Author Topic: The Nights Below  (Read 6117 times)

Offline kurashu

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The Nights Below
« on: June 23, 2012, 10:59:50 PM »
About three weeks ago, I undertook the task of DMing The Night Below. Armed with my copy of the adventure, a 3.5 conversion and sense of mindless conviction possessed only of DMs, I charged (read: stumbled) valiantly (read: blindly) into my task (read: trap). This is a record of my follies.

Some short background...
(Purple, because why the fuck not?)

This is the fourth game I've run in Memphis in about as many years. These games always seem to fall apart after about five or six months because my group of friend-players have complicated relationships, but they're good friends, so I keep them around and about May/June of every year, they bug me into running a game of D&D (even though this time I said it would be Agon, or Mutants & Masterminds, or Bunnies & Burrows) and I always eventually agree.

I plan on running some side quests in the game that aren't even remotely implied by the books. Keep on the Borderlan and The Forgotten Temple of Tharzidun come to mind as ones I've been wanting to do. The Great Rock Dale and the mines could serve as the top layer of The Caves of Chaos (or just completely replace them, I suppose) and the Keep itself could come under attack by hobgoblins and trolls instead of a gnome village. That makes it more personal assuming the PCs want anything to do with it, but in case they don't come upon the idea by themselves, I'm going to have Parlfray's son suggest it to them -- "You could totally form an adventuring guild there! I'm sure my dad would let you have it!" or something along those lines.

I'm also changing a few things that I think make the adventure make more sense, namely: Count Parlfray and the Carmen family have been dominated by the conspiracy. How else have they tried to do nothing about the kidnappings? They must know about them. Folks disappear in their lands and others come looking for them. It's only so many times you can think, "Must of been lost in the marsh." or "Giants probably ate 'em." or "Did the Hobgobs up north kill 'em?" before any sane person starts to worry about an epidemic they have going on. So, they're dominated and under orders to not raise a militia or stop the kidnappings. Parlfray has sent most of knights on a quest (I haven't decided what yet) and Carmen has become aloof in the recent years, he's rarely seen outside his mansion and his son has begun running the Exchange at his order. Garyld doesn't like the way things have become but doesn't see anything sinister yet. That's about it. I'm going to make these two the first encounters with a dominated person the party has but play it off as an overly affectionate taste for fish, then dominated bandits will be encountered and hopefully they'll put two and two together.

I have three core players that have been with me since game one (my girlfriend and two guys), two players that have been around for a couple of campaigns but are still learning (both girls) and three new guys (two of them are boyfriends to the two intermediate players, and one is a cousin of my experienced players). My three new guys have caught on fast enough. The beguiler uses her morningstar more often than her spells but knows how effective they can be when she does.

I'm worried about half of my group will flake out for various reasons, but I'm determined to not let that ruin the game. With two play sessions under our belt, plus another tomorrow, it's going good so far. But I do have a very short (read: 1) wait list for my game -- turns out one of my player's younger sister also plays 3.5 and she's well liked in our group of friends, so that's good news if people start to drop out.

The PCs for this game are:
  • Sigh, Human (Copper) Dragon Shaman 1
  • Marat, Human Barbarian 1
  • Kwyji, Elf Ranger 1
  • ??? (I forgot his character name), Human Paladin 1
  • Thumbalino Paragold, Gnome Rogue 1
  • Charlee Mac Dennis, Half-Elf Beguiler (Always Sunny fan much?)
  • Jet-Kit Windu, Human Thunder Sage Monk (I'll post homebrew later) 1
  • Ahab, Dwarf Sorcerer Warlock 1

The dragon shaman, thunder sage monk and sorcerer/warlock are my experienced players. The barbarian and beguiler are my two intermediates; and the last three are, well, the last three.

Uhm, house rules, that's a thing
I have pretty simple house rules.

Dragon Shaman, Warlock, Ranger and Paladin are all replaced with homebrew versions. Thunder Sage Monk is also a homebrew class (because someone will ask me where it is in Stormwrack if I didn't say that). I'll post these versions as I get around to it. Short notes are that Dragon Shamans get full BAB, more auras, a stronger breath attack; rangers get skirmish AND favored enemy AND animal companion AND duskblade casting; Paladins get some knight stuff, can be any alignment/god, get Duskblade casting and domains and a spiritual weapon; warlocks get more ER, DR, invocations and some other stuff I scrounged up from various homebrews I found. I've made it clear that if I find any of these get too over powered during play, I will begin to rescind and/or modify. I doubt they will though -- the dragon shaman and thunder soul are the two I'm most worried about.

Feats are handed out at every odd level. And certain feats are modified: Spring Attack and Short Haft only require a +1 BAB to use. Short Haft is also a non-action to use, this is my answer to EWP(Spiked Chain) showing up on all of my player's sheets. I actually did this on the fly to keep my girlfriend from taking it again, for the fourth game in a row (despite being oddly appropriate for a dragon shaman). TWF grants an additional off hand attack for each iterative attack granted (I also loosened the penalties for fighting with the Orc Double Axe for the barbarian, it's just -2/-2).

Character generation was 4d6 (reroll ones, drop the lowest) 7 times (drop the lowest) and full HP at first level (I considered doing double HP, but I decided against it). Rolled HP can't be less than half of the die size (2 on a d4, 3 on a d6, etc).
...I think that's about it.

Thoughts, Cares, Concerns
My biggest concerns right now are the lack of caster fire power. Giving paladins and rangers improved casting will help bridge this gap but with the (level one, but still) sorcerer switching to a warlock, this is gonna hurt in the long run. I gave him the pros and cons of switching and told him that the sorcerer would be much more powerful in the long run.

Combat is going well other than my rustiness and the fact that with 9 aggressors, the players can steamroll pretty much anything they want to. Except for bears and werebears -- more on that later. I'm probably going to have to double on the mooks and maybe give Ranchefus and the Red Head (uhh...what's his name?) a right hand man a few levels lower than them just to balance out the challenge (maybe even introduce gestalt rules for them?).

