Author Topic: Draconians  (Read 20572 times)

Offline Libertad

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« on: May 25, 2012, 12:53:43 AM »
Draconian, Baaz
HD: d12

LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1st+1+200Draconian Body, Death Throes, Hardy, +1 Con
2nd+2+300Glide, Spell Resistance, +1 Con

Class Skills (4 + Int mod, quadrupled at 1st level): Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Search, and Spot.

Proficiencies: A Baaz is proficient in all simple weapons, short swords, longswords, greatswords, light armor, and shields.

Draconian Body: A Baaz loses all racial bonuses and gains the Dragon type and traits.  He’s immune to sleep and paralysis effects, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet and Low-light Vision. He is Medium size, has a base speed of 30 feet, and a natural armor bonus equal to his Constitution bonus.  He also has two claws and a bite as natural weapons, each dealing 1d4 + Str bonus in slashing damage.  He can attack with a weapon at his normal and a natural attack as a secondary attack.

At 4 HD, the damage die for his bite and claws increase to 1d8.  At 6 HD, the damage die increases to 1d12.

Ability Increase: A Baaz gains +1 to his Constitution score at each level in the Baaz monster class.

Death Throes (Ex): If a Baaz becomes unconscious or dying, his flesh turns into a hard, stone-like form.  He gains DR X/Bludgeoning, with X equal to his HD.  The Baaz can heal naturally in this form, and his flesh reverts to normal upon regaining consciousness.  If the Baaz can remain conscious while dying, then he can move around and interact with his environment (he looks like a living statue).  If the Baaz dies, his body turns to dust in 1d4 rounds; these remains are considered reasonably intact for a Raise Dead spell, as the dust swirls and forms a solid body at the end of the casting.

At 6 HD, the Baaz gains limited control over this ability and can shoot a flurry of stony shards out of his skin a number of times per day equal to his HD x2.  The shards are treated as natural weapons which can be thrown.  They deal 1d10 damage, have a 30 foot range increment, and deal triple damage on a critical hit.  The Baaz adds his Strength score to the damage, and the shard can be used as a secondary attack in melee combat.

Hardy (Ex): Baaz Draconians were bred by the Dragonarmies to be front-line troops, and thus have sturdy bodies.  The Baaz gains Endurance as a bonus feat, and can subsist on 1/10th the normal amount of food and water it takes to nourish a human.  He also gains a +5 bonus on all Fortitude saves made to resist diseases.  If the Baaz already has Endurance, then he can select another feat that he can qualify for.

At 3 HD, the Baaz gains Run as a bonus feat.  If he already has this feat, then he can select another one that he can qualify for.

At 5 HD, the Baaz becomes immune to all diseases.

Glide (Ex): At 2nd level, a Baaz’s wings become strong enough to carry him across the air for limited periods.  As long as the wings remain free and the Baaz has no more than a light load, he is subject to the effects of a feather fall spell when falling if he desires, and can glide four times the distance he descends.

Spell Resistance (Su): A Baaz gains a Spell Resistance equal to 11 + HD.


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« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 10:21:28 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 01:58:39 AM »
Draconian, Kapak
HD: d6

LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1st00+20Draconian Body, Death Throes, +1 Dexterity
2nd+10+30Hardy, Sneak Attack 1d6, +1 Constitution
3rd+2+1+3+1Glide, Saliva, +1 Dexterity
4th+3+1+4+1Sneak Attack 2d6, Spell Resistance, +1 Constitution

Class Skills (6 + Int mod, quadruple at 1st level): Balance, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Swim, and Tumble.

Proficiencies: A Kapak is proficient with all Simple Weapons, Kukris, Punching Daggers, Short Swords, Scimitars, Short Bows, and Light Armor.

Draconian Body: A Kapak loses all racial bonuses and gains the Dragon type and traits.  He’s immune to sleep and paralysis effects, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet and Low-light Vision. He is Medium size, has a base speed of 30 feet, and a natural armor bonus equal to his Constitution bonus.  He has a single bite as a natural attack which deals 1d4 + Strength modifier in slashing damage.  He can attack with a weapon at his normal and a natural attack as a secondary attack.

Ability Increase: A Kapak gains +1 to his Dexterity score at 1st and 3rd level, and +1 to Constitution at 2nd and 4th level in the Kapak monster class.

