These are the same issues that have plagued your stance on this every time this debate comes up and you never address them.
Umm, yes I have. See the basic 3.
1. You cannot qualify for a Race.
2. Leading argument is exception based (all TDs have blindsense is ignored via lung dragon!) which is against the order of rules.
3. Exception fails (all TDs have DR/SR/etc, no exceptions).
// Snakeman is trying to disprove this, please hold for additional confirmation.The other point, page 4 says this and I grammatically rewrite the meaning for this, is literately based on not reading ANY OTHER PAGE. Sorry, but as I explained before, I don't out of quote one sentence and use it to argue against several hundred pages of rules.
Your Kobold argument again is stupid and nothing new: Kobolds
are the exception. Old news, boring *yawn* blah blah blah.
You have two categories.
TD: Grow more powerful as they age, and that' all (or so you claim).
LD: Such a creature has a set level adjustment and no built-in progression due to age.
can be TD, but they certainly
are LD.
hurr durpa hurr, kobolds are TD!1!11111!11
And finally, new concept. You're post got dumber the longer you typed it. It went form ignore the thread, to my opinion only, to gee willy if someone made up a requirement table for TDs that would prove things eh?
What do you think this argument is based on? People using the books to say this is how things works, and people like you saying no this is how things works. To define the 'requirements' is to decide if a Kobold is TD. But this is where I'm a head of you, you could literately pen in
TDs are those with the Dragon Type and gain a positive Ability Modifier. I've already pointed out you cannot simply qualify for it, and as a matter of a fact a DWK Kobold is
always a LD and the books treat that as a binary state (ie can't be both). So you'd still have to continue the argument based on ignoring that entry (and I'm sure there are others) on top of the assumption (and you're penned in interpretation). Or you know, you're just wrong.