HD: d6.
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Feature |
1 | +0 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Verdant Prince Body, Fae Tyrant’s Magic, Lesser Enchantment Mastery, Weakness to Cold Iron, +2 Dex, +1 Cha. |
2 | +1 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Princely Demeanour, Minor Oath Bond, +1 Cha. |
3 | +1 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Unearthly Grace, +1 Dex, +1 Cha. |
4 | +2 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Evasion, Tyrant Soul, +1 Cha. |
5 | +2 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Princely Tongue, +1 Dex, +1 Cha. |
6 | +3 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Greater Enchantment Mastery, Intermediate Oath Bond, +1 Cha. |
7 | +3 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Will of the Fae Lord, Staff of the Forest, +1 Dex, +1 Cha. |
8 | +4 | +2 | +6 | +5 | Unchallenged, +1 Dex, +1 Cha. |
9 | +4 | +3 | +6 | +6 | Tyrant Body, +1 Dex, +1 Cha. |
10 | +5 | +3 | +7 | +7 | Improved Evasion, Major Oath Bond, +1 Cha. |
11 | +5 | +3 | +7 | +7 | Tyrant Mind, True Enchantment Mastery, +1 Dex. |
Skills: 6 + Intelligence modifier per level, quadruple at first level.
Class skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft(Any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(Arcana), Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform(Any), Profession(Any), Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble and Use Magic Device.
Proficiencies: As the druid.
Features:Verdant Prince Body (Ex): The verdant prince loses all other racial bonuses, and gains the Fey type along with its traits (Low-Light Vision, mainly), medium size and a base speed of 40 ft.
Ability Score Bonuses: The verdant prince receives a +2 to Dexterity at first level, and a +1 to Dexterity at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11, for a total of +8 Dexterity. He also receives a +1 to Charisma at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, for a total of +10.
Fae Tyrant’s Magic (Sp): At each verdant prince level, he becomes capable of using some Spell-Like Abilities a certain number of times per day, according to the following list. Save DCs are 10 + ½ HD + Cha modifier.
1: Disguise Self and Charm Person, each 2/day per HD.
2: Dimension Door (only when starting point and destination are adjacent to a tree or plant creature) and Pass Without Trace, each 2/day per HD.
3: Detect Thoughts and Goodberry, each 1/day per HD.
4: Suggestion and Cure Moderate Wounds, each 1/day per 2 HD.
5: Call Lightning Storm and Arcane Sight, each 1/day per 3 HD.
6: Charm Monster 1/day per 3 HD.
7: Wall of Thorns 1/day per 4 HD.
8: Baleful Polymorph 1/day per 5 HD.
9: Fire Seeds 1/day per 5 HD.
10: Changestaff 1/day per 6 HD.
11: Repel Metal or Stone 1/day per 10 HD.
A verdant prince who multiclasses to an arcane or divine spellcasting class can count his Verdant Prince levels as levels of that class for the purposes of Caster Level, learning new spells and receiving spell slots. This only applies to a single class. For example, a Verdant Prince 2 who took one level of Druid could choose to have a CL of 3 and a second level spell, but he couldn’t have the spells known and the spell slots of a Druid 2, and his Verdant Prince levels wouldn’t count towards his animal companion or wild shape class features.
Lesser Enchantment Mastery (Ex): The verdant prince gains Wild Empathy, as the druid class feature, but he may also affect creatures of the Vermin and Plant types in addition to creatures of the Animal and Magical Beast types. Classes that grant the Wild Empathy class feature stack with levels in Verdant Prince for the purposes of this ability.
Weakness to Cold Iron (Ex): A verdant prince takes double damage from weapons made of cold iron.
Princely Demeanour (Ex): The verdant prince gains a racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive equal to half his HD (rounded down).
Minor Oath Bond (Su): The verdant prince is capable of entering a bargain with an intelligent creature (Intelligence score equal to or greater than 3) of Indifferent or better attitude. This bargain requires a specific service performed by each party. The service must be attainable by the creature who vows to perform it, and it must have a definite ending. The service must also be performed prior to a specific date agreed upon by both parties. The party who does not perform the service before the appointed date receives a -2 to all ability scores until they perform the service or the oath is dissolved. The oath can only be dissolved by the verdant prince, or by the Wish or Miracle spells. A dominated or controlled creature cannot make an oath bond. The verdant prince instantly knows when an oath bond he has forged has been broken. He also instantly knows the direction and distance to a creature who has broken an oath bond, so long as both the verdant prince and the creature are on the same plane. The verdant prince may only have as many Minor Oath Bonds as he has HD. Making the oath is a sonic, language-dependent effect. The penalties are a (Su) effect.
Unearthly Grace (Su): The verdant prince adds his Charisma modifier as a bonus on saving throws and as a deflection bonus to AC.
Evasion (Ex): As the rogue class feature.
Tyrant Soul (Su): The verdant prince gains SR equal to 11+ his HD.