Roleplaying, however, is top of this list. Some of my players are comfortable with it, some are when others are into it, and some just aren't at all. Compounding this is the lack of seriousness -- which is fine, this is, after all, a co-operative game. Given when I played through Book One years and years ago, we made jokes too (sometimes the same jokes), but it's starting to get in the way of them remembering what place is which and who is whom. To quote one player, "You're job is to tell us a name. Our job is to ignore that name and say something funny instead." To date, Milbourne is Nilbog (recorded as "Goblin spelled backwards" in at least one player log), Thurmaster is Thigh Master, Jelenneth (or whatever her name is) is whatever "black woman name that starts with a J" name they come up with on the fly (I just say Jenn), Garyld is Jared or Gerald or something. Surprisingly, Shiraz is known as Swanmay (they thought it was Swami at first) and Kuiper and Oleanne are all known by their name or nicknames (Bear Watcher and Crazy Bitch Druid). However, last session was mostly role playing and investigation with a goblin slaughtering at the end but was interspersed by some bitching and complaining about how "it's just one retarded idiot sending us to another retarded idiot." But if my players want a low roleplay game, that's what I can give. They give me mixed reactions when it comes to this though, because slaughtering a group of goblins who had surrendered became an issue (my girlfriend has something against goblins, it's like a blood feud).

My last major concern is the beguiler and her boyfriend the paladin. They are a new couple but we've known her for years but he's something special. However, when I looked over his character sheet before approving it, he had his deity listed as "Hitler" and his alignment as "Whatever." His girlfriend has told him that we won't sort through his bullshit, but I fear I may lose two players here if this goes south. He's picked up the game pretty quickly and seems into it, but I think it's more an excuse to spend more time with her than anything else. I'm not holding my breath on this one.

Well, that's pretty much it for background and notes. This is my first campaign with this group where my laptop is not involved at all in the game itself. So there's that. I've printed out all the needed materials and then my phone has some music (Dark Souls, some Dragon Age and some Skyrim) and effects I use for combat or whatever. Last session, I played the original Pokémon battle theme when they were fighting the werebear, and there was much rejoicing.

So, without further ado, I present for your entertainment, The Night Below!

Night Below 1
In which my players interrogate a merchant and forget what antsy means

The first actual night we met was character generation. I'm not counting that, but if you want to, add one to my entries. This is going to be very self deprecating because I've been stressed out lately and that's taken a chunk out of my self-esteem. So, if you aren't into that, don't read this. If you feel the need to cheer me up, do so in a PM. I'm not a public touchy-feely type of guy.

The game opened up awkwardly -- there's nothing quite as awkward, for me at least, as shushing my friends as I attempt to set the scene. This time I opted to go, "You know that city we designed in the last session of the last campaign? You start there, as level one characters in an unnamed guild. A portly merchant has entered your guild chambers and requested a handful of reliable but cheap adventurers." I've done better but I've certainly heard worse -- not by much though. At this point, it is everyone but the dwarf sorcerer/warlock.

They haggle some and interrogate the poor guy ("I just need my wares delivered to Tauster, he gets very irrate if they are even a day late. My regular couriers have left me for better work!" "I roll sense motive." "He's not lying that you can tell." "He's lying. I rolled Intimidate! What's in the box, fat man!" "Bat shit and broken mirrors for a wizard, I will not stand for this abuse much longer!" "I still think he's lying.") which is interesting because only one player has ever been screwed by a mysterious merchant and that was in a sidequest (though that did also transform into a bigger sidequest in the main campaign that involved Incarnum Zombies). So that happened. Jokes about busty chests are exchanged and the adventure begins.

They travel by foot to Haranshire -- which they didn't attempt any knowledge or gather information checks to learn about the area, I'm kinda surprised and then surprised again by my surprise -- and get to a half a day from it before they meet some traveling farmers who seem a little anxious on the road. They stop and chat for awhile with these antsy farmers who mention the kidnappings (not expecting the unholy ass whooping they are about to get) before a couple of arrows fly out of the forest and strike the paladin (who doesn't get hurt) and the gnome rogue (who goes, that's half of my health :bigeyes). The players spring into action and slaughter all but one of the farmers who they take pity on...sorta.

They knock him out with his own club and tie him up; when he wakes up, they interrogate the guy who caves and said he was being paid to rough up travellers with bad juju. "He paid me, some now and the rest when we was done." The farmer says he has a kid and that's actually a homeless guy who lives under the bridge outside of Milbourne. They try looting him, but the guy already gave the PCs his club (one player actually let out a sympathy Oh). They loot everyone else and march the guy to Milbourne, give him their combined copper pieces (because fuck copper pieces) and tell him to buy his son something good to eat. Aw, what good guys. Too bad his "son" is just a big ass rock he talks to, they found this out later and just went, "...oh, well then." I think I might have a dead homeless man turn up soon.

They bum around Milbourne for a bit and check into the Baron of Mutton. I decided to have the Disappearing Jenn scene play out in the morning to give an extra punch of "It could have been me." too bad that fact never sunk in; though, I should have had them roll listen checks at night or something to give them a feeling of "Uh-oh." (The last time I did that, my girlfriend, playing an elf crusader at the time, found a guy watching her from down the hallway and after chasing him around the inn's top hallway and waking everyone up, didn't find him. To be completely honest, it was a Marble Hornets drop in reference and it was Masky for anyone who follows; Slenderman had made an appearance in a dream sequence her character wasn't part of). They come down in the morning and seen Andren having a panic attack in the corner and several people trying various methods of calming him down. Eventually Sigh walks over and begins talking to the man to find out what happened. He revealed that his fiancee has disappeared in the night. The party assumes that his name is Scott Peterson and that he did it -- I have tried to disabuse them of this notion, but it keeps coming up; I might actually have him have something to do with it in the end. He gives them all of the details he can remember and even shows them the room. "She left her spell pouch. Why would she leave that if she was going back to Tauster's in Thurmaster?!" "Toaster? In Thigh Master? We're headed there ourselves." Now, they are locked into finding Jenn for the time being; I'm going to follow several suggestions and have her turn up much sooner than The Sunless Sea and instead make Layfayer much friendlier and helpful to the party and then rip him away from them and have him turn up there. Or even better, have them encounter a little kobold sorcerer named Meepo (a call back to my very first campaign, they befriended this little guy despite having a gnome in the party, and inspired him to become an adventurer, too; my core players bring him up every time we play). I actually have several NPCs whose shtick it is to be captured and become rescued by the PCs, so I'll have no shortage of fodder if needed.

Anyways. The party marches ever onwards to Thurmaster. Uneventfully. "Uneventfully? We wanna fight something." "Alright, you see up on the road, ... *rolls dice* a single black bear. It doesn't look happy to see you." Paladin: "I go to pet it. I want a bear." "...really? Roll a handle animal and I'll check the rules." "Uh...17!" "I have rules for raising an animal from a cub but nothing about angry black bears." -- side note: I don't think I read the rules close enough and the ranger totally had Wild Empathy, we forgot -- "So nothing? Whatever then, I walk away." "You walk away? What's your armor class." "Yeah. Uh, 14?" "*three rolls* The bear claws you twice and tries to bite your shoulder off. 12 damage." "...Uh oh. I have one HP left. :(" "Roll initiative." They proceed to kill the poor thing after being bandied around by it for a round or two only to discover it had three cubs following it, "Fuck yeah, bears!"

