@whitetyger009: I feel like replying to you is a complete waste of time. You keep assuming things which are very, very far from reality.
Just this, for example:
you have also hinted though not out right stated that a player can only attack one monster with his full attack option at a time.
No, I never did that. Or maybe I did it unwillingly, but you are simply latching on it and take it for granted. Which, I may add, is exactly what this argument is all about? I.e. something which is not explicit but which everybody take for granted because it's only hinted at.
With my rule, someone with two weapons could attack two different targets in the same round. I said it outright and have said it again what? At least half a dozen times in all my replies?
Again, I feel like we're not even discussing the same thing here. Thus why I think I'm wasting my time replying to you. No offense intended but I really have better use of my time than entering a real flame fest.
Eagle, could you post those rules in French please? I don't remember quite where I saw it on here, but the D&D French translation has come up as being woefully inadequate. I admit my French is fairly rusty, but it should still be fairly easy to spot translation errors.
Sure, no problem. I happen to have the book right here since I'm at home right now.
Les Actions Complexes
Une action complexe occupe le personnage pendant l'intégralité de son tour de jeu. Elle ne peut donc être combinée à une action simple ou de mouvement. Une action complexe qui ne comprend aucun déplacement autorise cependant un pas de placement de 1,50 mètre.
L'attaque à outrance
Si le personnage a droit à plusieurs attaques par action parce qu'il possède un bonus de base à l'attaque suffisament élevé, parce qu'il combat à l'aide de deux armes ou d'une arme double (voir Combat à deux armes, dans la section Attaques spéciales, page 155) ou pour une autre raison (comme un don ou un objet magique), il ne peut en bénéficier que s'il attaque à outrance. Il n'a pas besoin d'indiquer à l'avance comment il compte répartir ses attaques; il peut décider au fur et à mesure, en fonction du résultat des précédentes.
Lors d'une attaque à outrance, l'aventurier ne peut pas se déplacer autrement qu'en faisant un pas de placement de 1,50 mètre, avant, après ou entre les attaques.
Dans le cas où le personnage bénéficie de plusieurs attaques en raison de son bonus de base à l'attaque élevé, il est obligé de les délivrer dans l'ordre, en commençant par celle qui s'accompagne du meilleur bonus. Par contre, s'il combat avec deux armes, il choisit laquelle frappe en premier. De même, s'il utilise une arme double, il décide quelle tête frappe d'abord.
Conversion d'attaque à outrance en attaque normale. Après sa première attaque, un personnage peut changer d'avis et décider d'effectuer une action de mouvement au lieu de porter sa ou ses attaques restantes. S'il a déjà effectué son pas de placement, il ne peut utiliser cette action pour se déplacer mais peut entreprendre un autre type d'action de mouvement.
Combat sur la défensive. Bien que ces deux options puissent ne pas sembler compatibles, il est possible de combattre sur la défensive en choisissant d'attaquer à outrance. Dans ce cas, le personnage bénéficie d'un bonus d'esquive de +2 à la CA pendant un round mais, dans le même temps, toutes ses attaques se font avec un malus de -4.
Enchainement. L'attaque d'enchaînement offerte par les donc Enchaînement (page 95) et Succession d'enchaînement (page 102) peut être portée dès qu'elle s'applique. C'est une exception à la règle générale qui limite le nombre d'attaque à une en dehors d'une attaque à outrance.
I typed it all exactly like it appears in the PHB. Bold text included.
All in all I think the translation is fine. Word for word, I mean. Which in itself is a problem because you can't really take an English sentence and translate it directly to French or vice-versa. Half the time the sentence won't keep cohesion and will mean nothing much on the other side.
Also, are you using a translation program to look through this, or are you reading this fully in English? When I say reading this fully in English, are you translating a bit in your head? I have to make sure because it really does seem like the translation is causing problems. The way it is worded in English, and how native English speakers understand it, is enough to leave no doubt about the fact that each attack in a full attack can target a different opponent. The rules SirPercival quoted from the FAQ are quite clear on this.
Let's face it, people who speak different languages think a bit differently. After all, we tend to think in our native language. It seems like this is an exercise that needs to be thought of entirely in English to get the real meaning behind because that's how the original document was created. Some ideas can't be fully expressed between languages.
Yes, you pretty much read my mind here. And that's exactly what made me decide to switch to the ruling of everybody else in this thread after someone mentioned the translation mistake theory.
I'm pretty good with English. I work in sales and I need to use it practically everyday. I'm certainly not English native though and I'd have no problem, like I already said, to admit that I might not understand the English text like it is supposed to be or like an English native would understand readily. And yes, most of the time (and especially in the case I'm reading something in English but referencing to or talking in French around me at the same time) I read the text in English and translate it in real time in my head. Which sometimes can be quite tiring in the long run because, again, you need to turn the sentences around so often between English and French. All our gaming sessions happen in French here so of course I'm going to reference to that if I read the PHB in English. Because of course, it is (or should be) supposedly the exact same, right? At least that's what I thought.
If it's any laugh, I hope I never have to translate laws between languages in depth. If they're anywhere near as complicated and ambiguous as I know the US laws to be... Yeah, I have a headache just thinking about it.
Heh. Well, I don't find this so funny because here in Québec we speak in French and the rest of the country speak in English. Just thinking there might be similar language problems make me a little worried. :/
On topic: is there still an open question here? The rules have been laid out as clearly as can be hoped for. If one wants to debate the merits of a particular house rule, then maybe that's a topic for another thread.
Not anymore but I'm interested to hear what Jackinthegreen have to say about what he just asked me. I seem to remember the thread starter can close the thread once it is answered in this forum and I plan to do just that. My next gaming session will be Tuesday so I plan to close this thread at the latest at that time if it is not already.