Yesterday I visited my "new" aunt and her still unborn kid.
A little background. One of my uncles has been through a horrid divorce. Luckily, he found himself another woman, this one much more loving and deserving of love. She's now six and a half months pregnant.
There were complications, however. For some reason or another, she lost a lot of amniotic fluid. A small spot of infection was found. She flew here because my city boasts one of the best newborn ICUs in the country, and is now in the hospital across the street from my home.
So I went for a visit. Unable to curb my curiosity, I reached for her belly and stroked it a little bit.
The little one kicked. Really hard. I could feel his foot clearly against my hand. I could feel the young life within. I could feel his will to live - I could almost see him.
His mom mentioned he hadn't kicked in a couple of days, so she'd been a little worried. But for some reason, my visit really put her at ease.
I believe everything's gonna be alright.