They arrive at night at Thurmaster (one of the guards sleepily comments on the number of bears) and proceed to rouse Tauster, who grumpily countersigns their document and they chat a bit about Jenn before he mentions going back to sleep and see you adventurers in the morning. They then travel to Squire Marlen -- who I've decided is a dick because Parlfray has been dominated and has been a dick to him -- and wake his punk ass up. He is especially grumpy. One of my players finally goes, "Is it night time? Are we just going around and banging on doors and waking everyone up? I'm sorry, sir."

The next morning, they are paid and receive some information about Jenn from Tauster -- she liked to pick herbs along Hog Brook, see Kuiper on his little farm there, he may have seen her. Item Added: Letter of Introduction. They go to see Kuiper, who also comments on the number of bears and asks a few prying questions ("Where'd these bear cubs come from? Did you kill that bear? How do you plan on the druid not finding out if you're leading bear cubs around?" things of that nature...pun intended). Finally they cut a deal that if he takes the bears off their hands, he'll raise them for now and they can potentially come see them when they want. They set out for a bit -- I missed an opportunity for some of them to share back stories here -- before encountering an oddly alluring and wildly attractive but extremely dirty female druid everyone rolls their eyes until I show them the picture in the module then more jokes about busty chests and the girls going, "Of course she is." I shrug and go on. Kuiper and Oleanne speak for a bit until he motions for Kwyji to join them. She explains that there is a werebear on the loose; Kuiper says it's probably the Johnson boy. They need to do something about it, Jenn can wait. He gives Kwyji four nets to give to whomever he trusts most in the party.

Kwyji returns to the party and explains the situation, they agree it's more dire than finding Jenn but ask why they can't kill the werebear. He explains that part again and they set off, eventually Oleanne gets tired of doubling back and tells Kuiper where she last saw the werebear and wanders off to go bandit hunting. The party decides to rest at dusk and set camp -- another missed opportunity to share role playing, damn it --  and decide watches. The night passes with a few twig snaps and some light rainfall beginning but then everything changed when the fire nation attacked but then the rangers spot some orcs moving quickly away from something in a quasi-military fashion. The obvious decision is rouse everyone quickly and out flank them. The orcs go down without much fuss, they did almost kill the thunder sage monk and did some serious damage to the barbarian. The session ended here.

Offline kurashu

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Night Below 1
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 12:28:24 AM »
Night Below 1
In which I don't have a numbering error and the dwarf makes an entrance and my girlfriend hates on bumbled investigations then proceeds to murderize goblins

The session opens a little better than last, we are in a bigger room and we have air circulation! Huzzah for modern convenience. I'm even told that next session will feature working central air. :love Though I'm fine as long as our kind player-hosts have a fan or two on. Anyways, the conundrum of introducing a new character at the beginning of the session that just ended with a forest combat. So, I turns to the dwarf and I says to him, I says, "Ahab, what were you doing in the forest?" "My troupe was killed by orcs." "Most excellent. Make a listen check with a +10 modifier." "Uh....28." "You hear the sounds of a ferocious battle a head. As you finally make it to the clearing, the carnage has settled down and there is a group of 9 humanoids standing over the corpses of orcs. You recognize the symbol on their shields as the orcs who attacked your band."

The party happens to notice the dwarf and they chat before accepting him as one of their own. They search the orcs and loot them and notice some of them bear scars similar to the ones the paladin has from the bear, it must be the werebear! Also, cue jokes from my thunder sage player, "WERE must the werebear be? I can BEARLY stand not knowing WERE it is." They follow some tracks and intuit WERE (...) the orcs were fleeing from before finding the werebear. This encounter actually went a lot smoother than I expected -- nets were missed, but the beguiler stepped up and color sprayed the shit out of the werebear (and also Kuiper) who rolled a whopping 1 for his saving throw, right there in front of the players, a big, fat 1. After that, no nets were missed and I fast forwarded a few rounds to Kuiper and the werebear coming to and played that out. The players took some NAMBLA overtones I didn't realize I was implying away from it :banghead and headed back to Milbourne WERE they picked up on Jenn's missingness again.

They talk to Andern who eagerly asks them for any information which is met by a curt, "Bitch still missing." and an interrogation involving the Scott Peterson angle again. He says he remembers a couple of strangers in town that night, one with redhair but they didn't stay here, check the Silver Crown. "WERE should check at?" "..." Off to the Silver Crown, where the meet Ol' Grizzl'r, who is currently haggling with the barkeep for one more drink. The party calls the barkeep away and asks him if he saw any weird, redheaded men in the inn lately. He tells them he sees all sorts of weird redheaded men in the inn always. They come up and down on ships, he doesn't keep tabs on everyone. Ol' Griz says he might remember something but, "my throat is I can speak." The barbarian and sorcerer sit down on either side of him and the rest of the party crowd up around him, "What might you remember, dwarf?" "I can't think with my throat so dry. I need another drink." Barbarian: "I roll for intimidate. Natural 20. What does he know?" Me: "*rolls will save, nope* Calm down, ye lass. I saw a redhead man 'bout a week ago, had a strange air about him. Had a pardner with him. I can't remember much else." Barbarian: "I am not above hitting you, old man." "Alright, alright, calm down ya'll young-ins. Ol' Griz saw 'em lurking about the Exchange and Baron and they left out the east gate that night real late, real fast like. Thought it odd, but odd things happen. Now how about a drink?" Sorcerer: "Here's on me, brother. What do you know about the exchange?" "Carmen's son runs it, folks drop things off, pick things up, product moves its merry way. I'm still thirsty."

They head to the exchange, WERE they meet Darius Carmen -- the bored teenage son of Darius Carmen put in charge of the exchange's day to day activities. At first they try to subtle about what's going on, and by subtle I mean all eight of them barge in and start demanding answers. "Where's Jenn at?" "Who are you and what do you know about Jenn?!" "You kidnapped her!" "Never, why would I other than Andern is a sniveling coward." "We roll sense motive!" "*fake roll* You detect something of jealousy in him, but it doesn't seem like he's lying." "Say you didn't, did you see two men, one with redhair in here about a week ago?" "No. Not that I'd really remember, some of the sailors have redhair." "Not a sailor, a strange man." "I did see him around the Baron, why?"