Princely Tongue (Ex): Once per round as a standard action, the verdant prince may speak words of such grandiose eloquence that he can render one target within 30 ft. Immobilized for a round. A will save (DC = 10 + ½ the verdant prince’s HD + Cha modifier) negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting, compulsion, sonic, language-dependent effect. At 8 HD, the verdant prince may choose to render the target Staggered instead. At 10 HD, the verdant prince may choose to render the target Silenced instead. At 12 HD, the verdant prince may choose to render the target Dazed instead. At 14 HD, the verdant prince may choose to render the target Stunned instead. At 16 HD, the verdant prince might choose to render the target Paralyzed instead. At 18 HD, the verdant prince might choose to render the target Confused instead. At 20 HD, the verdant prince might choose to render the target Unconscious instead.
Greater Enchantment Mastery (Ex): The verdant prince becomes immune to effects from the Enchantment school and receives a +5 bonus on saves versus mind-affecting effects, illusions and divinations. The verdant prince may forgo the immunity at will if he wishes to be affected by Enchantment effects.
Intermediate Oath Bond (Su): The verdant prince is capable of entering a bargain with an intelligent creature (Intelligence score equal to or greater than 3) of Indifferent or better attitude. This bargain requires a specific ongoing service performed by each party, for an agreed-upon period of time. The party who does not perform the service for the arranged period of time receives a -4 to all ability scores until they perform the service or the oath is dissolved. The oath can only be dissolved by the verdant prince, or by the Wish or Miracle spells. At the verdant prince's choice, he may choose that the penalty for not fulfilling an Intermediate Oath Bond be a negative level instead of a -4 to all ability scores. A dominated or controlled creature cannot make an oath bond. The verdant prince instantly knows when an oath bond he has forged has been broken. He also instantly knows the direction and distance to a creature who has broken an oath bond, so long as both the verdant prince and the creature are on the same plane. The verdant prince may only have as many Intermediate Oath Bonds as half of his HD (rounded down). Making the oath is a sonic, language-dependent effect. The penalties are a (Su) effect.
Will of the Fae Lord (Ex): Whenever the verdant prince would be subject to an effect that is lessened with a successful Will save (such as Will half or Will partial), he instead suffers no effects if he succeeds on the Will save.
Staff of the Forest (Su): The verdant prince crafts a staff from an ancient and powerful tree (oak is commonly chosen, but it can be of any type of wood). The staff grants the verdant prince the ability to cast certain spells by expending Oath Charges, and one passive bonus that is always active for as long as at least one Oath Charge remains on the staff. The verdant prince's staff regains Oath Charges based on the amount of Oath Bonds he has crafted. Normally, Minor Oath Bonds do not grant Oath Charges, though the DM might decide that a particularly harrowing Minor Oath Bond is worth between 1 to 5 Oath Charges, according to the peril involved in the task. For every Intermediate Oath Bond that the verdant prince has active at the beginning of every day, his staff gains one Oath Charge. For every Major Oath Bond that the verdant prince has active at the beginning of every day, his staff gains two Oath Charges. Oath Charges are gained by the other party's completion of the arranged services, not by the verdant prince's actions. If either party breaks their Oath Bond, or if the Oath Bond is completed or dissolved (or annulled by Wish or Miracle), the prince stops receiving daily Oath Charges from that Oath Bond. A staff may not store more than twice the verdant prince's HD in Oath Charges. Excess Oath Charges are wasted. Upon creation, the verdant prince chooses a type of staff and a type of weapon he is proficient with. Once made, the decisions cannot be changed, except by Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle. As a move action, the verdant prince can make the staff change forms between an ordinary staff and the type of weapon he has chosen. This is a (Su) effect. If the verdant prince chooses the Staff of the Jade Duelist or the Staff of the Peerless Archer, he may change the type of weapon his staff can turn into once per day. The verdant prince must hold the staff in his hand when he wishes to cast a spell contained within and to benefit from the passive bonus. The verdant prince may pay to have his staff enchanted as an ordinary weapon. He can choose any enchantment that an ordinary staff or its alternate weapon form qualify for. If an enchantment would not be applicable when the staff changes forms, it is suppressed until the staff changes back. Example: A verdant prince chooses the Staff of the Jade Duelist and a bastard sword. The verdant prince can turn his staff into a bastard sword with a move action. If he enchants the staff with the Keen enchantment (because the bastard sword qualifies for it), the enchantment is suppressed while the staff is in staff form. The Caster Level for the spells equals the verdant prince's HD. Save DCs equal 10 + spell level + the verdant prince's Charisma modifier.
Types of Staves:
* Staff of the Emerald Oak:
Light Fortification (Su): As the armour special ability.
Entangle: 1 Oath Charge.
Tree Shape: 2 Oath Charges.
Diminish Plants: 3 Oath Charges.
Plant Growth: 3 Oath Charges.
Speak with Plants: 3 Oath Charges.
Command Plants: 4 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Beastmaster:
Animal Fury (Su): The verdant prince gains a bite attack appropriate to his size (1d6 for medium).
Calm Animals: 1 Oath Charge.
Charm Animal: 1 Oath Charge.
Hide from Animals: 1 Oath Charge.
Speak with Animals: 1 Oath Charge.
Animal Trance: 2 Oath Charges.
Hold Animal: 2 Oath Charges.
