So I was reading the new Game Informer, and despite the fact that I don't particularly care for Top X of The Year lists anymore, I was a little disappointed with theirs. Now, given I didn't play the majority of the games that came out this, I felt there was one that was surprisingly gone: Catherine.
Sure, Rage was a fantastic game and gorgeous for sure, but the plot was kinda ho-hum and the driving...
and maybe it was just me hyping it, but I was expecting a game that would give Borderlands an ass whooping. Bulletstorm was too fucking short and too goddamn linear...but seriously, you're playing a Ohgren Spiegel except a space pirate and Skill Shots
But Catherine was a much better puzzle game than either of these were shooters. And don't get me started on Call of Battlefield: Redux. These two games, from my understanding, were simple retreads of the last iterations of their series -- except Battlefield which was a step BACKWARDS from Black Ops.
Sports games, blah blah blah I hate them but other people like them, whatever. Soccer's the only sport that interests me and I'd rather play it than a FIFA game.
Dragon Age II was on the list of Biggest Disappointments for 2011 despite being an alright game for what it was. They complained of it's "lack of variety and mindless button mashing combat" ... Did they remember the combat from Dragon Age? "Blood Wound. Crushing Prison. Force Field. Auto Attack." And that the plot was less involved and compelling than the first one, which I can understand, but just it's not an epic fucking quest across the country, it's focused on the rise to power/infamy of Hawke which let them tune into that rather than introducing you to a thousand NPCs that you meet once and forget. Besides, the DLC for DAII is better than DA. Not as good as Dark Souls, Skyrim or (probably) the Witcher 2, but certainly not a huge fucking disappointment -- I agree with their assessment of Anders being a little baby in the game though.
Skyrim was also Game of the Year AND A Huge Fucking Disappointment -- we've covered the reasons in depth in this thread though. But, if GI has one more fucking article about Skyrim, I may scream. I'm sure they've devoted any entire magazine of content to it over the past year. It's a great game, but seriously. Seriously. Fucking seriously guys. We get it.
Now, time for