Author Topic: Cleric build help  (Read 1683 times)

Offline Arturus

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Cleric build help
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:47:31 AM »
So I'm looking for a little help with my cleric.  His name is Argentis and he started life as a bookworm cloistered cleric and has grown into a battle hardened individual ready to face evil-doers everywhere.

A couple clarifications first.  I've read and re-read the handbook, seen a ton of threads.  I'm asking for any specific insights or things I may have over-looked for this build.  So, nightsticks do not stack, certain turn pools count as seperate for DMM, these include Radiant Servant's (RSoP) Greater Turning (but not the one from Sun domain), Dread Necromancer's rebuke and Destroy Undead from Ravenloft's "Lightbringer" cleric variant and probably some others we just don't know about.  I didn't want to go ridiculously over-the-top with DMM: Persist so I chose to only use one of these. Hence, the level in RSoP

Current Class Levels
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Stat Array
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Feats and Domains
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Skills of note
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So, with all that and unbuffed, I end up with:
HP: 66
Move: 30'
Fort: +11
Ref: +3
Will: +16
Melee AB: +9/+4
Ranged AB: +5/0

Full attack:
Greatsword +12/+7 2d6+7

Turn Attempts: 33 (5 persisted buffs with 3 attempts left for utility)
((3 base +2 (cha) +8 (extra turns))*2 (RSoP + regular) + 4 (nightstick) + 2 (Reliquary Holy Symbol) + 1 (Beads of Divine Power)

Typical Persisted buffs:
Divine Power
Mass Lesser Vigor
Holy Transformation, Lesser
Mass Conviction
Recitation (all same deity)

I'm a little concerned this build is getting too wild on the prestige classes as is and I still want to go Contemplative 1 and Divine Disciple 4 for the bonus domains.  Regardless of all of that, I am a little lost on what to do with feats and domains from here on.  I was thinking Magic domain from Contemplative and Travel Devotion (sub'd from domain) from Divine Disciple.  Or maybe take Time domain from Disciple and take Travel Devotion as my 12 or 15 feat?  Maybe Spontaneous Domains at 12 or 15? With 5 or 6 domains, it should add a ton of versatility.

Also, gear.  I currently only have 6k gold.  Not sure if it's going to be possible to get a lot soon, but if I can, any specific suggestions for this build?

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Re: Cleric build help
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 09:15:44 AM »
DMM requires you spend 1 turn attempt + 1 turn attempt per spell level adjustment, meaning each persisted spell costs you 7 turn attempts, not 6 as you've calculated.

For gear: pick up a reliquary holy symbol for a few more turn attempts (Complete Divine), a periapt of wisdom if you don't have one already, maybe a couple of weapon or armor crystals (Magic Item Compendium).
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