Look. Here's how it works.
There is good and evil.
Then there is Law and chaos.
Then there is Bacon and Necktie.
That last one? That's called Blue and Orange Morality, so named because blue and orange are diametrically contrasting colors.
You see, the Bacon-Necktie axis goes right off the page. It goes in and out, not up and down, nor left and right. It might seem chaotic to someone who doesn't understand why Bacon is opposed to necktie, but to those who understand this alien sort of mindset, it makes perfect sense.
Now, the world, the real one, is a bacon-necktie world. You might THINK you understand someone else's morality, but everyone (And I mean EV-REE-ONE) strays off into the bacon-necktie axis just a little bit. It's a subjective world where we have slightly different points of view as to what is good and evil, or lawful and chaotic.
Now, you could rename Bacon-Necktie as Right and Wrong. Bacon is right, Neckties are wrong. Or Blue is right and orange is wrong, or whatever you want to have as your own internal little axis of morality. Right and Wrong has nothing to do with good, evil, law or chaos. Murder is wrong. However, I'd totally murder that guy who shot up that Temple a few days ago. I'd wouldn't even feel bad. On my axis of Bacon-Necktie, That guy is Unbacon and someone totally should have used Smite Necktie on his ass.
Now you can have more then one axis. Or a circle, or a monopole. It's a mental construct. it's whatever you want it to be. That's what the a subjective morality world is like. Here, in the real world, If vampires existed, I don't think we'd have that clear cut Chaotic Evil thing going on.
D20 SPECIFICALLY does not use Blue-Orange morality. It cares about Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos. It is an objective morality universe. It avoids the Mess of Blue-Orange by simply saying it doesn't exist. This was to avoid being called Satanists back in 1st edition (Hey Look! We're Good! See? It's on the CHART!), and over the years the need to appease the Moral Majority has faded, but the game mechanic has remained.
Just... drop it. Okay? There is Law-Chaos and Good-Evil. There is no Bacon-Necktie in d20. Stop trying to add Bacon-Necktie. It doesn't fit