This wouldn't be for my game, trying to counteract a -6 graft penalty, would it?
There is a skill synergy from Handle Animal that gives a bonus.
Why yes it would. Also that Wild Empathy is wisdom based and so not a Cha-based check.
I don't know yet what optimisation level I should be hitting for your game, but I figure that as a monk I better aim high.
I figure there is two ways to deal with the penalty,
1) Acquire sufficient skill in the cha skills so that it doesn't matter. This is straight forward and there are plenty of guides on it.
2) Boost wild empathy enough to bypass the need for cha-based skills. Guides tend to neglect this.
I couldn't find a single feat that actually boosts it...options for making your ranger levels stack with Paladin, Bard or Druid, but thats it. Apparently there is little love for Wild Empathy.
It's home-brew racial wild empathy anyway, it would presumably be at HD level.
It's arguably a Charisma check, so things that boost Cha checks should help (Nymph's Kiss, Motivate Cha, etc.).
That would work, but boosters like that tend to be expensive.
for those following at home this is the wild empathy we are talking about
Empathy (Ex): Sylvari have an innate understanding of the world, although it is still incomplete. This ability functions as the Druid’s Wild Empathy, but will work on any creature type. It is modified by Wisdom instead of Charisma. If a Sylvari gains the Wild Empathy ability, she gains a +4 bonus to this check when dealing with animals.