At this point, my girlfriend is throughly annoyed that they haven't found Jenn and is convinced that the men in her life are some how convincing the party they aren't involved in the kidnapping, her and several others go out to smoke and I run this encounter with three and a half players (one was in and out of the porch door, smoking and listening).

"We think he had something to do with the kidnapping." "Hm...I do think I saw him talking to a sailor or two by the Silver Crown, too. Have you checked there?" "Just did. That's why we're here. Anything else?" "I think I saw one of the sailors he spoke to carrying a big wooden box through here, I don't really pay attention." "Why not?" "I'm 17 and I'm running a place I don't understand until something important happens, I have no training in this, the girl I love is missing and and and..." "Oooooh. Where was this sailor headed?" "Downstream, I think, towards Thurmaster. Probably long gone now, Jenn, too, if that was her..." "What about that guy?" "Don't know. Box did come from the general store, he might know something, but he's a dunder head, I doubt it. If not, ask Garyld." "Alright." The smoking crew came in as I said that last part and I heard an exasperated sigh from at least one of them.

"So, WERE to, everyone? General store? Do they sell glaives there?!" "...You guys head to the general store? As you walk in, an overly excited gnome greets you, waving a long stick with a blade on it, 'WEEEEELCOME TO BUNKO'S!'" "Oh god. Is that what I'm suppose to be like?" "If you have a 6 for charisma and an 8 for intelligence." "Oh thank god." "Did you kidnap Jenn?!" "No, want to buy?" "Is that a glaive?" "Today's special: stickblade!" "I'll take it!" "GF: ..." "Me: What?" "Let's go to Jared." "He went to Jared!" "WERE did he go?" "Me: ..."

"You find Garyld in his wood working shop, when you enter, you find him hard at work on a boat." "Why a on a river, got you. Hail, Garyld." "Hello, you must be the group Kuiper told me about." "Then you know?" "Terrible thing, glad that boy is fine though." "... Anyways, we need your help finding Jenn." "That's a problem. See, I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee." "..." "Me: What?" "..." "I can help some, but Kuiper and the Swanmay may be more help to you than me. Ask away, though." "Did you notice any weird, redheaded  none sailors lurking around about a week ago." "*rolls intelligence* I seem to remember one guy, had a partner with a cloak, didn't get a good look at their faces, redhead was pretty average looking though. Other guy might have had an eyepatch." "Interesting." "I seem to remember them leaving town out of the east gate pretty late one night, ain't know one else come up missing that night 'cept poor Jenn. I figured they had something to do about it, but we haven't been able to find them. Oleanne said something a guy with an eyepatch awhile ago, but she just doesn't trust no one but rangers and druids." "Alright. Shall we go see the Swanmay now?"

"Everyone make a listen check." "Is he a werebear, too?" "... Please?" "*several rolls*" "You hear two boys talking about how they heard about some blue demons wearing iron boots in the marsh to the south." "Sidequest get much? Should we do this now or later guys? It might take quite a while." "We'll do it later, DM." Side Note: This begins the biggest failing I've had so far. I should have remembered that there was suppose to be an auction taking place for a homestead on the marsh to hint them there, too. Instead, I choked and forgot and made some stupid shit up off the seat of my pants at Eelhold and had just a very bad DM moment that I couldn't take back.  :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead

They arrive at Eelhold, a small, artificial lake on the Oldscut River. I don't go into many details because they aren't that important to the game and my already annoyed players don't care if the waters can be rapid or if the dam broke 17 years ago. They arrive at Eelhold and see a single swan floating on the surface. It begins swimming towards them and as it steps on to land, it transforms into a female clad in light leather armor. "OOoooooo, SWANmay, not swami. Is she a weregoose?" "..." "Sorry." "Swanmay: Oh look, another group come to laugh at the Swanmay! If you only knew what I did for you!" "What? Why are you mad?" "Huh? You aren't here to laugh at me?" "Why would we? People come all this way to do that?" "I turn into a swan. Of course people come to laugh at me. If they only knew. Instead they call me Pixie-held." "Pixie-held? What?" "They say I talk to invisible pixies." "Do you?" "She isn't invisible, she's shy. So no." "ooooh." "Player: Why is she so neurotic?" "Me: She transforms into a swan, swans are pretty neurotic." "Gotcha." "So...why are you here then, because I have problems of my own." "Like what? We're looking for a missing girl, Jenn." "...I remember her, used to come up her a lot and laugh and point and laugh and point." "What a bitch, but we are still looking for her." "I haven't seen or heard from her in quite a while. But I bet Kuiper has, I've been busy keeping this damn dam from bursting." "What's wrong?"

*Cue up catastrophe music as epic folly ensues* "My pixie lost her ring, said it fell off her finger. And she can't...control...the water elemental tied to the lake anymore. You know what, never mind, that thing would have washed down stream to that damn marsh by now. It's been gone about two years." "We find it and bring it back to you, you help us?" "Yeah, but good luck." "We have a good idea WERE to look." At least it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but still.  :banghead ...  :banghead :banghead

Also, at this point, Ahab the Sorcerer and Thumbalino the Gnome leave (something about watching True Blood and needing to work in the morning).

The party heads down to the marsh, making spot and search checks along the way, just in case. Eventually, they come up to a homestead with a man raking muck. "Old man! I say, Old Man!" "I'm not old. I'm only 27." "I couldn't very well just say, 'Man!' wow could I?" "You could have called me by my name." "I don't know your name." "Well, you didn't ask, you just called me Old Man. My name is Dennis." "Dennis, what are you doing?" "Muck raking. Ain't much else to do. Goblins stole another cow of mine. Wife's pregnant again, third one. Marsh is getting bigger by the minute." "How long has it been getting bigger?" "'Bout two years, I think. Ever since those goblins started getting bold, wearing blue face paint and what not. If you don't mind, there's some fabulous mud over here." "Where are these goblins? Why don't you kill them?" "For stealing a single cow ever so often when I've already given up on life?" "Poor guy. We'll get your cow back, just point us there."