Death Throes (Ex): If a Kapak becomes unconscious or dying, his flesh exudes an acidic substance.  Any creature in contact with the Kapak takes Xd6 points of acid damage per round of exposure (X= half the Kapak’s HD, rounded down).  In order for a creature to be considered in contact with the Kapak, it must be grappling the Kapak, used a natural weapon at the point of its unconsciousness or dying status, or squeezing in the same square as the Kapak.
Any acid collected from the body loses potency in 1d4 minutes.  If the Kapak dies, his body dissolves into a pool of acid in 1d4 rounds; it is considered to be intact remains for the raise dead spell, as the pool solidifies and takes the shape of the Kapak’s form upon completion of the spell.

At 6 HD, the Kapak has gained conscious control over this ability and can exude acid in all adjacent squares as a standard action.  Opponents in the affected area must make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con) or take Xd6 points of acid damage (X= half the Kapak’s HD, rounded down).

Hardy (Ex): The Kapak has inherited some of its copper dragon ancestor’s resilience.  At 2nd level, the Kapak gains Endurance as a bonus feat and can subsist on 1/10th the normal food and water a human needs for nourishment.  He also gains a +5 bonus on all Fortitude saves made to resist disease.  If the Kapak already has Endurance, then he select another feat in which he meets the prerequisites.

At 3 HD, the Kapak gains Run as a bonus feat.  If he already has this feat, then he can select another one that he can qualify for.

At 5 HD, the Kapak is immune to all diseases.

Sneak Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, the Kapak gains Sneak Attack.  It’s otherwise the same as the Rogue class feature.  Sneak Attack bonus dice from other sources stack.

Glide (Ex): At 3rd level, a Kapak’s wings become strong enough to carry him across the air for limited periods.  As long as the wings remain free and the Kapak has no more than a light load, he is subject to the effects of a feather fall spell when falling if he desires, and can glide four times the distance he descends.

Saliva (Ex): At 4th level, a Kapak’s saliva gains restorative or poisonous powers depending upon gender.  A number of times per day equal to the HD, a Kapak can exude a small dose of potent saliva.

The male’s saliva is a poison (Fort DC 10 + ½ HD + Con) which can be transmitted through Injury (a bite as a free action or coated on a weapon or piece of ammunition as a full-round action).  An opponent who fails the save takes 1d6 initial and secondary dexterity damage.  At 6 HD, the secondary damage can be changed to paralysis should the Kapak so desire.  At 8 HD, the poison can affect creatures immune to poison, although they gain a +5 bonus on their Fortitude Saves.  When coated in a weapon, the poison loses its potency after a number of hours equal to the Kapak's HD.

The female’s saliva is a natural coagulant with healing properties.  It heals 2d8+HD points of damage when it comes into contact with the skin of an injured person.  At 6 HD, the saliva heals 3d8+HD points of damage and can duplicate the effects of remove disease.  At 9 HD, the saliva heals 4d8+HD points of damage and can duplicate the effects of neutralize poison.  The saliva cannot deal damage to undead creatures.

Spell Resistance (Su): At 4th level, a Kapak gains Spell Resistance equal to 11 + HD.


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« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 10:21:51 PM by Libertad »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 07:00:38 PM »
2nd rule of D&D: Never enough dragons!
-Daggers already are simple weapons.
-Again throwing ability bonus like candy. The Baaz already has good Bab and solid proficiencies and then a lot of scaling abilities, the kapak gets sneak attack and also scaling abilities, so down their ability bonus.
-Make the poison saliva lose its effects after 1 hour per HD when coated in a weapon, otherwise you have him being able to poison whole arsenals for eternity.

Offline Libertad

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 11:57:32 PM »
2nd rule of D&D: Never enough dragons!
1 Daggers already are simple weapons.
2 Again throwing ability bonus like candy. The Baaz already has good Bab and solid proficiencies and then a lot of scaling abilities, the kapak gets sneak attack and also scaling abilities, so down their ability bonus.
3 Make the poison saliva lose its effects after 1 hour per HD when coated in a weapon, otherwise you have him being able to poison whole arsenals for eternity.

1 Thanks for the spot.  Changed!

2 Scaled the Baaz to just +2 Constitution, and the Kapak to gain +1 Dexterity at 1st and 3rd levels and +1 Constitution at 2nd and 4th levels.  Is this reasonable?

