Author Topic: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium  (Read 26226 times)

Offline Morph Bark

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Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:18:28 PM »
What’s this?

This, my friends, is my Homebrew Tier Compendium. I intend to examine Homebrew base classes and put them into a Tier listing and add tags for their roles, genre, inspiration source and subsystem use, so that when I set up a campaign and I want to use Homebrew I can just point here and say: “Everything marked with [Tag Name] of Tier X is allowed.”

If you're not familiar with the Tier system, read this.

This will be an extensive and most likely slow project, but I don’t mind as it will be a while before I’ll DM again, but I want to be ready for it and ready to use Homebrew and let my players use Homebrew. Feel free to suggest classes, but note that only complete classes will be listed and only after I have had the time to check them and judge them. Also note that this is all completely based off my own judgment, which may differ from yours. My judgment can change, of course, I’m not impervious to good, rational arguments, but usually once I’ve put it on the list, I won’t change my mind unless the class changes first.

How Will I Get Tiered?
Simple! If you have an Extended Homebrewer's Signature, I will undoubtedly eventually come across your stuff and Tier it. If you participate in the Base Class Challenge or the Mixed Ultimate Homebrew Arts (with a base class, of course), you will eventually get Tiered (much quicker if you win, score high or just do your best!). However, there is never a full-proof, solid way of being sure you'll get your homebrew Tiered. The best way though, is to post in this thread.

Even if I don't Tier your class in the end, I will most likely at the very least give you a little PEACHing of your class here. Generally, people with original fluff or mechanics in their homebrew get Tiered faster and usually I will give small priority to people with few homebrew to their name (because it is most likely less known).

I use a system of tags for the base classes listed below, so that even before clicking on the link you have a vague idea in what sort of campaigns you can most likely expect to use them and what party niche you are most likely to fill with that class. The tags are put into four different categories: Genre, Inspiration, Subsystem and Role. Besides these there are also a few Other tags.

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Offline Morph Bark

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 04:19:36 PM »
Tier 1
Golden Alchemist [Unique, Face, Magic, Moneymaker]
Metagamer [Silly, Arcane, Divine, Vancian, Magic, Melee, Ranged, Sage]

Tier 2
Blue Mage [Video Game, Arcane, Vancian, Magic, Ranged]
Blue Mage [Video Game, Magic, Melee]
Deviant [Divine, Vancian, Magic, Sage, Scout]
Ebon Initiate [Arcane, Invoker, Crafter, Face, Magic, Melee, Ranged]
Exarch of the Emerald Shield [Comic, Unique, Crafter, Healer, Magic]
Hakurei Shrine Maiden [Oriental, Video Game, Arcane, Vancian, Face, Magic]
Limit Mage [Video Game, Arcane, Unique, Vancian, Magic, Expanded]
Limit Psion [Video Game, Psionic, Unique, Magic, Sage, Expanded]
Tendersoul [Divine, Vancian, Buffer, Healer, Magic]
War-Marked [Original, Unique, Melee]
Wordsmith [Video Game, Crafter, Magic, Melee]
Worldrender [Original, Unique, Debuffer, Face, Healer, Magic, Melee]

High Tier 3
These classes generally have much higher levels of power than average Tier 3 classes and may have a gamebreaker or two, but nothing that would bump them up to Tier 2.
Blade Scholar [Martial Adept, Melee, Sage]
Elder [Divine, Vancian]
Eternal Royal [Video Game, Martial Adept, Face, Melee, Roleplay]
Grandmaster [Arcane, Vancian, Buffer, Healer, Magic]
Magister [Arcane-Unique, Magic, Sage]
Nord's Blade [Gamechanger, Martial Adept, Face, Melee]
Planeswalker [Arcane, Vancian, Face, Healer, Magic, Sage, Scout]
Scholar [Video Game, Martial Adept, Melee, Sage]
Son of Man [Divine, Vancian, Buffer, Magic, Melee, Ranged, Sage]
Soulblade [Incarnum-Unique, Martial Adept, Magic, Melee]
Soulweaver [Horror, Face, Healer, Magic]
Stoner [Binding-Unique, Face, Melee, Ranged, Trapmonkey]
Teleporter [Arcane, Vancian, Face, Magic]
Xenoalchemist [Horror, Unique, Healer, Sage, Expanded]