Dominate Animal: 3 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Peerless Archer:
Vigilance (Su): The verdant prince does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making ranged attacks with a weapon.
True Strike: 1 Oath Charge.
Magic Missile: 1 Oath Charge.
Acid Arrow: 2 Oath Charges.
Cat's Grace: 2 Oath Charges.
Flame Arrow: 3 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Dark Ruler:
Supernatural Allure (Su): The verdant prince is so alluring that opponents must struggle to raise a hand against him. He is considered to be under the effect of a permanent Sanctuary spell. He may suspend this effect as a free action, but he must wait 1d12 rounds before he can resume it, also as a free action. The DC is 10 + half the verdant prince's HD + the verdant prince's Charisma modifier.
Enthrall: 2 Oath Charges.
Glibness: 3 Oath Charges.
Hold Person: 3 Oath Charges.
Dominate Person: 5 Oath Charges.
Mind Fog: 5 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Undying Lord:
Bound to the Forest (Su): The staff functions somewhat like a lich's phylactery, returning the verdant prince to life 1d10 days after his death. The verdant prince loses one level upon resurrection, as though he had been affected by a Raise Dead spell. In order for this effect to function, the verdant prince must store 5000 GP worth of jewels, precious metals, small magic items or gems in the staff, and they are consumed upon the verdant prince's resurrection. The staff must retain at least one Oath Charge from the moment the verdant prince dies to the moment he is restored to life. If the staff is destroyed or drained of Oath Charges, the verdant prince dies normally. Placing the staff on an Antimagic Field postpones the resurrection until it is removed from the antimagic area.
Barkskin: 2 Oath Charges.
Poison: 3 Oath Charges.
Contagion: 3 Oath Charges.
Blight: 4 Oath Charges.
Rusting Grasp: 4 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the All-Knowing Eyes:
Prescient Knowledge (Su): The verdant prince always knows when he is being observed, whether by divinations or actual senses. He does not know the source, location, direction, number or identity of the creature or creatures observing him.
Locate Object: 2 Oath Charges.
See Invisibility: 2 Oath Charges.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: 3 Oath Charges.
Locate Creature: 4 Oath Charges.
Scrying: 4 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Jade Duelist:
Weapon Mastery (Su): The verdant prince is proficient with a single exotic or martial weapon of his choice.
Shillelagh: 1 Oath Charge.
Magic Weapon: 1 Oath Charge.
Blur: 2 Oath Charges.
Keen Edge: 3 Oath Charges.
Greater Magic Weapon: 3 Oath Charges.
* Staff of the Seasons:
Inured to the Wilds (Su): The verdant prince is considered to be under the permanent effect of an Endure Elements spell.
Gust of Wind: 2 Oath Charges.
Call Lightning: 3 Oath Charges.
Sleet Storm: 3 Oath Charges.
Flame Strike: 4 Oath Charges.
Ice Storm: 4 Oath Charges.
Unchallenged (Ex): The verdant prince becomes immune to fear effects. He also becomes immune to being Silenced, Deafened, Blinded, Confused, Dazed, Dazzled, Charisma-drained, Charisma-damaged, Dexterity-drained and Dexterity-damaged.
Tyrant Body (Ex): The verdant prince gains DR/cold iron equal to his HD.
Improved Evasion (Ex): As the monk class feature.
Major Oath Bond (Su): The verdant prince is capable of entering a bargain with an intelligent creature (Intelligence score equal to or greater than 3) of Indifferent or better attitude. This bargain requires a specific ongoing service performed by each party for as long as each party continues to exist as a creature (regardless of whether it suffers a Type change that renders it no longer alive). The party who stops performing the service receives a -6 to all ability scores after 24 hours of cessation, and this penalty continues until they resume performing the service or the oath is dissolved. The oath can only be dissolved by the verdant prince, or by the Wish or Miracle spells, or by the permanent death of either party (if the creature is brought back to life or changes its Type to Undead, Outsider or any other kind, the oath resumes until they are killed or destroyed again). At the verdant prince's choice, he may choose that the penalty for not fulfilling a Major Oath Bond be two negative levels or an ongoing Staggered effect instead of a -6 to all ability scores. A dominated or controlled creature cannot make an oath bond. The verdant prince instantly knows when an oath bond he has forged has been broken. He also instantly knows the direction and distance to a creature who has broken an oath bond, so long as both the verdant prince and the creature are on the same plane. The verdant prince may only have as many Major Oath Bonds as a quarter of his HD (rounded down). Making the oath is a sonic, language-dependent effect. The penalties are a (Su) effect.
Tyrant Mind (Su): The verdant prince is considered to be under a permanent Nondetection effect (Caster Level equal to his HD). At 15 HD, the verdant prince is considered to be under a permanent Mind Blank as well. The verdant prince may forgo these benefits at will if he wishes to be affected by an effect that would be blocked by either of the two spells.
True Enchantment Mastery (Ex): The verdant prince becomes capable of affecting non-mindless creatures normally immune to mind-affecting or Enchantment effects, but the targets of his mind-affecting or Enchantment effects gain a +5 bonus on their saves.