The party starts looking for trouble, turning over door cards and lootin' empty rooms...wrong game. Anyways, they begin hearing a cow mooing in the distance, "That's them. We track it." "You come across something of a clearing, a cow is tied to a post to the side of a cave and two blue faced goblins stand guard outside of it." "Paladin: I approach the cow. I want to use handle animal." "Me, laughing: Remember what happened last time?" "Jet-Kit Windu: Goblins, hail ye! Where did ye come uponst this cow?" "OUR COW!" "GF: Just fucking kill them." "JKW: What is that painted on your forehead." "*covers forehead* Nothings!" "JKW: Tell me and I won't kill you." "Nothings." "GF: I hit one with my ranseur. 5 damage." "OOOOOOOOOOW! They retreat into the cave." "GF: I'll kill 'em all if I have to." "Everyone roll initiative." "*rolls*" "JKW: I throw a thunderstone into the cave." "You hear scattered scream and the sound of soft goblin bodies colliding."

They move in and kill half a dozen goblins and menace some others until the shaman and tribe leader show up. "What is going on here?! Who are you and why are you killing my people?" "We've come for the ring!" "What ring? How do you know about the ring?" "That ring." "This one? *holds up middle finger*" "JKW: Hand it over and no one else dies." "Shaman: Never!" "JKW: I moved next to the tribe leader and take the AOO. And then I charge my greatsword and kill him." "Roll to hit." "Nat 20. I won't even confirm." "Roll damage." "*5d6+3*" "You spilt him in twain and goblin blood shoots everywhere." "Every WERE?" "....The shaman holds out his hand, 'Truce?'" "JKW: Accepted, ring. Let's go everyone." "GF: Nope. Goblins need to die." "JKW: They surrendered to us." "GF: They surrendered to you. Not me. I attack the shaman. 17, 13 damage." "He dies." "JKW: Stop, they're leaderless. They surrendered." "Marat: I'll help." "JKW: Thank god." "Marat: 16 and 15 to hit." "JKW: ... Someone stop them." Sigh the Dragon Shaman and Marat the barbarian are finally convinced that they should stop killing these poor face painted goblins after killing half the tribe and being shown that they are leaderless and cowards and "they are just stealing Aladdin style." I ruled that it wasn't an evil act to mercilessly slaughter these goblins because goblins are well known to be evil shits. This shit got tense though. This is also the second time my girlfriend has murderized some helpless goblins. Last time it was goblin babies when they played through the Howling Horde because "it would have been inhumane to leave those goblin babies there to die and who of you would have stayed to nurture them?"

The party returned to Eelhold, gave the ring to Swanmay who told them Kuiper will be in Milbourne soon to meet them, that Oleanne had found something out. And that's WERE the session ended.

Next game is tomorrow, hopefully WERE and BEAR jokes will be out of vogue by then...  :banghead

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Re: The Nights Below
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 08:51:34 AM »
Aww. Night below was my first experience playing a tabletop rpg. It took my group forever to finish, but was lots of fun. We couldn't remember jellenith's name to save our lives (it was usually "that girl we're looking for" or "Gwendolean?)
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Best of luck! I look forward to reading another group's experience.

Offline kurashu

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Re: The Nights Below
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 11:43:43 AM »
We played last week, but so little happened (we spent more time ordering pizza -- a task that was made as difficult as possible for me, by the way -- and eating than playing it seems like) that it doesn't warrant its own post, so I'm saving up for a big post later this week.

As a side note, I'm compiling a sort of Campaign Setting Guide (paraphrasing fluff, putting monster stat blocks, magic item information, et cetera) in part to make the game easier to run and in part to make me more familiar with the lesser bits of the campaign, and I've noticed a pattern of tragedy in the Parlfray family: Shrieken chased away a daughter into the Shrieken Mire (Shrieken died, but the daughter and her lover probably did, too), Sandier's wife is not mentioned anywhere at all in the text, and the whole Gleaming Glade incident. Poor guys. :bigeyes I'm going to go a head and state what most people will be thinking, depression runs in the family. Oh well, that just gives me some fun to have fucking with their family more and the players will -- hopefully, but I don't know after last week -- have compassion for them.

Since Sandier's wife isn't mentioned at all and he is dominated in my campaign, I'm probably going to make her a bard or sorcerer who was kidnapped and that's how he came to be dominated to ignore the kidnappings. I wonder about his son, then. Would he be a potential magic user? The party took kind of a shine to him. I don't want all of Haranshire disappearing (I had a kobold they really liked from a previous campaign become kidnapped and Layfayer or Selmnis or whatever his name is supposed to be kidnapped, too; plus, I already alluded to a priest of Kord potentially being kidnapped, too).
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 11:46:42 AM by kurashu »

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Night Below 2
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 03:08:44 AM »
Night Below 2
In which I combine three nights into one. And eight level 2 characters fight a mohrg. Idiots.

