Human Mage 6
HP 54 (6d6+18)
Init +2
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat 9
Saves Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +11
(incl. Spell Ward +1 resistance)
Attack touch spell +2 melee touch ()
Attack ray +5 ranged touch ()
Knowledge Devotion
Languages: Common, Infernal, 4 more
Skills: Concentration, Decipher Script, Craft, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
(House rule: CC skill ranks are 1:1, not 2:1.)
65 2+4+1/level, +2 at level 1
1 CC- Autohypnosis +3
9 Concentration +12
1 Decipher Script +6
-- Craft ()
-- CC- Gather Information +6
-- CC- Heal +5
9 Knowledge (arcana) +17
5 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10
9 Knowledge (local) +14
1 Knowledge (nature) +6
1 Knowledge (religion) +6
1 Knowledge (the planes) +6
1 Knowledge (psionics) +6
1 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +6
1 Knowledge (geography) +6
5 Knowledge (history) +10
1 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6
-- Profession () +0
-- CC- Sense Motive +5
9 Spellcraft +21 (+2 decipher scrolls) (incl. Apprentice +2 competence)
-- CC- Spot +5
-- CC- Survival +5
1 CC- Tumble +3
9 Use Magic Device +13 (+2 w/ scrolls)
ACP -0 (included)
Feats: 9 (2 flaw, 1 human, 2 class, 3 level, 1 affiliation)
H- Keen Intellect (Int in place of Wis for Will saves and Heal, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival)
1- Fell Drain
M1- Invisible Spell
3- Knowledge Devotion (+1 insight to attack and damage rolls, improves with Knowledge check, +2 at 16, +3 at 26, +4 at 31, +5 at 36)
M5- Sculpt Spell
Affiliation- Apprentice (spellcaster)
Flaws: 2
Noncombatant (-2 melee attack rolls)
Vulnerable (-1 AC)
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons (all)
The MagiAffiliation score: 15
+3 Character level
+2 Can cast 3rd- or 4th-level spells
+2 Apprenticed to an Old, Ancient, or Venerable Magus, or having a Young or Prime Magus as an apprentice
+2 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) or Spellcraft
+6 Metamagic feats
Rank: Prime Magus
Young Magus (9-13): +2 Knowledge (arcana)
Bonus feat (Apprentice (spell caster))
Prime Magus (14-18): +2 Spellcraft
Can acquire an arcane scroll of 3rd level or lower for free 1/month
Apprenticeship: Spellcaster
Mentor level: 12 (5 base + 3 Cha at level 1 + 1 same race/class + 2 same alignment + 1 maximum ranks at level 1)
+2 competence to Spellcraft
+1 1st level spell known
copy spells from mentor at no extra cost
Knowledge (any one) and UMD are always class skills
+2 skill points at level 1
can ask mentor for help 1/level
Arcane Lore: As Bardic Lore, but for magic-related topics only.
Modifier: +14 (6 level + 5 Int + 2 synergy + 1 Arcane Lore)
Rapid Dismissal: Dismiss spells as a move action.
Spell Ward: +1 resistance on all saves.
Power Burn: Take 1d6 damage, gain 3 MP.
Spellcasting: Uses mana, Int-based mana pool, Cha-based save DCs
Caster level: 6
Save DCs: 14 + level
Mana pool: 36 (21 base + 15 Int)
Mana restoration: 4
Spells retrieved: 5 (5 base + 2 spell crystals)
(Level) MP cast/sustain - Spell name (notes)
(1st) 1/1 - Ray of Enfeeblement (1d6+3 Str penalty)
(2nd) 4/2 - Saltray (+5 ranged touch, 3d6 slashing, Fort DC 16 or stun 1d4 rounds)
(2nd) 4/2 - Glitterdust (Will DC 16)
(3rd) 9/3 - Fly
(1st + 2) 9/NA - Fell Drain Kauper's Quickblast (swift, 5 fire, cold, or electricity, Ref DC 15 half, 1 neg. level)
Mage Spells Known:
Cantrips: All (cantrips of note listed below)
1st: 9 (9 free, 0 bought, 1 apprentice)
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Floating Disk or Mount (not both)
Kauper's Quickblast
Magic Missile
Silent Image
2nd: 4 (4 free, 0 bought)
Rope Trick
3rd: 4 (4 free, 0 bought)
Dispel Magic
Wish List:
2 Alter Self
2 Knock
Metamagic Feats:
Invisible Spell: +0, Spell has no visual effects
Sculpt Spell: +1, Area spell uses 10' radius 30' high cylinder, 40' cone, 4x 10' cubes, 20' radius spread, or 120' line instead of its normal area
Fell Drain: +2, Damaging spell also causes a negative level for 1 hour/CL
For later:
Chain Spell (+3 metamagic)
Quicken Spell (+4 metamagic)
Equipment: 13000g WBL
2000g Handy Haversack
4000g Headband of Intellect +2
4000g Cloak of Charisma +2
500g Apprenticeship fees
2500g Miscellany