3 Changed!

How's it look now?

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 04:30:23 PM »
Daggers are still on the proficiencies.

A couple things still could use clarification:
-The 6 HD ability of the Baaz Death throws. There's no such thing as natural ranged weapons. Do you add your Str score or anything to the damage? Is it an attack action to use? Can you combine it with other weapons?
- The 6 HD ability of the Kapak, what's the action to use it?
-What does it count to be in contact with the Kapak when it is dying for one to take acid damage?

As for the rest, considering the amount of scaling abilities that you get at low levels, I wonder if some of those shouldn't be made into feats. The "lesser" breaths, DR, full flight and acid/stone shards and  in particular, since the original ones don't get those. You could condense several of the scaling abilities in a couple feats for each draconian.

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 04:59:49 PM »
1. Daggers are still on the proficiencies.

A couple things still could use clarification:
2. The 6 HD ability of the Baaz Death throws. There's no such thing as natural ranged weapons. Do you add your Str score or anything to the damage? Is it an attack action to use? Can you combine it with other weapons?
3. The 6 HD ability of the Kapak, what's the action to use it?
4. What does it count to be in contact with the Kapak when it is dying for one to take acid damage?

5. As for the rest, considering the amount of scaling abilities that you get at low levels, I wonder if some of those shouldn't be made into feats. The "lesser" breaths, DR, full flight and acid/stone shards and  in particular, since the original ones don't get those. You could condense several of the scaling abilities in a couple feats for each draconian.

1.  Took Dagger off of Baaz proficiences.

2. You add your Str score to damage.  It's an attack (standard) action to use.  It can be used in conjunction with other weapons as a secondary attack (but it requires at least one hand to throw).  Since it's rather weak in comparison to a bow, I figured it could use a Strength bonus.  I decided to turn it into a natural weapon which can be either thrown or used in melee.

3. Standard action

4. Grappling, hitting it with a natural weapon at the point of death, squeezing in the same square.

5. Perhaps I can turn full flight and the lesser breaths into feats.

True Flight (Racial)
Through countless training and exercise, you can now fly like your draconic ancestors!
Prerequisites: Draconian, Glide, character level 4.
Benefit: You can now fly at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability), provided you are not carrying a medium or heavier load.

Breath Weapon (Racial)
You've unleashed your draconic potential and possess a breath weapon!
Prerequisites: Draconian, character level 9.
Benefit: You gain a breath weapon that you can use a number of times per day equal to your Hit Dice divided by 2 (rounded down).  Your breath weapon is determined by your Draconian type.  All Save DCs for breath weapons are 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Constitution modifier.

Baaz: 60 foot line of fire (1d6 points of fire damage per 2 HD).  The Save DC is Reflex.  The Baaz also gains DR/Bludgeoning equal to half his HD.  This Damage Reduction is superseded by the Death Throes Damage Reduction when the Baaz becomes unconscious or dying.

Kapak: 30 foot cone of gas (as slow spell, effect ends after 1d6 rounds).  The Save DC is Fortitude.

Bozak: 60 line of lightning (1d6 points of electricity damage per 2 HD).  The Save DC is Reflex.

Sivak: 20 foot cone of paralyzing gas (opponents are paralyzed for 1 round).  The Save DC is Fortitude.

Aurak: 20 foot cone of blinding flames (opponents are blinded for 1 round).  The Save DC is Fortitude.

How do these look?  I'll add more breath weapons as I continue to to work on more Draconians.

I have the Bozak, Sivak, and Aurak left for the standard Draconians.  I'm planning for an arcane gish for the Bozak, a stealth guerilla for the Sivak in the vein of a 4th Edition Avenger, and an arcane spellcaster for the Aurak.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 02:16:58 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2012, 09:59:25 AM »
All of those sound good, just don't forget to remove the abilities of the original classes. I would also sugest puting the Baaz DR with his breath weapon feat, since the Kapak Hardy ability doesn't grant an equivalent, and also a breath weapon at half damage than usual is a lot less atractive than a slow breath by itself. Throw in DR with the Baaz breath feat and it's much fairer.