Tier 3
Battle Psychic [Martial Adept, Psionics, Magic, Melee, Scout]
Chorister [Divine, Vancian, Buffer, Face, Healer, Magic, Incomplete]
Chozo Warrior [Sci-Fi, Video Game, Melee, Ranged, Scout]
Companion [Arcane, Vancian, Face, Magic, Sage, Scout]
Connoisseur [Horror, Unique, Face, Melee, Expanded]
Debaser [Arcane, Vancian, Debuffer, Face, Magic, Fix]
Engineer [Unique, Crafter]
Gambler [Original, Buffer, Debuffer, Face]
Hemoscribe [Horror, Original, Unique, Face, Magic, Melee, Scout, Incomplete]
Invisible Guardian [Original, Face, Melee, Scout, Tank]
Librarian [Arcane, Divine, Martial Adept, Sage]
Limit Dragoon [Video Game, Unique, Face, Melee, Tank, Expanded]
Lord of the Uttercold [Japan, Arcane, Vancian, Face, Magic, Melee]
Malefactor [Unique, Debuffer, Face, Magic, Melee, Tank, Fix]
Masque [Horror, Divine, Vancian, Magic, Melee]
Olympian [Face, Melee, Pathfinder]
Overdrive Knight [Video Game, Face, Magic, Melee, Expanded]
Sagittarius [Healer, Ranged, Scout]
Sentai [Modern, Japan, Martial Adept, Buffer, Face, Magic, Melee, Ranged, Scout, Tank]
Shield Warrior [Martial Adept, Melee, Tank]
Soul Disciple [Incarnum, Martial Adept, Magic, Melee, Scout]
Sublime Archer [Martial Adept, Ranged, Scout]
Sublime Matador [Martial Adept, Face, Melee, Sage]
Trueforged [Melee, Ranged]
Warlord [Martial Adept, Buffer, Face, Melee, Tank]
Warrior-Poet [Martial Adept, Buffer, Face, Melee]

Borderline Tier 3-4
High Tier 4 or Low Tier 3, either way they mean the same: classes that are just a little behind in either versatility or power to really make the Tier 3 cut, but standing above most Tier 4s, they could fall in either Tier depending on the level of optimization used.
Dabblemaster [Original, Arcane, Binding, Divine, Incarnum, Infusions, Invoker, Martial Adept, Psionic, Shadow, Truenames, Buffer, Face, Magic, Sage, Scout]
Destined Hero [Gamechanger, Melee, Ranged, Tank]
Gaoler of Frostflame [Unique, Debuffer, Magic, Ranged]
Machiavellian [Original, Any Genre, Buffer, Debuffer, Face]
Magitech Templar [Steampunk, Magic, Melee]
Solar Ascendant [Original, Magic, Melee, Ranged]
Sniper [Ranged, Scout, Fix]
Sublime Sohei [Martial Adept, Melee, Fix]
Twilight Caster [Unique, Magic, Incomplete]
Witch Doctor [Horror, Buffer, Debuffer, Face, Magic, Incomplete]

Tier 4
Note that Tier 4 is not bad. Tier 4 is is, after all, "capable of doing one thing quite well, but often useless when encounters require other areas of expertise, or capable of doing many things to a reasonable degree of competance without truly shining." Many great classes are Tier 4.
Alchemist [Invoker, Crafter, Magic, Sage]
Barrier Mage [Arcane, Vancian, Magic]
Battle Shinigami [Oriental, Japan, Divine, Vancian, Magic, Melee, Scout]
Blademaster [Martial Adept-Unique, Melee]
Chosen Warrior [Video Game, Buffer, Magic, Melee, Scout]
Dualists [Original, Melee]
Esper Knight [Television, Incarnum-Unique, Magic]
Gentle Fist Adept [Oriental, Japan, Melee, Scout]
Jester [Arcane, Vancian, Face, Magic, Melee, Tank]
Kido Shinigami [Oriental, Japan, Divine, Vancian, Magic, Melee, Scout]
Limit Freak [Horror, Video Game, Unique, Melee, Expanded]
Limit Knight [Video Game, Unique, Crafter, Melee, Tank, Expanded]
Limit Monk [Video Game, Unique, Melee, Expanded]
Limit Ninja [Video Game, Unique, Melee, Scout, Expanded]
Limit Sniper [Video Game, Unique, Crafter, Ranged, Expanded]
Pyromancer [Face, Healer, Magic, Ranged]
Runner [Melee, Scout]
Shield [Melee, Tank]
Thief-Acrobat [Melee, Scout]
White Clad [Video Game, Face, Melee, Scout, Expanded]

