Recently came across this prestige class in Dragon Magic (page 43), and holy cow does it look like a really nice buy for what you put in. d8 hit die, good reflex and will, six skills per level with all the trap skills and the only rogue class skill missing UMD (sucks, I know), as well as two free draconic feats, improving dragonfire strike even further, and giving you a psuedo-darkstalker feat (-10 to hide/move silently to use it, sadly), as well as doubling the duration of beneficial arcane spells used on you.
And all it requires is one feat (dragontouched), 11 charisma (for draventouched), a smattering of skills that you'd likely already have with the exception of knowledge arcane, and knowing the draconic language. From the required feat and bonus feats alone you'll have darksight 60' as well.
Yet there's almost no talk about the class anywhere in all my experience with rogues. Am I missing something that makes this class bad or not as good as the other options out there for rogues? I know the class features other than the draconic feats and improved dragonfire strike aren't amazing, but if you're in a non-faerun game with no imports its the only source of darkstalker I believe.