One thing I missed but needs to be adressed is the Baaz gaining both light armor prof and Nat armor equal to 2+Con mod. That's too much, something needs to be cut there as well.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 10:03:14 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2012, 02:27:17 PM »
I cut down his natural armor to be equal to his Con bonus.  Is this too little?  I was considering cutting proficiency with shields, but the '"floating shield" magic armor property (forgot its name) can easily bypass this.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 02:32:38 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 10:26:35 PM »
Draconian, Bozak
HD: d8

LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1st0002Draconian Body, Death Throes, +1 Str
2nd1003Arcane Bloodline, Hardy, +1 Cha
3rd2113Armored Caster, Commanding Presence, +1 Str
4th3114Glide, Religious Magic, +1 Cha
5th3114Spell Resistance, +1 Str

Class Skills (2 + Int mod, quadruple at 1st level): Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Religion), Listen, Search, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Proficiencies: A Bozak is proficient with all simple weapons, short swords, long swords, great swords, short bows, long bows, light armor, and shields (except for tower shields).

Class Features

Draconian Body: A Bozak loses all racial bonuses and gains the Dragon type and traits.  He’s immune to sleep and paralysis effects, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet and Low-light Vision. He is Medium size, has a base speed of 30 feet, and a natural armor bonus equal to his Constitution bonus.  He has two claws and a bite as natural attacks which deal 1d4 + Strength modifier in slashing damage.  He can attack with a weapon and a natural attack as a secondary attack.

Ability Increase: A Bozak receives a +1 bonus to his Strength score at 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, and a +1 to his Charisma score at 2nd and 4th level.

Death Throes (Ex): If a Bozak becomes unconscious or dying, portions of his flesh dry and slough off his body and form a cloud of dust.  All creatures within 5 feet of the Bozak must roll a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con mod) or suffer blindness for 1d4 rounds as the dust severely irritates their eyes.  The opponent must have an organic means of visually perceiving its environment to be affected by this attack.  If a Bozak dies, his body rapidly crumbles into a pile of dust in 1d4 rounds; it is considered intact for the purposes of the raise dead spell, as the dust swarms around and forms a solid body upon completion of the spell.

At 6 HD, the Bozak has gained conscious control over this ability.  A number of times per day equal to his HD, a Bozak can blow a small cloud of dust onto an opponent as a ranged touch attack (30 feet, no range increments).  The opponent must roll a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con mod) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds, plus suffering a -1 penalty on attack rolls, search and spot checks for an hour as their eyes get severely irritated by the dust.  The opponent must have an organic means of visually perceiving its environment to be affected by this attack.

Arcane Bloodline: All Bozaks have natural arcane potential; were it not for the Auraks, they’d be the most adept draconian spellcasters.  A Bozak receives spells per day and learns spells as a sorcerer 2/3rd his level, but he has a Caster Level equal to his HD.  He suffers arcane spell failure as normal for a sorcerer.  Levels taken in the Sorcerer class stack with these effective levels for the purposes of spells known and spells per day.

Bozak LevelSorcerer Casting

Hardy (Ex): A Bozak’s naturally tough body was designed for war.  At 2nd level, a Bozak gains Endurance as a bonus feat and can subsist on 1/10th of the normal food and water that a human needs for nourishment.  He also gains a +5 bonus on all Fortitude saves made to resist disease.  If the Bozak already has Endurance, then he can select another feat, provided he meets the prerequisites.

At 3 HD, a Bozak gains Run as a bonus feat (he can select another feat if he already has it).

At 5 HD, the Bozak is immune to all diseases.

Armored Caster (Ex): At 3rd level, Bozak suffers no arcane spell failure chance for wearing light armor.

Commanding Presence (Ex): During the War of the Lance, the Auraks and Sivaks are too rare and valued to be placed in charge every band of draconians out there.  The spellcasting potential and natural charisma of Bozaks makes them natural choices for the position of leadership in Draconian communities.

At 4th level, a number of times per day equal to half his HD, a Bozak can duplicate the effects of the Inspire Courage Bardic Music, except that he uses Diplomacy or Intimidate (Bozak’s choice when the ability’s used) instead of Perform.  The bonus increases to +2 at 10 HD, and +3 at 16 HD.  The effect lasts for as long as the Bozak speaks and for 5 rounds after.