It took four weeks, but here's a post's worth of information. More details to come (maybe, been depressed and not wanting to do shit lately), but here are the highlights:
  • Learned that Jenn was maybe transported by river boat (one named The Black Rose Burial) but as we know, they couldn't be more wrong. They arrange transport on a boat headed east.
  • Before bunking up for the night, I introduce Carlos, the Dwarf (groans from the two people who got the joke) who claims he was escorting a kobold (Meepo!) on a goodwill mission and adventure to find a specific shifter (call back to our first campaign). This inspires the party somewhat but is also met with "Of course that happened."
  • Party traveled via boat from Nilbog to Thigh Master (er...) and fought giant frogs along the way. Party levels to level 2! YAY!
  • Disembarked at Thurmaster and traveled to the Parlfray keep (sans Beguiler and Paladin) (upon arriving, there was a smoke break; I commissioned two players with coming up with their joke name for him, we ended up laughing for a solid ten minutes at Herr Doktor the Count Burt Furger III, Esquire. No wonder his family is so fucking depressed. :bigeyes)
  • The party discovered a secret compartment in his basement after detecting that something smelt...fishy...literally. They insisted on searching the keep. The secret room had a small tunnel with an odd glyph at the end they weren't able to end up deciphering. They didn't find anything else other than Sandier's 16 year old son. Who then eagerly spills the beans about the keep in the Thornwood because he's read too many fairy tales growing up and wants to be a knight! Mom is no where to be found, nor are any knights. Party doesn't find that weird at all.
  • That night, the ranger is awoken by the sound of chattering and metal foot steps. He investigates only to find some odd, grey midget dwarves. He finds this odd and rolls an unusually high K(Dungeoneering) check. High enough to know what they are and that they're crazy and not usually found in people's keeps. Sandier comes out of his room at the sound of the commotion and accepts the "fish water" they have come to deliver and tells the derro to handle the party in whatever way they see fit. Party is not amused with Sandier.
  • COMBAT! It starts off with the Thunder Soul electrifying a net (that he never gave back to Kuiper, damn thief) and tossing it at Sandier. Sandier proceeds to almost die! from being caught in melee, but is quickly escorted out of the way. The party downs two derro, the other two on the stairs flee the fuck out (I forget about darkness in the midst of battle). Party gives chase and manages to block the basement door, preventing them from escaping. They kill one more and the other chesses them into him bull rushing the door, dragon shaman misses her AOO and he makes it through (NOTE: girlfriend, not amused that is outwitted by a crazy guy). HOWEVER, on her turn, she jump charges the guy and initiates a grapple, winning! Derro manages to shout a warning out to his final compatriot minding the teleport glyph to "RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!" We ended the session here.
  • Next Session: Opens with interrogations. Sandier is in and out of a fog of memory, having taken "fish water" for 16+ years. He is asking for his wife, the midwife and to see his baby boy. The derro accidentally says something about missing peoples. Not just Jenn. Party comes together to put the pieces together. They kill the derro (NOTE: Girlfriend smears dead derro at entrance of secret tunnel as a warning.) and keep a tight leash on Sandier, who requests a conch shell to call his knights to arms. He is given the conch and walks to the door of the keep, opens it, blows it and slumps down defeated. Party insists on him taking it easy for a few days. And turn to the son, who feeds them a pack of lies while daddy is in the room.
  • They currently know that there is a "pink blobby thing" known as the Blood Queen, they seem to think it is Sandier's wife, and that multiple are missing. Sandier's mind is incredibly fucked up, but his son seems alright. They send the warlock and rogue (no-show players, in addition to the beguiler and paladin) to fetch Tauster to have him come examine things. I figured Tauster would if properly enticed, which I left off screen except for mentions of mysterious magic and veiled threats of violence.
  • The party kind of doesn't know what to do next. I ask for intelligence rolls. A few come up high enough for me to mention, "This was an armed escort for potions that has been going on for 16+ years, potentially. And you disrupted it. Precautions may want to be taken." They bunk down and post guard watch. Having not blocked the teleport glyph, a full compliment of derro show up (8 derro, a derro sorcerer and his winter wolf familiar, with bonded familiar feat). The party manages to rout them after taking a beating (would have been worse if I remembered Darkness was at will this time, but I remembered it!)
  • They managed to recover a matching iron symbol to the glyph but I tell them without a proper activation word, it won't work. Period. No UMD, no identify, no forcing. I figure it's ancient aboleth magic, different rules apply. Jokes about accidentally teleporting to Xen are made by precisely two people (me being one of them).
  • The next day Tauster and party arrive (players still missing). Pleasantries are exchanged and Tauster agrees to babysit Sandier "for a week or so, but I want to be compensated." They convince the Parlfray boy to stay instead of dying when they realize that he has ZERO real world experience. Party sets off for Broken Spire Keep.
  • They pass through Thurmaster and determine that Hog Brook is the best path to follow. Along their travels they come across ravaged pilgrims guards, one of which has a plot based death after brief exposition! I did make it very clear that they were very badly dead, party is unamused at plot based death. I did show them the picture I inserted in my campaign guide of a warrior clutching a sword dug into the earth and looking extremely beaten. They are more amused at the pictures in my campaign guide I put in to amuse me than at a plot based death.
  • They head into the forest and face off against some death dogs. I introduce tactical combat to them (read: I finally decided to use the DMG info about trees and undergrowth). Party is part amused part deadpan expression at me. 8 two headed wild dogs vs. 4 level 2 characters. I am amused. After some heming and hawing about where to place an entangle, the party turns the tide. The Thunder Soul jumps from tree to tree, trying to stab death dogs while avoiding the double whammy of undergrowth and entangle and falls out both times, but it works to his success by stabbing death dogs who are barking up his tree. It's the wrong tree for them. They end up wiping them out. VICTORY! Session end after XP delivery.
  • Week 3: Everyone except me and the girlfriend and the rogue end up either sick, out of town (read: stuck in traffic in Nashville while I'm driving toward her house), or decided that we probably weren't playing and making other plans. Night turned out alright for the three of us, though. I bought the extended versions of all 3 LotR movies for 30 some bucks. I have still yet to learn what taters are and if one simply can walk into Mordor. :( No spoilers, guise, Titanic was already ruined by people saying the boat sinks!
  • Week 4: Guest Co-DM (kinda, he did good for his first time ever playing). The party manages to miraculously regroup (read: DM fiat because everyone takes forever to get ready) and then spends all night fighting a mohrg. Seriously. I rolled it, prefaced the encounter with a speech saying, "Sometimes it is ok to run away, you still get partial XP!" They stay and fight anyways despite taking heavy damage. Idiots. I mention this fact several times through out the fight, especially after K(Religion) checks are made and it downs a the paladin. I asked my monster controller to not kill the paladin for the sake of saving me a headache of introducing another character wandering through the forest. He obliges and proceeds to almost kill the rogue. Eventually, it dies. The four players that have been to every session level up. Other guys look a little dismayed, so I rewind time for them and have them fight a CR5 baddie to level them, too. Turns out there a huge ass spider on their way to rejoin the other group. Beguiler, paladin, warlock and rogue vs Huge Spider (represented by a candle, in this case). Spider didn't stand a god damn chance. The rogue drew it's AOO by moving in to stab it. And then the spider failed two consecutive saves vs Color Spray. Not just fail, but fail amazingly. It's the first 1 for a saving throw I've ever rolled for a monster. Then it happened again. Paladin enlarged person'd and it got clobbered in no time. Level up to 3!

So, that's it. I really meant for plot to happen. I really thought they'd run from the mohrg after a demonstration of its power and my speech. Proved me wrong. Next I roll an inappropriately CR'd challenge, I'm ignoring it. Unless I hit the Verdant Prince I stuck in my encounter table. Any ideas on how I should use him? There's a 1-in-100 chance of encountering him in Hardlow Woods and a 1-in-10,000 chance (00 twice, did I do my math right?) to encounter him in Thornwood. There won't be any more encounters before the keep, but I if they come across him in their return to civilization and side quests, what should I do with him?

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Re: The Nights Below
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 05:45:50 AM »
Phew. We had a long break because of having to fix my car (we had to take the AC compressor out and remove it's supporting brace on the frame to drill out a broken bolt, took all afternoon) and then Tennessee had its tax free weekend the week before last, so I had to work late and called our game off. We played last week despite me thinking I'd be out of state (I need to fix my brakes and replace two belts before it's road trip worthy again).

Short story: The party infiltrated the Broken Spire Keep and managed to make their way downstairs after killing off everyone upstairs except Heydrus who they let escape after he turned coat. The party broke up along sneaky-beatstick lines, the beatsticks are hoping to cause enough ruckus to distract whatever from the sneaky folks. Should be interesting on Sunday.