Tier 5
If your class is here, consider reworking it. Unless Tier 5 was your aim.
Barkeeper [Crafter, Face, Melee]
Botanimorphist [Magic, Melee]
Channeler of the Planes [Divine, Vancian, Magic]
Fanatic [Face, Melee]
Farmer [Silly, Historical, Melee]
Handyman [Face, Healer, Sage, Scout, Trapmonkey]

Tier 6
Pity the common man, for he is powerless.

Variable Tier
Assume that you always need special permission to play one of these classes if I am DMing for you. This is because depending on your choices within the class, these classes can vary from Tier 5 all the way up to Tier 2 or even 1.
Stylist [Face, Magic, Sage, Trapmonkey]
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Traveller [Original, Arcane, Divine, Face, Sage]
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« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 10:40:14 AM by Morph Bark »

Offline Morph Bark

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2012, 04:20:00 PM »
Subsystems and Expansions
Sometimes a homebrewer creates a great addition to an existing subsystem, sometimes one creates an entirely new subsystem and sometimes there just are those classes that gain a following and a boatload of PrCs and other connected material. That is what this post is all about.

Limit Warriors
The Limit Warriors (also including the Limit Dragoon) are a group of eight classes that all use a unique subsystem that allows them to fill up their 'Limit Gauge' as they take damage and use the points in this Limit Gauge to fuel special abilities. The Limit Knight and Limit Sniper can be made more useable by tweaking their weapons to be easier and cheaper to fix and upgrade and allowing the Limit Sniper to shoot more often. Otherwise, the classes are fully useable, as long as you keep up their Constitution score for their hit points. The Limit Break mechanic was given a new spin by Ziegander here.

Tome of Battle
Tome of Battle is probably the book with the most homebrew support ever. A lot of homebrewers have at least one piece of homebrew to their name that somehow involves Tome of Battle. Because quite a few of the classes on the Tier lists above and below are martial adepts, here is a listing of a number of homebrew martial disciplines that have the Bark Seal of Approval.
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« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 04:43:57 PM by Morph Bark »

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2012, 04:20:27 PM »
Homebrew Fix Classes Tiers
This section of the Homebrew Tier Compendium is different from the Tiering above. That is because this section specifically deals with Fix Classes. Fix Classes are homebrew classes that have the stated intended purpose of fixing, retooling, revising or reworking official D&D classes. Classes that are stated to be intended derivatives of official classes to replace a part of them, such as specialist Sorcerers in the same vein as Beguilers, Dread Necromancers and Warmages, are also to be listed here.

Fix classes will generally only be listed if they actually up the Tier of the class they are supposed to fix or lower it in case of Tier 1 and Tier 2 classes. Fix classes that are different enough from the original may form an exception, though it is most likely no longer a Fix, but an actual, full-blown homebrew class.

The Tags in this section are a little different. Instead of filling in Inspiration and Genre (which are prettymuch the same as the original, official D&D classes they are supposed to fix), these classes get Tags that show who made them and what official classes they replace. This is because some DMs may think certain homebrewers have a great general balance point or execution of concept, thus allowing their work, but not those of others. The classes get Tags that show what classes they are supposed to replace as well, even though most of the Fix classes are named the same as the class they are supposed to replace. This is because it is not obvious in all cases.

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 10:41:00 AM by Morph Bark »

Offline Morph Bark

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 04:21:16 PM »
Because I figured that it might be nice to collect the numbers on how many classes we got now and the amount of Tags!

