GrellHit Die: d8
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special |
1st | +1 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Eater Body, Buoyant, Sightless, Meal Grab |
2nd | +2 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Constrict, Tentacle Growth, Eater Skills, Electric Speech, +1 Dex |
3rd | +3 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Growth, Paralysis, Eater Immunities, Expert Grappler, Flight, Tentacle Growth, +1 Con |
Class Skills: ((4 + Int. Modifier) x 4 at first level) A Grell’s class skills are Concentration,Craft(Any), Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.
Proficiencies: Grells are proficient with their own natural weapons.
Class FeaturesEater Body: At first level, a Grell loses all racial bonuses, traits, and abilities and gains aberration traits. Grells are medium aberrations with two tentacle secondary natural attacks that each deal 1d4+1/2 Str mod damage each, a bite primary natural attack that deals 1d6+ Str mod damage, and a base speed of 5 feet. Its tentacles can perform fine manipulation and have a natural reach of 10 feet.
In addition the Grell gains a bonus to its Natural Armor equal to its Con mod.
Due to their unusual anatomy, instead of what an humanoid can usually equip, the grell can only wear two neck items ebedded in the thick hide of its body, two pair of bracers or bracelets on the thick uppet portions of two tentacles, and up to four rings of four additional tentacles (provided it has grown them). They can't wear any of the other usual humanoid items, except for armor in the form of customized barding.
Buoyant:As a swift action, the Grell can grant itself flight with perfect maneuverability with a speed of 30 feet for 1 round, but can't rise more than 5 feet in the air from the nearest surface below it.
Sightless:A Grell is blind, making it immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions and other attack forms that rely on sight. Its other senses are exceptionally sharp in return, granting the Grell Blindsight with a range of 60 feet.
Meal Grab: To use this ability, the Grell must hit an opponent with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action whitout provoking attacks of opportunity.
Ability Score Increase: The Grell gains +1 Dex at 2nd level and +1 Con at 3rd level.
Constrict: At 2nd level on a successful grapple check, the Grell deals 1d6+Str mod damage.
Tentacle Growth: At 2nd and 3rd level the Grell grows four more tentacles like the ones gained with Eater Body, for a total of ten tentacles at 3rd level.
Eater Skills: At 2nd level the Grell gains a Racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks equal to its Grell levels plus ½ its other levels.
Electric speech:At 2nd level the grell can communicate with creatures whitin 60 feet whitout making any audible sound.
Paralysis: At 3rd level the Grell's tentacles become lined with small spiny barbs, much like a squid's. Any creature hit by a Grell's tentacle must make a DC 6+1/2 HD+Con mod Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. Creatures struck by multiple tentacle attacks in the same round do not make multiple saving throws. Instead, they make a single saving throw, but the DC increases by 1 for every additional tentacle that hit in the same round.
Eater Immunities: At 3rd level the Grell becomes immune to electricity and Paralyzation.
Expert Grappler: At 3rd level a Grell can choose to grapple with one tentacle and remain ungrappled itself by taking a -10 penalty on its grapple check instead of the normal -20 penalty. This also grants the Grell a racial bonus on Grapple checks equal to its HD.
Flight: At 3rd level the Grell the Buoyant ability of the Grell is always active, and it can fly as high as it wishes.
Growth: At 3rd level the Grell grows one size category.
New Grell FeatsColony Guard [Monstrous]
Prerequisites:At least one level of Grell
Benefit: You're in the possession of a silver tubelike device about 3 feet in length that can channel your race's internal energy. This weapon deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per HD to a single enemy whitin 60 feet as a standard action with a successful ranged touch attack. It works only in the grasp of a grell, or someone else suceeding on a DC 25 Use Magic Device. It has 5 charges, which recharge each hour. If you lose it, you 'll have back to your colony and petition for a new one, probably having to provide a good justification to why you lost your previous one.
Comments Basically floating blind octopus with even more tentacles than usual.
The Grell is pretty straightforward at first, move in and lots of natural attacks, also solid skills, but overall a grappler true and trough. Unfortenely, it's only 3 levels long so no really more space for more abilities. So that's why I'm going to make a bunch of racial prcs to expand it.
So if you want to play an Eater of Flesh, the grell's your starting point!