After the match:
The evil cleric was slain instantly, the bard run for his life and the real challenge was the berserker and the dragonlady.
Our group had nothing to really stop the berserker and had to make a ceasfire with the dragon they fought with to get out of it. Especially after getting fooled by the dragons voice mimicry, that made them think hill giants were approaching.
At that point our cleric was entirely out of usefull spells, but the group was buffed as hell. Our barbarian had an AC of ~29 but just couldnt kill the berserker. Not the mention the dragon.
So it was fun for the group.
In the next stage they enter a cave, which is actually a 1-way teleporter to the extraplaner demiplane of Grodd. A giant goblin city- They land in the outer caves where no goblins are, but some shadow creatures. (As described earlier)
I will let them make a Roll: <10 =loose 1 HD permanently. Above and everything is fine.
What will cause some problems are the special conditions on this plane.
1. Its dark, so darkvision would be good. (3 humans+ 1 elf)
2. illumination effects have only have the effect
3. Illusion spells work at +1 CL
4. All kind of extraplaner travel doesnt work, that includes conjurations of monsters.
In the next step I will prepare some of the goblin generals, which they might meet.
They all fight against each other for the power.
1. Is already allied with another group of adventurers
2. Might be after the clerics of the city and a holy artifact in the temple
... I am open for ideas