Homebrew Tier Classes
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Homebrew Fix Classes
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Versions of this Thread
Giant in the Playground

Credits and Thanks
Savannah for the "You've Been Tiered!" graphic.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 04:46:16 PM by Morph Bark »

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2012, 04:42:24 PM »
I'll leave this here... don't bother with the Starknight, I gave up on it.  Some of the stuff on there is incomplete...

I'm just curious how you'll go about tiering (and organizing) massive projects like oslecamo's improved monster classes, anything by bhu, spellshaping, or magipunk.  And what about stuff that isn't a class, or are you limiting this to classes only?
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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2012, 05:22:54 PM »
I don't know yet how exactly I will do massive projects like those, most likely I'll do them bit by bit, thinking of a strategy once I get to them. I am limiting this to base classes, though if those base classes are tied to subsystems those will be reviewed as well. This is also why there is a section specifically devoted to such subsystems and their components.

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2012, 05:28:50 PM »
Just glancing, here's a repost of the Blue Mage from wotc so you don't need Wayback.

EDIT: I'd also add a Variable or Multipurpose tag to the Party Roles section, for things like Binder (the published one), Avatar, Ritualist, etc.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 05:44:27 PM by sirpercival »
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2012, 05:29:37 PM »
Submitting this and this for your evaluation. Damn, posting the whole thing here.

Any plans for fixes from Prestige Classes?

Great idea, but depending on the sources you plan on adding here, the amount of work will be massive. I wish you luck  :clap

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2012, 07:40:50 PM »
Also, will you be posting here, or otherwise informing people when you update?
I am the assassin of productivity

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2012, 11:06:56 PM »
I've seen this over at GiTP.  Glad to see it has made it's way over here.   :)

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2012, 11:11:14 PM »
I didn't write the Nord's Blade, but am curious how you'll rank it.

I did write this Shield Guardian monster class, though. :P

Also curious how you'd rank this fighter variant. Just allowing the Races of War feats as bonus feats should bump it up a tier alone, I think.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 11:16:27 PM by phaedrusxy »
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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2012, 11:11:34 PM »
Submitting this for placement.

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2012, 11:43:35 PM »
I technically already submitted on the Giant in the Playground thread, but--since this is where they actually live--consider this the more formal submission of the base classes of the Spellshaping Codices.
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2012, 04:08:38 AM »
Any plans for fixes from Prestige Classes?

Great idea, but depending on the sources you plan on adding here, the amount of work will be massive. I wish you luck  :clap

PrC fixes won't be listed, as I'm not tackling PrCs. There are at least thrice as many PrCs as base classes from my experience, which would be an even more gargantuan task to tackle. I do go over--albeit in minor detail, mainly skimming them--PrCs tied to homebrew base classes, to get a scope of what can be done with the base class when you branch out to PrCs or go multiclassing.

Also, will you be posting here, or otherwise informing people when you update?

I will be posting here, yes, just like on the GitP version of the thread (and the ENWorld version, if there are posts made there). I usually add them in short bursts, so to say, with a few classes at a time. If the person whose class I'm adding has not recently posted in this thread, I'll assume they won't see it so quickly and inform them via PM, for which Savannah has made me a very nice little graphic (though it is only for classes being Tiered, don't have special graphics for subsystems, disciplines and essays).

I've seen this over at GiTP.  Glad to see it has made it's way over here.   :)

No problem! I'm glad that people from other boards have seen it as well.

I technically already submitted on the Giant in the Playground thread, but--since this is where they actually live--consider this the more formal submission of the base classes of the Spellshaping Codices.

I'll be taking on the Spellshaping Codices in parts, most likely. I've already glanced them over, but not much more than that. After going over the mechanics, I'll be taking on the Circles first before going after the base classes, since the Circles would probably decide their power the most, just as with ordinary spellcasters and martial adepts. Sound good? Also, what has been your Tier aim (and/or estimate) for the classes?