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Re: The Nights Below
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 03:22:07 AM »
Night Below 3
A recap, fighter Ranchefus and two pulpings

This is actually three nights of game. I'm terrible at keeping things updated. But the campaign is back from an involuntary hiatus.

The party monk had fallen into a spike trap in front of the keep. The warlock spiderclimb'd down to him and tied the rope around him and he climbed out. After that, the approached more carefully. The warlock spiderclimb'd to the top of the keep door and eldritch blasted the guard dead and opened the gates. The party poured in and proceed to systematically annihilate the bandits living there. This involved throwing weapons (two characters, the barb and the monk, both have Throw Anything now and that is their favorite tactic), using tables as improvised weapons and just not being very sneaky at all. This drew the ire of both Willmors and Balrat, who being lazy bastards sent Heydrus to investigate. Heydrus popped his head into the dinning hall while the ranger was looking there [End part 1] and just went OHSHI- before the ranger shot an arrow into his shoulder and he quickly surrendered. He tried warning the party of Willmors and Balrat but they showed up as he was telling them to look out behind you.

During this time, the rogue in the broken spire had gone to tell Ranchefus what was going on. Too bad he'll tell Ranchy that Willmors and Balrat have it.

Willmors and Balrat gave the party some trouble. I restatted both as 4th level Swordsages and focused Willmors on tactics (unarmed swordsage, shadow hand and setting sun focused) and Balrat on being a heavy hitter (diamond mind/stone dragon focused, bastard sword). Willmors managed to break the blockade the party set up with Clever Positioning (and tried a mighty throw on the ranger, but failed). Balrat decided to just wade in swinging. The fight didn't go as well for the duo as I'd hoped, but it showed my players I was taking the gloves off. They did reign Willmoors back in before he could get to Heydrus (who just stayed out of the way until the end, when he took a cheap shot at Willmoors with his bow).

After the fight, they questioned Heydrus who told them that two bandits were just vicious people and better off dead, to watch out for Ranchefus -- the cleric with the eyepatch -- below and even was so kind enough (read: more threats of violence, I swear that they are blind to the Diplomacy skill on their sheets).

The party split up along sneaky/damage-dealer lines and infiltrated the basement. Alpha Team (THE SNEAKY SCORPIONS!) and Beta Team (THE ROAMING WOLVERINES!) (this also led to several beta, white knight jokes no one got but I thought were funny). I had the highest initiative score on both teams roll and Beta Team won. They took the tower stairs down while alpha team took the trap door from the lumber store down.

Alpha Team: Tumbalino, Jet-Kit Windu, Kwiji and Charlee Mac Dennis
Beta Team: Paladin, Sigh, Ahab, Marat and the fucking Wolf.

Beta Team ended up in the hallway and immediately encountered the tower look out and several orcs who were promptly taken care of. Alpha team investigated the jailer and Thumbalino managed to kill the jailer and one of the dogs before misstepping and waking up the other dog. Promptly taken care of. [End part 2]

Back to Beta Team. They went from killing the few guys in the basement hallway to investigating the Parlfray crypt. A demon did much of the destroying of the keep and the crypt is supposedly haunted by it, so I took that to mean be creepy and shit. They listen at the door and hear howling wind behind it. So of course they go in. The warlock and dragon shaman -- Ahab and Sigh -- march right in. Off the bat, the warlock can't see the far wall but can make out a finely worked stone fixture at the far edge of his sight. He lights an everburning torch and the howling wind becomes louder and louder. He throws it in the middle of the crypt and the howling becomes loudest before it touches the ground and then nothing. The paladin, barb and wolf all waited in the main hallway in case more folks showed up. Sigh and Ahab find that the room is filled with coffins and an inscription is carved into the far wall dedicated to the fallen Parlfrays and their men who defended the keep and an ominous mention of a demon. They exit and head across the hall to the desecrated chapel. I drew a pentagram on the floor because that's the quickest way to show "EVIL HERE HURR!" but I also explained that many corpses litter the area, some dessicated other fresh and the stench of death is heavy, I even said the pentagram was drawn in blood. The party pokes around and nine zombies pop up. The paladin charges in and uses his turn undead (I'm using the CD variant where turn undead does 1d6/level and turn level = pally level) and whacks a good chunk from all of them. Beta team handles it well.

Alpha team. They investigate the junk room after hearing some rustling around. The beguiler sends in her dancing lights, shaped like a humanoid (much to my happiness, she is using her spells, fucking finally!). Much to their non-surprise, a rat is in there. Thunder soul monk throws his greatsword and misses! Roll init. TSM goes again, this time with a glaive. I told him that I hoped he missed for the sheer comedy. "I still have a dagger and two longswords!" He hit with the glaive and one shotted the rat. Surprise. They root around in the shit ("when it's other people's stuff, it's shit.") and find a nice, small sized rapier (+1 rapier) and a purple stone that the beguiler is oddly drawn to (pearl of power [1st level], but only for beguilers).

They go to the latrine dump next, smell shit ("No, not other people's stuff, shit.") and leave. Smart move. UNTIL some one beta team, totally without my provocation (which was awesome), goaded them to go back because "I'd totally hide the best loot in the shitter." They go back and start poking around the latrine and the carrion crawler popped out ("Like a big green, tentacle covered turd." "Who the fuck ate that?!"). The fight went quick but almost ALMOST paralyzed the gnome rogue and the monk. But nope. Oh well, there's always another day.

On their way to join beta team, the elf's elfsense starts tingling and he starts yelling about a secret door but he can't find it. The entire party regroups and poor Thumblino steps up to the job and finds it but gets blasted with a frost trap for 5HP. And inside is a single chest. Again, poor guy but he's got heart, opens the chest but gets hit with 6 points of con damage from a poison. :( I'm gonna cheat and not make him roll a secondary save because its 2d6 con and that might just kill his character and that's not heroic or fun. He finds the three bags filled with a bunch of coins, a pouch of gems, the wizard's spell book and a jade tube with scrolls inside.

