Just one problem, you determine if something is a True Dragon or not before you can call it "Lesser". If something fits the requirements for TD, then it is not LD, even if it meets requirements for LD, since LD has the additional requirement of "not a TD".
As for the "SR/DR" rule, I'm sorting through the books. Not finding it as a definition anywhere, though, just a description of what traits metallics and chromatics have. For that matter, so was the Blindsense mention.
Every kind of true dragon has immunity to at least one type of energy, as noted in the Monster Manual.
A true dragon ignores the detrimental effects of extreme heat (110°F to 140°F) and of extreme cold (0°F to –40°F). A true dragon in these conditions does not have to make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes to avoid taking nonlethal damage.
All creatures of the dragon type are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects, also as noted in the Monster Manual.
True dragons develop damage reduction as they age, as noted in the Monster Manual. Damage reduction is a supernatural ability and is ineffective in an antimagic field.
True dragons also develop spell resistance as they age, as noted in the Monster Manual.
It's in a side bar with that stated RULES part, but above that is another entry.
Also I commented before on Draco updating the immunity part but I was wrong, it is the MM1 not the Draco. What I meaning is MM1 states a TD is immune to at least once form of attack. Draco overrides this to one type of energy,
however as the book and your quote readily admits, it is focuses on the ten basic TDs. All of which do have energy based immunities. It's certainly very accurate to say the MM1's stand point remains in effect with all other dragons, as it 100% correct. All TDs do have some sort of additional immunity.
One outstanding example of a dragon’s sensory prowess is its blindsense—the ability to “see” things that are invisible or completely obscured." is on Page 18, but I think you mentioned Lung Dragons lack it, only because Blindsight is a superior upgrade.
FP, SLA's Innate casting and such all sit on side bars with RULE entries and can also be found in the text, just as you can find them in the original MM1 entry and many others. All TDs do gain FP and SLAs as well.
And as for the beginning part? No. I. Don't.
The very concept that we start at TD and prove otherwise? What has four letters, starts with an F, and ends with a second word "you"?
You have failed to prove a DWK Kobold is a TD, just as everyone else has failed. Hell last page I can quote you for stating that racially DWK Kobolds do no ignore aging penalties, or providing more proof of concept. We start at Kobold and prove form there. I have a direct line stating the Kobold is a Lesser and not some bullshit murder English interpretation, intent from RotD, and the DWK Kobold failing to every qualify for a TD under any excuse other than "because I said so". No, I'm going to stick to that entry like the rest of the morons, because I might as well go all the way into this stupid argument.
Edit - Also, want a list of TDs?