Been a busy couple of months, eh, Bhu? I kinda missed reviewing your spells! I don't mind if you don't happen to get inspired by my suggestions, since you are getting other spells made.
A Herd of Wildebeests Thunders Across the Plains of the Serengeti: Long name, but that's the joke. Seems very weak for a 5th level spell. You could probably up the duration to 10 minutes/lv, and declare that the base DC to hear the target is -30 (a battle is listed as DC -15, and walls raise the DC by 10), keep the whole can't make hide or move silently checks, and keep the listen penalty. Maybe even make it a save for partial, where the listen penalty is removed and the base DC to hear the target is only a 0 instead.
Bug Bomb: Very nice. Only thing I might consider adding is swarms take con damage, too (not all are vermin).
Catalepsy: I'd suggest saying it works like Hold Monster instead, because it can affect more than just humanoids. And given that Hold Monster is 5th level and that this is better than that, I'd suggest bumping this up to 6th, at least for sorcerer/wizard.
Cataplexy: Looks like a good spell, only one thing I could suggest. List all the effects of the spell for a failed save first, then write out what changes if they succeed on the save. It'll just help make the spell easier to read and understand.
Catapult: What if the victim hits a ceiling on the way up? Maybe any distance not travelled upward is impact damage from hitting the ceiling, at 1d6 damage per 10 feet not travelled? Also, the spell could probably be lowered to 4th level, since it needs both a melee touch attack and a save failed to take effect. Or just remove the save and leave it at 5th.
Cataract: Love it! Two wholly different meanings both mashed into this spell!
Catcall: I'd change the area to a 20' radius emanation centred on the target, and maybe make the penalty to his skill checks equal to your caster level. Other than that, it looks good!
Catnap: Needs a little fix - the Range line has information for the missing Target line, and it has no listed range.
Catsuit: Aw, nothing to do with the sexy image my mind conjured up. It seems a bit powerful for a 2nd level spell, with it lasting until a remove curse is cast, and the target gets no save to negate.
Love all these spell names with Cat in them. Makes me wonder what you've got in mind for Cataclysm and Catatonic. And if you've seen Samurai Pizza Cats lately, for more inspiration ... (English version, of course.)