At 9 HD, a Bozak can spend one of his uses to verbally chastise someone and dispel a mind-effecting effect on a character as the Break Enchantment spell, with an effective Caster Level equal to his HD.  The character must be capable of listening to and understanding the Bozak’s speech in order for the effect to work.

Glide (Ex): At 4th level, a Bozak’s wings become strong enough to carry him across the air for limited periods.  As long as the wings remain free and the Bozak has no more than a light load, he is subject to the effects of a feather fall spell, and can glide four times the distance he descends.

Religious Magic (Su): During the War of the Lance, the priests of Tiamat told the Bozaks that their magic was divine and given to them at the behest of the goddess in order to maintain control over them.  Even though most Bozaks now realize this to be a farce, the Draconians found ways to make religious fervor power their spellcasting.

At 4th level, a Bozak can use the holy symbol of a deity he worships as a replacement for any arcane focus of an equivalent gp value or less (silver holy are preferred for this reason).  A Bozak can also voluntarily add up to two components to an arcane spell in order to increase its Save DC (by +1 per component).  This increases the spell’s casting to a full-round action, or adds an additional full-round action for spells already of this length.  The Bozak must have a patron deity in order to benefit from this class feature.
Examples: The Bozak may add a fire-and-brimstone sermon as a verbal component, or gesticulate wildly in religious ecstasy as a somatic component. 

Spell Resistance (Su): At 5th level, a Bozak gains Spell Resistance equal to his HD + 11.


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« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 10:22:16 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2012, 10:56:48 PM »
If they're favored of Tiamat, wouldn't Favored Soul casting be more appropriate than Sorcerer?
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Offline Libertad

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2012, 11:30:09 PM »
Well, the role of magic in Krynn is a lot more specific.  You've got High Magic granted by the gods (prepared spells, Clerics and Wizards), and you've got Primal Magic which stems from a destructive entity known as Chaos (or from a creature's natural magical potential, such as dragons).  Basically, prepared casting is High Magic, spontaneous casting's Primal Magic.

Given that Dragons cast spells as sorcerers, and the Draconians are basically magically mutated dragon children, the Bozak casts spells as a sorcerer.  My Religious Magic class feature's basically a crutch and unique style of casting the Bozaks developed from believing that their magic was divine.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 02:47:36 PM by Libertad »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 02:30:35 PM »
I cut down his natural armor to be equal to his Con bonus.  Is this too little?  I was considering cutting proficiency with shields, but the '"floating shield" magic armor property (forgot its name) can easily bypass this.

Good enough, makes it more in line with the giant classes. Removing shield proficiency wouldn't do much since the class is 2 levels long and then you're probably multiclassing to some combat class that grants it.


Hmm, I like this little guy. Good to see you seem to have applied what you learned with the other two. Commanding Presence is particularly interesting.

Don't see anything else wrong with any of them, so will add to the list!

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 01:25:50 PM »
Added the Bozak to the Breath Weapon feat.  He gains a 60 foot line of lightning.  I know that I gave the Baaz an additional ability, but I figured that the Bozak can do with less due to his spellcasting ability.  Thoughts?

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2012, 09:06:36 PM »
Draconian, Sivak
HD: d10

LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1st0220Draconian Body, Death Throes, +1 Con
2nd1330Hardy, Tail Attack, +1 Str
3rd2331Controlled Death Throes, Glide, Trip, +1 Con
4th3441Maximum Mobility, Growth, +1 Str
5th3441Unorthodox Assault, +1 Con
6th4552Furious Assault, Spell Resistance, +1 Str

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier, quadrupled at 1st level): Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot.

Proficiencies: A Sivak is proficient with its natural weapons, all simple weapons, light, medium, and heavy armor, and shields (but not tower shields).

Class Features

Draconian Body: The Sivak loses all racial bonuses and gains the Dragon type and traits.  He’s immune to sleep and paralysis effects, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet and Low-light Vision. He is Medium size, has a base speed of 30 feet, and a natural armor bonus equal to his Constitution bonus.  He also has two claws and a bite as natural weapons; the claws deal 1d4 points of slashing damage, the bite 1d6 points of slashing damage.  At 2nd level, the Sivak gains a tail attack which deals 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage.  He can use a natural attack as a secondary attack.  A Sivak’s natural weapons increase to 1d6/1d8/2d4 damage for his claws, bite, and tail attacks when he reaches Large Size.

