Ok, this is gonna be cheesy, I warn.
This character is more of a concept for now, as I can't try him (too cheesy for one of the campaigns I'm playing and not cheesy enough for the other). But I wanted to know if it works, so I'm posting it here for appreciation ^^
I have never used the point-buy system in any game I played, so I won't post stats, but the primary stats for this build (which is quite MAD) are intelligence, wisdom and dexterity. Strength is pretty much a dump, but good to have a positive modifier, at least, and con is mildly important.
It's just a concept so far. I'm only avoiding dragon mags, because they are harder to get a DM to accept.
Here's the deal:
Strongheart Halfling -
Talenta Warrior (Eberron campaign setting or player's guide, I'm not sure)
Extend spell
Duskblade 1
Duskblade 2 - Combat casting for free
Duskblade 3 - Persistent spell
Fighter 1 - Boomerang daze
Fighter 2- Boomerang ricochet
Wizard 1 - Martial wizard variant, swap scribe scroll for point blank shot
Precise shot
Abjurant champion 1
Abjurant champion 2
Spellthief 1 - Master spellthief
Abjurant champion 3
Abjurant champion 4
Abjurant champion 5
Arcane strike, martial arcanist
Ur-Priest 1
Ur- Priest 2 -rebuke undead
Contemplative 1 - extra domain
Divine metamagic (persist) --> persist divine power to make up for lost caster levels, as BAB = Caster level due to martial arcanist from abjurant champion.
2 more contemplative levels and one of Sacred Exorcist for turn undead (and another persisted spell per day).
Then, 3 levels of factotum o get INT bonus to all STR and DEX checks, including initiative and attack. Plus, cunning insight and cunning knowledge!
Then, he can get pretty much anything that advances divine caster progression. Maybe even go back to Ur-Priest, or advance in mystic theurge (ur-priest and duskblade, for instance), just because he can.
Or, if he has able learner, go Chameleon 2 and do pretty much anything with that floating feat of his.
I'm not sure if master spellthief gives complete caster levels or merely effective ones, but a feat for the ability to cast in light armor and steal spells with sneak attacks is great. Also, arcane channeling makes nice combos and I get full wizard and cleric (ur-priest) casting; and as icying on the cake, the ability to use my boomerang to steal spells from 2 enemies and daze them with a pretty wicked save (sacrificing 1 3 level spell I get 3d4 + 6 extra damage; I can use some enchantment on the boomerang so it gives some more damage - like a holy sword for +5 and + 2d6 vs. evil, or make it flaming burst so I can get a pretty wicked DC on the daze).
Also, I can get a pretty good CA without working too hard:
9 from shield spell + either 11 from greater mage armor (if house ruled that abjurant champion ability works with mage armor) or +5 from a mithral breastplate + some DEX, for an AC ranging from 24 to 30 around level 12.
At higher levels, a Robe of the Archmagi (+8 AC) could substitute the breastplate, coupled with a monk's belt to add WIS +1 to AC (which means at least +13 AC, asuming you have WIS 19 to cast 9th level spells!)
So, what do you think?