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2012, 01:43:03 PM »
I'll be taking on the Spellshaping Codices in parts, most likely. I've already glanced them over, but not much more than that. After going over the mechanics, I'll be taking on the Circles first before going after the base classes, since the Circles would probably decide their power the most, just as with ordinary spellcasters and martial adepts. Sound good? Also, what has been your Tier aim (and/or estimate) for the classes?

Sounds good!  That's realistically the best way to go about it.

My Tier aim has been at Tier Three.  However, my actual estimate tends towards High Tier Three--they are, after all, somewhat more powerful than martial adepts.  I think I've avoided giving them anything gamebreaking enough to become Tier Two.  I could be wrong, of course.
“Hast thou not felt in forest gloom, as gloaming falls on dark-some dells, when comes a whisper, hum and hiss; savage growling sounds a-near, dazzling flashes around thee flicker, whirring waxes and fills thine ears: has thou not felt then grisly horrors that grip thee and hold thee?”

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2012, 05:52:36 AM »
And here are some results, having gone over all the leftover bits in the GitP thread and the requests made here and a little more. These will be added to the Tier lists in a little bit. Tags haven't been added for most classes yet, but obviously will be when adding to the lists.

Tier 2
Worldrender [Original, Unique, Debuffer, Face, Healer, Magic, Melee]; really wicked class.

High Tier 3
Magister; partially incomplete, but very much playable.
Nord's Blade; changes the game mechanics significantly for itself. Real good initiator too, in spite of getting only 3/4 initiator levels.

Tier 3
Duskblade, Psionic; slightly better than the normal Duskblade, which was Borderline.
Engineer; frankly, wicked awesome. This class was really well made to be a (primarily) non-magical artificer.
Masque; the creator asked for it to be Tiered earlier and I gave him some suggestions, after which he made some alterations and additions to the class and got some more feedback on it. It was positively improved.
Monk; there are some issues with the Death ki blast, Fast Movement isn’t on the table.
Open Palm; thinking Perform (kata) sound very much like Perform (weapon drill), though the name of the former is fancier.
Rogue, Sublime; while pretty recently posted and still undergoing revisions (I take), it currently pretty clearly falls in Tier 3 and most likely won't get out of it so quickly.

Borderline Tier 3-4
Magitech Templar; it doesn't have any real Tier 3 tricks, not much anyway, but with some picks of its class abilities it comes out to be roughly Totemist level, I'd say.
Sniper; the trick shots are really nice and do a lot to improve upon the idea of the Ranger, practically replacing his spellcasting (though note that this isn't specifically a fix). It does really well at ranged combat and decent at some skills, but that's it and that's enough for the Sniper.
Soulknife; to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure on where to put this, which is primarily why its here. In many ways it felt like a Tier 4, but in some ways it just felt better than Tier 4 classes. Feedback on this would be appreciated so that it can be put in its appropriate Tier.

Tier 5
Handyman; I briefly thought I should put this under Tier 4, but I was doubtful, primarily because skills are already easily optimized without classes and even more with them, even other classes of Tier 4 easily doing so. "When in doubt, don't do it."

Variable Tier
Destined Hero; it depends highly on Archetype, other than Fated Warrior, up until about level 10 it is Tier 4, with Fated Warrior being Tier 3. After level 10 it gains some abilities that pull up the other Archetypes towards Tier 3 as well. However, due to automatic gain of Leadership at level 6, plus an accompanying ability that allows the Destined Hero to basically transcend death, the Tiering of the class is thrown a little out of whack, primarily due to the strength of the Leadership feat, but Jarian is undoubtedly aware of this.

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2012, 01:15:02 PM »
I'll just drop this here.
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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2012, 01:22:27 PM »
I submit the Harrowed for your placement.

Offline Morph Bark

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Re: Morph Bark's Homebrew Tier Compendium
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2012, 10:44:08 AM »
Added the classes to the Tiers, along with the Invisible Blade, a tank/rogue style class.

I submit the Harrowed for your placement.

Curiously enough, it's been requested several times, once even someone getting pissed at me for not having Tiered it yet! The main reason I haven't Tiered it yet is because Lord_Gareth's told that it isn't done yet and is still going through major revisions. I have Tiered two of his other base classes though, the Malefactor and the Witch Doctor.