Ability Increase: A Sivak gains a +1 to his Constitution score at 1st, 3rd, and 5th level and a +1 to his Strength score at 2nd, 4th, and 6th levels, for a total of +3 Strength and +3 Constitution at 6th level.

Death Throes (Ex): If a male Sivak becomes unconscious or dying, then he changes shape into that of the form of the humanoid that struck the fatal blow.  The Sivak’s corpse remains in this state until he resumes consciousness or three days after his death (after which he decomposes into a pile of black soot).  If the opponent is larger than the Sivak or not of the humanoid type, or the Sivak is female, then the Sivak’s body radiates intense heat and shoots out flames.  All creatures within 5 feet of the Sivak must roll a Reflex Save (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con mod) or take 1d4 fire damage per HD.  A successful save halves the damage.
   If a Sivak dies, its body decomposes into a pile of black soot immediately (in the case of a female) or after 3 days (in the case of a male).  The soot is considered to be an intact corpse for the purposes of the raise dead spell; the soot swirls into the air and forms into the Sivak’s original shape upon completion of the spell’s casting.

Hardy (Ex): Sivak Draconians have the toughness of dedicated shock troopers.  At 2nd level, the Sivak gains Endurance as a bonus feat, and can subsist on 1/10th the normal amount of food and water it takes to nourish a human.  He also gains a +5 bonus on all Fortitude saves made to resist diseases.  If the Sivak already has Endurance, then he can select another feat that he can qualify for.

At 3 HD, the Sivak gains Run as a bonus feat.  If he already has this feat, then he can take another feat provided he meets the prerequisites.

At 5 HD, the Sivak becomes immune to all diseases.

Tail Attack: At 2nd level, a Sivak's tail becomes dangerous enough to use as an additional natural weapon.  It deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage; when the Sivak becomes Large size, its damage dice increases to 2d4.

Trip (Ex): At 3rd level, a Sivak can make a free trip attack against an opponent it hits with its tail attack without having to make a touch attack or provoke an attack of opportunity.  If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the Sivak.  At 6 HD, the Sivak gains a +4 bonus on checks to trip an opponent.

 Controlled Death Throes (Ex):  At 3rd level, the Sivak has learned how to fine-tune to their Death Throes to consciously use them.

As a free action, a male Sivak can assume the specific form of a Large or smaller creature of the humanoid type which it has killed.  The Sivak must be responsible for delivering the killing blow (last person to strike him before being reduced to -10 hp) to assume the creature’s form.  After this process is completed, the Sivak can assume the creature’s form at will as a standard action.  A male Sivak can only have one specific form at a time, and it can choose whether or not it gains the form of a defeated opponent.  The Sivak only gains the general appearance, size, and voice of the victim, and not its extraordinary abilities, memories, or unique skills.  This is a supernatural ability.

As a swift action, a female Sivak can wreath her body in flames a number of times per day equal to her HD.  The Sivak's natural weapons and held melee weapons deal +1d4 fire damage (stacks with flaming and flaming burst weapon properties), while opponents who are adjacent to her at any point in the round take 1d4 points of fire damage automatically.  The fire damage for both attacks increases by an additional 1d4 at 6 HD and every 3 HD thereafter, to a maximum of 6d4 fire damage at 18 HD.  If the Sivak moves, she leaves a path of flames behind her; the flames are 5 cubic feet, and any opponent who enters the space takes fire damage as though they were adjacent to the Sivak.  The path of flames dies down after 1 round, and a Sivak cannot damage an opponent twice by crossing over another adjacent square.  The Sivak is immune to the fire damage from her own flames.
       The Sivak's flame form lasts for 1 round.

Glide (Ex): At 3rd level, a Sivak’s wings become strong enough to carry him across the air for limited periods.  As long as the wings remain free and the Sivak has no more than a light load, he is subject to the effects of a feather fall spell, and can glide four times the distance he descends.

Maximum Mobility (Ex): At 4th level, the Sivak gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.  If he already has this feat, he can choose another one, provided he meets the prerequisites.

Additionally, the Sivak gains a +2 dodge bonus to Armor whenever he charges or moves at least 30 feet as part of a move action.  The Sivak  can also move up to his full speed in all forms of armor, and reduces the armor check penalty of all armors and shields by 2 (this stacks with masterwork and mithril armor).

