Elaborate? From the Treantmonk Wizard God handbook, here's a possible example of what you will look like at fifth level:
1: Conjurer (1)(Cloudy Conjuraton, Improved Initiative, Cooperative Spell)
2: Conjurer (2)
3: Conjurer (3)(Sculpt Spell)
4: Conjurer (4)
5: Conjurer (5)
5th level: Slots: 0: 6, 1: 7, 2: 5, 3: 4
0: Caltropsx3, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand
1: Mage Armor, Wall of Smoke, Grease x2, Expeditious Retreat (swift), Targeting Ray, Silent Image
2: Web, Glitterdust, Cloud of Bewilderment, Rope Trick, Invisibility
3: Stinking Cloud, Glitterdust (Sculpt spell meta), Bands of Steel, Haste
Recommended Magic Items: Rod of Extend (lesser), Wand of Benign Transposition, Cloak of Resistance (+1), Headband of Intellect (Totals 8750gp) (The Rod is probably your first priority here - the Cloak of Resistance is the most expendable)
Recommended Strategy: You aren't high enough level to just blow all your spells yet. Start each battle with one of your 3rd level memorizations and then assess your situation. If it should be easy going from here on, then cast down some caltrops and make use of your cloudy conjuration feat for minor battlefield control. If things are tough - go into 2nd and 1st level spells in following rounds. Keep at least 1 Glitterdust or Cloud of Bewilderment in reserve in case there are more combats than you expected.
Here are a few useful handbooks for you: