiter is made for Uberchargers.  I know.  I felt it.

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BACKBITER)
« Reply #150 on: June 26, 2012, 06:26:22 PM »
It is also made for wise aged masters who want to teach their cocky young upstart of a pupil a lesson.
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What can you do with... BLOCKADE
« Reply #151 on: June 28, 2012, 01:27:03 AM »
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #152 on: June 28, 2012, 03:12:53 AM »
Not that it would be worth it most of the time, but couldn't you persist the blockade? It has a fixed range, after all.

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #153 on: June 28, 2012, 03:19:07 AM »
Not that it would be worth it most of the time, but couldn't you persist the blockade? It has a fixed range, after all.

Yup, it's possible.  Like you said though, it's likely not worth it.  Perhaps an all-day wall though, especially with sculpt.  Or have a bridge up one day, gone the next.  It's kind of a shame it can't be dismissed because having a bridge just disappear from under the baddies tends to be a viable tactic.

I kind of like the idea of having a hulking hurler toss a sculpted, widened Blockade.  If its volume is 240x10x10, or 24,000 cubic feet, that's 384,000 pounds and thus 1923d6.  Certainly no record, but it is practically possible.  A cube of this is about 30 feet on a side, which looks like it's Gargantuan.  As such, a Large character could throw it, assuming he can lift it as a medium load.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 03:34:11 AM by Jackinthegreen »

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #154 on: June 28, 2012, 03:28:30 AM »
Sorry, but this isn't an area spell, it's an effect spell.  You can't sculpt it at all.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #155 on: June 28, 2012, 03:41:28 AM »
Sorry, but this isn't an area spell, it's an effect spell.  You can't sculpt it at all.

This is true upon second look.  Area spells explicitly have an Area entry, which is what Sculpt is looking for and Blockade lacks.  Bummer.

Looking at it even more, it doesn't even seem like Widen would work.
You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped spell to increase its area.

None of those apply to blockade either.  Bummer again!

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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #156 on: June 28, 2012, 12:36:14 PM »
Sorry, but this isn't an area spell, it's an effect spell.  You can't sculpt it at all.

ARG! You are correct.

While there are some quasi-area spells this could work on (I would argue that because one of the traps has an Area of Effect, that you can sculpt Create Trap), but in this situation, it is clear that you cannot.

But hey, this is why I post them so people can point out the mistakes.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #157 on: June 28, 2012, 02:33:55 PM »
My next druid or wizard is going to play "mine craft" in character, pao for different materials
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #158 on: June 30, 2012, 02:57:08 AM »
Still, as a 1st level, swift action spell to provide cover, it seems really good. It's comparable to Wings of Cover, Immediate Magic Conjurer, a Shadow Cloak, etc. (especially with Invisible Spell) except you have to prepare in advance, anticipating your opponent. That shouldn't be a terribly difficult thing to accomplish, so the spell is very attractive to me if I'm playing a Wizard with Invisible Spell.
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Re: What can you do with... (Current topic: BLOCKADE)
« Reply #159 on: June 30, 2012, 08:32:40 AM »
Is there a mechanic for a charger stubbing his toe on a block of wood? :P