Growth (Ex): At 4th level, a Sivak grows to Large size.  He gains no ability bonuses, but he gains all the other benefits and penalties of a larger size.  A Sivak’s movement rates increase by 10 feet; this includes the fly speed gained from the True Flight feat.

Unorthodox Assault (Ex): At 5th level, a Sivak can turn up to 3 times as part of a charge, provided that the turns are 90 degree angle or less.  A Sivak can also full attack as part of a charge, as the Pounce ability, except that he can split up his attacks on separate opponents that he can attack during the course of his charge.

Furious Assault (Ex): As part of a charge, a Sivak can make one free attack against any foe he can reach except for the opponent at the end of his charge.  These attacks are in addition to the full attacks it uses against an opponent at the end of the charge.  Additionally, a Sivak gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against all attacks of opportunity (the Sivak does not need to move or charge to gain this bonus).

Spell Resistance (Su): At 6th level, a Sivak gains Spell Resistance equal to his HD + 11.


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Note: Decided to make the Sivak's breath weapon a 20 foot cone of paralyzing gas (as the silver dragon).  I'm concerned that this might be too powerful.  Thoughts?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 02:58:56 PM by Libertad »

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2012, 01:46:37 AM »
Looking forward to seeing the Aurak. Are you thinking of doing the Noble Draconians as well?
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Re: Draconians
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2012, 02:29:19 PM »
Yes, I will do the Noble Draconians.  I was considering making a separate thread for them, but decided that having them all in one place would be convenient.

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2012, 10:06:41 PM »
-Four natural attacks and martial proficiencies is where I draw the line. The tail attack should probably be moved later on in the class.
-Scout isn't OGL.
-Male infiltrator is kinda too strong if it lets you change actual size.

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 11:30:49 PM »
1. Four natural attacks and martial proficiencies is where I draw the line. The tail attack should probably be moved later on in the class.
2. Scout isn't OGL.
3. Male infiltrator is kinda too strong if it lets you change actual size.

1. How about if I give the tail attack with the trip ability, or maybe move both to 3rd level?  Although that would leave 2nd level looking lackluster.

2. What if I replaced Skirmish with Sneak Attack?  Admittedly, this would be stepping on the Kapak's toes.

3. The ability does allow the Draconian to change size, but to Small or Medium (Don't recall any Tiny or Large Humanoids).  How is it too strong, and what would you recommend doing to tone down the power?

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Re: Draconians
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2012, 11:34:17 PM »
I don't think the issue is that Skirmish is included; as long as you explain what Skirmish entails as an ability (just copy and paste the damn thing from Scout) and you can use it just fine. As long as somebody can understand it without having Complete Adventurer, it should be good.

Oslecamo, correct me if I am wrong. But I think that is true, yes?
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Re: Draconians
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2012, 06:51:59 PM »
1. How about if I give the tail attack with the trip ability, or maybe move both to 3rd level?  Although that would leave 2nd level looking lackluster.
Tail in 2nd level, trip on 3rd.

2. What if I replaced Skirmish with Sneak Attack?  Admittedly, this would be stepping on the Kapak's toes.
Honestly, why does it need skirmish at all? If anything, what it needs is heavy armor proficiency back and abilities that make it work with mobility.

Also now that I read it more carefully (and found the 1e fluff), the whole stealth subtheme isn't really apropriate. It's a large creature. It likes to move at full speed. In heavy armor. And then hits you on the face head on. Even the picture suports that.

And before I forget it again, the paralyzing breath should have its duration reduced to 1 round.

3. The ability does allow the Draconian to change size, but to Small or Medium (Don't recall any Tiny or Large Humanoids).  How is it too strong, and what would you recommend doing to tone down the power?
There's an obscure large humanoid in some splatbook out there, but otherwise yes it's not as good as I first tought it. But still the male version seems a lot more fun than the female one. If the males are the ones who change when they're dying, shouldn't the females then become able to cover themselves in flames during combat? Then burn whoever they pass trough, which rewards mobility.

So basically remove skirmish and the stealth subtheme and replace for a bunch of abilities that make you mobile even in heavy armor and perhaps some kind of spring attack-pounce that lets you use all your attacks on the move. Because if you leave some kind of base damage booster, then players will find a way to slip pounce in and then it multiplies too quickly.