Yeah, I wish I had gotten the bundle. Oh well, still very pleased with my purchase, best game since LttP. Would be nice if other good 3DS games came out so I don't end up having the system *just* for LBW, though.... (All the games I've wanted thus far - other than LBW - are DS, and I had a DS already).
I take it you don't like JRPG's or TRPG's.
Fire Emblem: Awakening is critically acclaimed. SMT: Devil Survivor: Soul Hackers is a re-release of the DS game. Speaking of, SMT 4 is also on the system (an exclusive, I believe). Bravely Default came out earlier this week (sold out on release day at my local game shop). Finally, it also finally has a solid collection of games that you expect to see on Nintendo handhelds these days: Rune Factory 4, Mario Kart 7 (actually pretty old), Pokemon, and some Mario games. The 3DS will also apparently become the first Nintendo handheld to have a Smash Bros. game later this year.
I am a fan of JRPGs, in fact. I got the DS originally for Suikoden Tierkreis. When that turned out to be a bit of a letdown, I was still glad I got it for Radiant Historia, one of the best RPGs I've played in the past decade. I also have Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, though I have barely played it yet, FF Tactics A2 (also barely played yet...seems disappointing compared to ye olde FF Tactics original), and the re-released Chrono Trigger.
I've never really looked into the Fire Emblem series, maybe I should.
I...know even less about Persona/SMT (whose are the same series, right?).
Bravely Default...I am by no means a graphics snob and to this day I enjoy 8-bit and 16-bit games. But...I utterly can't stand the look / art style of that game. Silly reason perhaps, but I kind of just ignored it.
None of those other games interest me except Pokémon. But I haven't gotten a Pokémon game since the original Red/Blue due to the asinine "one save file" bs. I really wanted Pokémon Conquest, too... But I'm not buying a game twice just so my wife and I can both play it.
Smash Brothers...I plan to get a Wii U the second "X", Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, maybe the new Zelda (pending on how they decide to go with the whole "motion controls" thing), etc... start coming out, so I figured I'd just get it for that system anyway.
Thanks for the suggestions, though.