Moving on a little further (I'm going to go with the damage progression I originally used, but with the modified values, because I think it's the simplest method of doing this), I'm going to lay down a simple rule for weapon types. This rule is heavily inspired by Dwarf Fortress's weapon system, as all swords use the Swordsman skill, all hammers use the Hammerman skill, etc.
There will be three weapon categories: light, one-handed, and two-handed. There will be three weapon damage types: bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing. Each weapon category will have exactly one weapon for each combination of the damage types. So for Light, there's a B, a S, a P, a PS, a BS, a BP, and a BPS. They will have generic names, and deal an average amount of damage, require no investment beyond the weapon proficiency to use, and are basic in every way. Ones that deal one damage type will deal more damage and cost more than those with two which do more and cost more than those with all three. Martial, Simple, and Exotic no longer exist.
Now for exceptions.
Unique weapons include things like whips, spiked chains, that sort of thing. These types of weapons will have a special ability tied to them (such as Disarm bonus, Tripping, shield bonus, whatever). I'm on the fence about saying that every weapon has a special ability, but I don't think that will happen. The special ability weapons will cost more and do less damage than those without a special ability, and the amount they differ depends on what the ability is. I'm expecting a single special ability will deal around two to three steps lower damage than those with no special ability. Two abilities will deal an additional two steps lower or so, but it will be exponentially lower of a drop (so it'll be like 4 steps for the first, 2 for the second, and 1 for the third or something). Actually, I think I might have a customization thing going on. You start with a weapon of one size category. This weapon gets two free abilities, and then you have to start reducing damage and increasing cost per ability. Choosing no abilities gives a bonus to damage, and choosing one ability gives a smaller bonus to damage. Or rather, one of the abilities is "bonus damage". The other option is creating a bunch of weapons that act as exceptions, and then present every weapon in a chart, much like vanilla has. Thoughts?