What if.....what if instead of making Trapfinding an active skill.....it was passive? The player never declares anything, the DM is in total control of whther or not they see a trap? The players can't get any bonus from spending time searching for traps, so there's no slow down there. It's just an "if you see it, you see it" sort of thing. It doesn't even have to be a roll, maybe. It could be, but it doesn't have to be. something like compare the search modifier they have with the trap's difficulty to find? This way, there's no rolling to tip the players off to something, although you can explain it away by random rolls or a combination of other rolls (like if you roll the player's perception checks or something). Traps would remain as a surprise, unless they've been found by the trapfinder, who can shine by disabling them, rather than merely finding them.