I'm trying to build an evil archivist for an upcoming game.
The GM is pretty flexible so pretty much anything is open as long as he's consulted first. Characters are 32 point-buy with standard WBL.
At the moment I have Cloistered Cleric 1/Archivist 5/Dweomerkeeper 10/Archivist 4.
The plan is pretty much out of the handbook buffbot build taking Practiced Spellcaster, Academic Priest, Southern Magician (to make buffs harder to dispel, I guess), Persist, DMM Persist, Twin, DMM Twin, Quicken. Since my deity is Wee Jas, Domains are Magic, Undeath, and Knowledge.
I don't necessarily find much wrong with the above, it just feels sub-par.
I'm noticing that nearly all of the best cleric dips (cough* Sacred Exorcist *cough) and prestige classes require a good alignment, or at the very least a non-evil alignment. And pretty much the one caveat is we have to be evil.
I don't want to do Malconvoker because I've done a summoning mage in the past and I'd rather not do a summoning focus again if I can help it. Divine adapted Anima Mage is a possibility I guess but it does involve learning Binder, which apparently is really frackin' hard.
Originally I wanted to play a gish with archivist entry, going into Ordained Champion and stacking that class with Holy Warrior and Knowledge Devotion. But I ran into the same problem: after Ordained Champion it's back to archivist because most of the best gish prestige classes (First of Raziel, Knight of the Raven) require good alignment.
What should I do?