The party entered the old wizard's room next. It's a lab in the main room but it's "fucking destroyed" -- jokingly, I add that a corpse of a freakishly leggy ballerina with pigtails lies on the floor, no one gets it so I let it slide. They check the two side rooms -- a demolished store room and the wizard's personal room -- they find the old wizard long dead and peaceful in his bed, his neck crushed. The monk takes the ring on his finger and in his desk they find a manuscript entitled "ON THE INFERNAL AND ABYSSAL PLANES" and is written in an arcane language none can read (I'm considering making the reading of this a treasure for the warlock. Either a new invocation or a bonus on Eldritch Blast damage? Something else?). The party leaves and looks at the map (both the Heydrus map and the drawn map) and go, "Huh. Cleric is hiding around here. SECRET DOOR! SECRET DOOR! SQUIRREL! ....Er, SECRET DOOR!" So they find this secret door, too. I smile wide. Thumbalino is smart enough to move away from the door.

Ranchefus is busy yelling something to the orc warlord emissary in the other room (I imagine it was about eating all the chips, the players did not muse) and the monk goes, "I throw my greatsword." Since it was technically a surprise round, I said okay. He hit Ranchefus. Every one files in. Some one hit Ranchefus and he made a bluff check to fake dead and rolled a 20 and falls to the ground, "Dead." The orc warlord charges into the room with a vile scream and charges the wolf. I see the ranger smile until I say, "No AOOs." "Huh?" "It's called initiating a maneuver." The maneuver in question was charging minotaur. Also in question was the fact that he had Improved Bull Rush and Dungeoncrasher. He beats the large wolf by 10 points and slams the wolf into the wall for 50 points and just pulps the wolf. Just destroys that poor thing. I threw down 6d6, a d8, 2d4 and an additional 16 points of damage. He missed a critical by 1, which would have been even better. I actually laughed when I totaled the damage. I also told them that I had slapped that together at work as an idle activity. The barbarian raged, charged in, took the AOO on the chin and then proceeded to double crit with her double axe and deals 69 damage to the orc warlord and just mangles the poor guy. He got in a good charge though. The rest of the fight consisted of Ranchefus positioning himself and healing himself (DMM:Quicken, spontaneous metamagics don't increase casting time) and using a few crusader maneuvers and eventually running away, which resulted in his death. The second best moment of the fight was Ranchefus dropping a sound burst in confined quarters and stunning everyone but the paladin and ranger. The beguiler and Thumbalino both remained far and away from the battle, shooting arrows and magic missiles (expanded knowledge) at Ranchefus.

When he's low on spells and HP, Ranchefus turned tail and ran. Eventually the ranger and paladin caught up to him and murdered his ass. Given Ranchefus is cocky and overconfident, so I had him skid to a stop, heal himself quickly and pull his mace again. The ranger skirmish shoots him and the paladin charge-smites him and he goes down.

I gave everyone 1250XP (5150XP total so far), including the recommended bonus XP for clearing the keep in one go. I'm a little sad they didn't try to gain any information from Ranchefus but other shit will happen after some down time. I plan on giving them about two weeks before anything happens again. This will lull them into a false sense of security and let them craft and identify and study and whatever before I drop more trouble into their laps.


Edit: Quick Stats.

Willmors: Swordsage 4 Feats: Imp Init, IUS, Evasive Reflexes, Weapon Focus (Desert Wind). Stances: Island of Blades, Step of the Wind. Maneuvers: Blistering Flourish, Burning Branding, Distracting Ember, Flashing Sun, Baffling Defense, Clever Positioning, Mighty Throw, Claw at the Moon, Sudden Leap. 24HP.

Balrat: Swordsage 4 Missing stats right now. I know it was like Power Attack and Imp. Init. And focused on Stone Dragon (Stone Bones and Stone Vise were both used) and Diamond Mind (Moment of Perfect Mind) and I think the lowest level Shadow Jaunt maneuver. Found it. Feats: Imp. Init., Adaptive Style, EWP(Bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (Diamond Mind). Stances: Child of Shadows, Step of the Wind. Maneuvers: Moment of Perfect Mind, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Stone Bones, Emerald Razor, Charging Minotaur, Stone Vise, Cloak of Deception, Mountain Hammer, Rabid Wolf Strike. 33HP

Orc Emissary: Fighter 2/Warblade 2 +1 Keen Falchion Manuevers: Steely WInd, Charging Minotaur, Stone Bones (I changed him to Warblade 2 instead of Warblade 1/Barbarian 1 last minute so I missed a maneuver, not like he got a chance to use it), Punishing Stance and Power Attack, Imp. Bullrush, Mighty Charge and Dungeoncrasher. The warlock's player had asked me what would be a good one or two level dip to augment damage and I suggested dungeoncrasher and he asked what that was. SO I demonstrated. I'm such a good DM. :) HP 43

Ranchefus: Cleric 4/Crusader 1. Undeath Domain, Law Devotion (I forgot all about it, >_>) Extra Turning (so x2), Quicken Spell, DMM:Quicken. Stance Martial Spirit. Maneuvers: Crusader Strike, Foehammer, Shieldblock, Tactical Strike, Stone Bones. Spells: Cure Minor Wounds x4; Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Bane, Cause Fear; Desecrate, Sound Burst, Death Kneel. (I just used the Death Domain spells as a quick reference). HP 35.g
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 03:54:20 PM by kurashu »

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Re: The Nights Below
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2012, 06:00:14 PM »
Night Below 5
A spelunking we will go.

Last night we very short and very pointless. The session ended after about an hour and a half, most of which was spent exploring the caverns below Haranshire. They fought some orcs (who questioned why they were down there and told them to do an about face) and then found the big brass door to the orc compound and wanted to find "that ginger fuck ... no offense DM." So they climbed up to the other entrance to the area and began exploring, I had them make several survival checks to follow the tracks of orcs. They found evidence of a goblin/orc skirmish and some bodies dead in a room. In an attempt to reward them for not just turning around, I planted a hidden room with a single chest that just happened to have nice items (mostly killing things or things to make killing better) for each party member (VERY COINCIDENTALLY I didn't happen to be looking through my MIC when they popped the chest open). And then it ended.

So, I may have a party who will find their way into the ass end of Garlstone Mine and bypass the front end of the mission -- the ranger has a good survival check and the DCs won't be too high since these are active tunnels. I'm not going to arbitrarily punish them because PLOT! I was intending this session to be down time for them to regroup and do some side missions for XP since they want to level up so badly again. The ranger wants a new animal companion, not that they really need it though (something about summoning a wolf animal companion in a tunnel system seems just wrong to me).

So, looks like I'm going to beef up the bosses of Garlstone mine some before I worry about anyone else in there (if at all, chances are they will kill the bosses and return to the brass door with the key). Looks like Book 2 might happen sooner than I anticipated. If it does, I'm taking a break from running the game and perhaps will run Agon (or nothing) for a week and then like once a month while book 2 happens.